Don't be a pedophile in Korea..

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Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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Forced Castration for Pedophiles to Become Law in South Korea

Updated: Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010, 8:35 AM CDT
Published : Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010, 8:35 AM CDT

(NewsCore) - South Korea was poised Wednesday to become the first Asian country to use chemical castration on child sex offenders.

A bill prescribing the hormonal neutralization of testosterone in “sexual deviants” aged 19 or over was passed Tuesday in the National Assembly by 137 votes to 13, which President Lee Myung-bak was expected to sign into law when he returns from abroad.

Members of Parliament also voted to introduce the measure of removing offenders’ testosterone -- officially described during court sentencing as a medical treatment -- supposedly designed to “remove any negative connotations” inherent in the term castration.

The original version of the bill was introduced two years ago after a 58-year-old man raped and assaulted an eight-year-old girl, leaving her permanently disfigured. Public outrage triggered increased security measures at schools and the installation of CCTV cameras in playgrounds and prompted impassioned pleas for tougher laws and harsher punishments.

There were concerns about the effectiveness or safety of the treatment, and pressure to pass it waned until the government was embarrassed by a renewed spate of attacks this year.

Last week, a repeat sex offender aged 44 was charged with kidnapping an eight-year-old from her classroom and raping her, and an investigation began at the weekend into the case of a Vietnamese girl snatched from a street during the day and raped.

South Korea already imposes fierce legal punishments. Last week a 33-year-old man was sentenced to death after being found guilty of the February rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl.

Louisiana two years ago gave judges the right to order drug treatments to eliminate the sex drive of offenders convicted of a range of crimes, including forcible rape and aggravated incest.

(This article is provided by NewsCore, which aggregates news from around News Corporation.)
wow! Id like that case if it were in USA. I know but we need to adjust to make it as aa specific rules for young boys who are 18 to 21. that is kind of sticky situation. After 21 years old is ok?

look like that this case is going to be a hot issue to have a debate about USA that should have it just like what korea have. :hmm:
good!!!!! btw - I didn't know South Korea has death penalty
Castrations isn't a 100% foolproof against child rapist. If a child rapist is bound and determined to do it again post castration, all he has to do is take hormone pills and or injections that activates the sex drive.

Great!...All for it....but then again, the pedro can use something else to rape a, after chemical casteration....and if he repeats, then they should execute him....

Come on, USA!...
At least South Korea cares. Good for this new law!
Let's hope the castration is very very painful so they wont try to do it again!
Interesting but scary about Chemical Castration's effect...

When used by men, these drugs can reduce sex drive, compulsive sexual fantasies, and capacity for sexual arousal. Life-threatening side effects are rare, but some users show increases in body fat and reduced bone density, which increase long-term risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. They may also experience other "feminising" effects such as gynecomastia, reduced body hair, and loss of muscle mass

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If they're gonna do a castration, I prefer of non-anesthetic means of removing their balls (slice them off with a knife) and put their penises on the chopping block. CHOP!

No pain killers after that.

If they're gonna do a castration, I prefer of non-anesthetic means of removing their balls (slice them off with a knife) and put their penises on the chopping block. CHOP!

No pain killers after that.


Eh, that may be abuse... It's better if there is new tech that could remove from brain function on not think about sex thing.
If they're gonna do a castration, I prefer of non-anesthetic means of removing their balls (slice them off with a knife) and put their penises on the chopping block. CHOP!

No pain killers after that.


8th Amendment *Yawn*

I prefer to put sex offenders in locked up for rest of their life with slice of bread and water only, 2 meals per day. Same with pedophiles need be punished and rehabilitation.
8th Amendment *Yawn*

I prefer to put sex offenders in locked up for rest of their life with slice of bread and water only, 2 meals per day. Same with pedophiles need be punished and rehabilitation.

rehabilitated? the statistic shows that majority of sex offenders are repeated offenders despite of rehabilitation. what you think why America passed the Megan's Law?
The idea of lockup for the rest of life is a good one if it could be implemented.
rehabilitated? the statistic shows that majority of sex offenders are repeated offenders despite of rehabilitation. what you think why America passed the Megan's Law?

because rehabilitation isn't help? I think that Megan's Law has some holes like some sex offenders refused to register after reside to new place.

What about labor camp?
because rehabilitation isn't help?
There you go. it's ineffective.

I think that Megan's Law has some holes like some sex offenders refused to register after reside to new place.
hole? no there's no hole. It's illegal for sex offender to NOT register with the state/town. Hole means the sex offender does not have to register with the state because of certain thing.
There you go. it's ineffective.

hole? no there's no hole. It's illegal for sex offender to NOT register with the state/town. Hole means the sex offender does not have to register with the state because of certain thing.

Oh ok but what about labor camp for sex offenders?
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