AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

I enjoyed reading the new posts at the moment and I had to laugh - at Daredevel's comment about my drunk moment with her :O

Other than that, I am safe in Sydney - waiting for my short flight back home to Canberra, my home!! :aw:
Welcome back Jake :) Glad you made it safe to Sydney. How much longer to home?
I enjoyed reading the new posts at the moment and I had to laugh - at Daredevel's comment about my drunk moment with her :O

Other than that, I am safe in Sydney - waiting for my short flight back home to Canberra, my home!! :aw:

thanks for visit america now go back home
Welcome back Jake :) Glad you made it safe to Sydney. How much longer to home?
Its 11am here, and my flight doesnt leave at 1:30pm so chilling at the domestic terminal for a little while, then a 30 - 45 minute flight home.
Jclarke, good that you arrived safely in Sydney. Your body will be very tired when you return home. You work tomorrow or not?
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chevy57 - yes i will be returnig to work tomorrow but il be sure to oeder a massve dose of coffee on the way to work in the morning
I get a message of error.

Sorry Bott. my computer went to sleeper mode and cut connection on the website. I made the shirt agian & saved pics of it.

the front

the back

the back says: The League of Ebil AllDeaf Women