US policeman used Taser on 72-year-old woman

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Yes he looks strong. and guess what? he can easily break her arms while arresting her and this will show up in the headline - "US police man broke 72-years old woman's arm while arresting her for refusing to sign speeding ticket" and the response from you guys will be same - STUPID COP!!! POWER TRIPPER!!! :roll:

Yes, BOTH is the same, no matter either break arms or taser but both is still so STUPID.

pepper spraying has been proven and statically ineffective. Pepper Spraying is as risky as Taser because both will lead to respiratory failure and/or heart attack except the taser has a significant advantage over pepper spray - an ability to quickly subdue a non-compliant person in a safe, controlled manner. You cannot achieve this same result with pepper spray.

I disagree with pepper spray and taser because old lady do not have any weapon to threat police officer.

He did what he was trained to do - to arrest the driver for refusing to sign the ticket. The driver resisted arrest. The officer did what he can to arrest her.

All what I see is most Police Officer suffers a parnioa. I can see from many threads that most Police Officer handle their job unprofessional. No Wonder why many people have no respect on Police Officers.

If Police Officer handle professional and respectful then they will likely to receive the respect from the people in return.

Here in Germany, the driver get extra ticket for disrespect (swear with bad language) to Police Officer. It´s okay if the driver want to say something to defend themselves to Police Officer but not disrespectful and swear bad langauge, not that what US Police Officer did...
disrespectful and stubborn old lady? before you start blaming police officer - you should be glad for police officer because he stopped this woman from speeding. This "disrespectful and stubborn" old lady was speeding 60 mph (96.5 kph) on 45 (72 kph)-mph zone. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? This old lady could kill somebody!!!!!

Yes, I know what I am saying... Yes I said that she is disrespectful and stubborn old lady which mean is JUST disrespectful and stubborn because she did not threat Police Officer with any weapon, don´t she?

let's see -
1. she was recklessly speeding 60 mph on 45mph-zone - a sign of NO COMMON SENSE and DISRESPECT for law

2. she was combative and disobeying police officer - a sign of NO COMMON SENSE and DISRESPECT for law

3. It's a law that refusing to sign the ticket will result in arrest - a sign of NO COMMON SENSE and DISRESPECT for law

Yes, she disobey the traffic law and deserve for this but she did not have any weapon to threat Police Officer.

3. this 72-years old lady was driving a 2-tons pick-up truck that can be a DEADLY WEAPON to anybody

*shake my head laughing* :lol:

:applause: to cop stopping this crazy reckless lady from hurting or killing people! I'm glad this woman was sent to jail! She posed a clear danger to public! Please stop thinking of her as some poor old lady. Think of her as a crazy angry lady who can potentially kill people with her huge truck because she was speeding too fast and not obeying law.

:shock: you :applause: the police officer with lack common sense and unprofessional. *speechless*

I see the clear from the video that it´s police officer who started to push her. I can´t see anything that she is a dangerous to the public...

That´s just your paraniod opinoin.
Yes, I know what I am saying... Yes I said that she is disrespectful and stubborn old lady which mean is JUST disrespectful and stubborn because she did not threat Police Officer with any weapon, don´t she?
She posed a serious danger to public. I DO NOT WANT HER ON ROAD if she's DISRESPECTFUL for law. She's a DANGEROUS driver.

Yes, she disobey the traffic law and deserve for this but she did not have any weapon to threat Police Officer.

same as above - SHE'S A DANGEROUS DRIVER.

*shake my head laughing* :lol:
I'm sorry but what's so funny? Did you know many elders in America hurt/killed many people including children? it's not really funny. it's a serious problem.

:shock: you :applause: the police officer with lack common sense and unprofessional. *speechless*

I see the clear from the video that it´s police officer who started to push her. I can´t see anything that she is a dangerous to the public...

That´s just your paraniod opinoin.
Please review the clip again. They were standing TOO CLOSE to highway. He MOVED her out of the way to SAFE area.
Here in Germany, the driver get extra ticket for disrespect (swear with bad language) to Police Officer. It´s okay if the driver want to say something to defend themselves to Police Officer but not disrespectful and swear bad langauge, not that what US Police Officer did...

so can that extra ticket make people calm down to get arrested? methinks not. :lol:

Police - You are under arrest
Driver - <bleep> you
Police - Here's a ticket for swearing at me. Now turn around and put your hands behind your head
Driver - go <bleep> yourself and shove this ticket up in your <bleep>
Police - Here's 2 tickets for swearing at me twice. Please turn around.
........problem still continues for another 2 hours......


Police - You are under arrest
Driver - <bleep> you
Police - Sir, do not resist arrest
Driver - <bleep bleep bleep> you
Driver - <resisting, fighting, swearing>
Police - <tazered him and handcuffed him>

Problem Solved! The driver is now charged with resisting arrest with about $1,000 fines and up to 1 year of jail (it varies on each state but it's common). Ticket for cursing at officer? :bowlol:
so can that extra ticket make people calm down to get arrested? methinks not. :lol:

Police - You are under arrest
Driver - <bleep> you
Police - Here's a ticket for swearing at me. Now turn around and put your hands behind your head
Driver - go <bleep> yourself and shove this ticket up in your <bleep>
Police - Here's 2 tickets for swearing at me twice. Please turn around.
........problem still continues for another 2 hours......

Here in Germany, they don´t arrest the driver for speeding driving, disrespect and swearing but just ticket them.

They don´t threat the driver with taser or gun but just explain and listen the driver´s talk and then ticket them.

Involve with accident thru alochol then arrest them.

Many Germans respect Police Officer in return because they handle their job in respectful way.


Police - You are under arrest
Driver - <bleep> you
Police - Sir, do not resist arrest
Driver - <bleep bleep bleep> you
Driver - <resisting, fighting, swearing>
Police - <tazered him and handcuffed him>

Problem Solved! The driver is now charged with resisting arrest with about $1,000 fines and up to 1 year of jail (it varies on each state but it's common). Ticket for cursing at officer? :bowlol:

problem solved ? :lol: Look at plenty media hurt Police Officer´s reputation over their stupid and unprofessional job, gain Police Officer´s bad stress.... :lol:

which better?

Here in Germany, they don´t arrest the driver for speeding driving, disrespect and swearing but just ticket them.

They don´t threat the driver with taser or gun but just explain and listen the driver´s talk and then ticket them.

Involve with accident thru alochol then arrest them.

Many Germans respect Police Officer in return because they handle their job in respectful way.

neither do we but the law specifically says that if you do not sign the ticket, you can be arrested. Signing the ticket means you promise to show up at court later. It is NOT an admission of guilt. By REFUSING to sign the ticket, it means YOU WILL NOT SHOW UP AT COURT. They arrest you so that you can show up at court! :)

now about your comment regarding many germans respecting police officer. Well I don't know maybe it's because the past was still strong. you know - the getapso and police state (East/West Germany). many Germans during the time where there were East and West Germany were arrested, interrogated, and watched. :dunno:

problem solved ? :lol: Look at plenty media hurt Police Officer´s reputation over their stupid and unprofessional job, gain Police Officer´s bad stress.... :lol:

which better?
plenty of media hurt officer's reputation? I don't understand. Where? Proof please?

As far as I'm concerned - the driver was charged with resisting the arrest and the police officer is cleared of any wrongdoing. The old lady was not injured.
interesting study - Study: Tasers not fatal heart attack risk

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Jan. 15 (UPI) -- Taser stun devices police use to subdue fleeing, belligerent or dangerous suspects play no role in fatal heart attacks, a U.S. university study says.

The three-year study by Wake Forest University's medical school found no links between the 50,000-volt weapons and fatal heart attacks, the researchers said in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, published by the American College of Emergency Physicians.

The devices manufactured by Taser International Inc. (NASDAQ:TASR) are carried by more than two-thirds of U.S. police agencies. Tasers are controversial because some people hit by their electroshock projectiles were injured or died.

"We finally have a real-world estimate of the risk associated with these weapons ... and we found that to be low," study author Dr. William Bozeman said.

"That's important because these are violent encounters, and a small scrape or bruise is simply not the same as serious head injury or life-threatening internal injury," he told the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel.

Researchers from five medical schools reviewed 1,201 shock-arrest cases and tied three serious injuries and no deaths to the devices, the researchers said.

They attributed the two deaths to a combination of prolonged struggles, drug abuse and preexisting medical conditions.

Amnesty International said last month Taser shocks "caused or contributed to at least 50 deaths" in the United States between June 2001 and August 2008.

Coroners attributed most of those deaths to other causes, such as drug intoxication or "excited delirium," the human rights groups said. It defined "excited delirium" as "a term often used to describe someone who is in an agitated or highly disturbed state."
on that side note... I think I will take Bucket's advice. Gonna take a quick nap as I'm off for IDPA competition in 2 hrs.

Here in Germany, they don´t arrest the driver for speeding driving, disrespect and swearing but just ticket them.

They don´t threat the driver with taser or gun but just explain and listen the driver´s talk and then ticket them.

Involve with accident thru alochol then arrest them.

Many Germans respect Police Officer in return because they handle their job in respectful way.


problem solved ? :lol: Look at plenty media hurt Police Officer´s reputation over their stupid and unprofessional job, gain Police Officer´s bad stress.... :lol:

which better?

hence why germany is terrible, you fail to see she disobeyed the officer, borderline assaulting him its time to put away feelings of oh my shes old and little so? emotions have no place in fulfillment of the law, in the end the cop was justified, and that old woman shouldnt be driving anyway, id get rid of everyone over 65 they serve no further purpose except to greet me at walmart
"the youth are the future"
She posed a serious danger to public. I DO NOT WANT HER ON ROAD if she's DISRESPECTFUL for law. She's a DANGEROUS driver.

same as above - SHE'S A DANGEROUS DRIVER.

I'm sorry but what's so funny? Did you know many elders in America hurt/killed many people including children? it's not really funny. it's a serious problem.

Please review the clip again. They were standing TOO CLOSE to highway. He MOVED her out of the way to SAFE area.

I agree with you.

My friend's husband was killed by an eldery driver going down the wrong ramp on the highway. Their 3 year old daughter suffered injuries but she could have been killed.

I think tasering the lady was going too far.
I'm on side with police and I do agree with Jiro.

Police is doing right job to taze her, it's far better than beat with baton or shoot the gun, this woman could become very brutal if you try to lock her down for arrest and it could hurt police, when police was hurt then she could run and drive off.

In some cases, some shorter person can beat big and tall person.
Here in Germany, they don´t arrest the driver for speeding driving, disrespect and swearing but just ticket them.

They don´t threat the driver with taser or gun but just explain and listen the driver´s talk and then ticket them.

Involve with accident thru alochol then arrest them.

Many Germans respect Police Officer in return because they handle their job in respectful way.


problem solved ? :lol: Look at plenty media hurt Police Officer´s reputation over their stupid and unprofessional job, gain Police Officer´s bad stress.... :lol:

which better?

It's part of your culture shock.

US and Europe aren't same for law enforcement and we are doing different methods, regardless on brutal and you get better to cooperate with American police or you will get serious consequence, same with other countries.

Most other countries has different law enforcement, regardless on brutal, including Iran, China or Saudi and you still have cooperate with them.
I heard about this incident and watched the video.

The officer used a less harmful way of managing the belligerent woman.
If the officer had allowed her to rant and rave into traffic and she were struck and hurt or killed the media, public, and her family would have been wanting his head for not stopping her ill behavior.
If the officer had used physical restraining holds and/or a night stick and broken bones (which is easily the result on an old person) the media, public, and her family would have wanted his head for being too physical.

I think this is a no win for the officer as it seems very few here and elsewhere are placing the responsibility squarely where it belongs - on the woman and her poor behavior.
Number one, she did not physically attacked him, number two, she did not reached for a gun, and number three, she did not have any weapons on her. So I don't see what's the purpose to use the taser on her.

To just refusing to sign a ticket and disobeying the police officer? Is that all? What a dumb excuse to use a taser, she was not even a dangerous suspect, she's just a crabby old lady and I'm surprised the police officer was a big pussy who couldn't find another way to handle this old lady or may had ran out of ideas how to handle the lady, so he used a taser on her. It just shows how dumb some police officers can be.
To just refusing to sign a ticket and disobeying the police officer? Is that all? What a dumb excuse to use a taser, she was not even a dangerous suspect, she's just a crabby old lady and I'm surprised the police officer was a big pussy who couldn't find another way to handle this old lady or may had ran out of ideas how to handle the lady, so he used a taser on her. It just shows how dumb some police officers can be.[/QUOTE]

she stated she was getting into her car , she disobeyed a lawful order, and was too close to the officer and the officer told her several times to back off and she did not comply the taser was the only way, in no way was this officer dumb or a pussy, he told her he would and she still did not comply, the woman has nothing to say after been told I will taser you she brought it on herself, feelings has no excuse when it comes to the fullfillment of the law
she stated she was getting into her car , she disobeyed a lawful order, and was too close to the officer and the officer told her several times to back off and she did not comply the taser was the only way, in no way was this officer dumb or a pussy, he told her he would and she still did not comply, the woman has nothing to say after been told I will taser you she brought it on herself, feelings has no excuse when it comes to the fullfillment of the law

This is nothing compares to what I've seen where tasers would have been used. In this case, the officer was way out of line. What the officer had done was turned something so little into something so big. She simply did not follow orders, compares to someone who pointed a gun to the officer's face, or threaten an officer or attacked an officer. I have no problem with the officer pushing her away from the traffic, but I do have a problem with spraying her with a taser. It was not even necessary.
neither is rough handling. Which one do you prefer - rough-handling the driver that can leads to bigger situation (ie. one of them could fall onto street and get hit by incoming vehicle or one of them get injured) or a taser at low voltage to subdue the combative, uncooperative driver in a safe, controlled manner.

After viewing the video clip -
1. the cop exercised with restraint and professionalism
2. He radioed to his supervisor (or dispatch center) a few times
3. He had to rough-handle the driver to safely put her in the safe area away from the freeway.
4. By not signing the ticket, you are subjected to arrest AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW
5. The driver continued to be combative, argumentative, and uncooperative and she resisted the arrest as well.
6. the cop gave AMPLE AMOUNT of warning
7. the cop finally tasered her to bring her under control

I support the cop's action 100%. The case is simple - the driver was NON-COMPLIANT. It's the safety issue for both parties. Of course - this could be handled differently but that's easy for you to say as armchair critic.

I know what you mean. I had same thoughts as yours. However, we have been reading and watching the taser stories lately. The taser itself is not safe. That's my concern. If I were a cop, I would grab her knee with my foot in order to push her down. If I were a Vulcan, I would use the Vulcan nerve pinch on her. Problem solved.

I have to admit I will give a cop the benefit of the doubt. My grandmother is 5'. 6 giant firefighters (They look like football players) had to use physical acts to pull my grandmother out of the car, because she refused to go to ER. She was very strong, and managed to throw fists and kick them ALL. Thank goodness, she did not bite them. She even cursed in German, and I am glad they did not know German. That's just ONE story. "nuff said.

Have anyone work at care facilities? The medical workers are given no choices, but use physical acts on elderly people daily when they don't want to take meds, showers, or whatever. You might be surprised how strong elderly people are. They're unpredictable.
I still feel the officer was within his right to taser the lady. She was beligerant and continuously taunted him....."to go ahead and taser me"!...Because she, at the time, didn't believe he really would "because she was elderly"!....She was using her age to her own advantage...and probably used it upon other people too!....

A few years back, this teenager stole our lawn mower. We saw him do it, and we knew him. I went to where he lived with his grandmother. She was in her 70's....and I was polite about the situation!....She started cussing me, saying "I don't know nothing about ur damn lawn mower!" "And get off my property!"...She had a long stick by the door and would have used it on me....I left and called the police and told them what she did....When the police came, she cussed and threatened them also.....and they would have taken her to jail, even tassed her if she came at them with a stick!.....My lawn mower was in her back yard!...And I did get it back.
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