What freedoms did we used to have in the U.S.A that we don't have now?


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Nov 7, 2005
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This question says it all -

I could think up of an example such as;

The right to discipline (not abuse) our own children without government involvement.

I'd be interested to see what others are said in this thread. :)
Smokers lose freedom to smoke,

school punishing children for ridiculous reasons...
This question says it all -

I could think up of an example such as;

The right to discipline (not abuse) our own children without government involvement.

I'd be interested to see what others are said in this thread. :)

That is a big issue with me cuz as a teacher, we have children who do not respect adults or authority because their parents are too afraid to punish them for fear of the govt getting involved. It is time to tell the govt to back off..
That's a hard one.

The right to discipline children depends on HOW you discipline them. Back then, you could beat up children and not get in trouble. Now that's not the case and that's a good thing but it does COME with a huge cost - sincere parents who spank them could be accused of abuse. :(

Really, it's HARD to define freedom. Do you think it's a freedom to smoke when you are actually NOT free from smoking, you're ADDICTED to it. Is addiction a freedom? Are you truly free if you are being controlled by something?

Or children being spanked, shouldn't children be free from physical harm? Just how much harm is unacceptable? How far would we go to say that children must be free from mental harm... say, like a teen feeling like she's being harmed because her parent doesn't allow her to date... oh wait, exactly what age should a person be allowed to have freedom? What about the freedom of believing in a different religion when your parents would NOT allow that?

Even philosophers debate on what is considered freedom.

But I think we do have more freedom than ever though.
I remember crossing between Canadian and USA Border used to be easy, no need for passport for those who are Canadian or American.

As for today you would need a passport to go across the Canadian and USA Border.
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Business owners used to have the freedom to decide what legal activities they would allow in their place of business.

Parents used to have the freedom to decide how to discipline their children.

Patients used to have the freedom to make health care decisions confidentially with their doctors; that is being threatened as we speak.

Parents used to have the freedom to teach moral values at home, and allow the schools time to educate in the academic subjects.
That's a hard one.

The right to discipline children depends on HOW you discipline them. Back then, you could beat up children and not get in trouble. Now that's not the case and that's a good thing but it does COME with a huge cost - sincere parents who spank them could be accused of abuse. :(

I can't ever remember a time when beating a child was acceptable, and I have lived quite a bit longer than most on this forum.
Really, it's HARD to define freedom. Do you think it's a freedom to smoke when you are actually NOT free from smoking, you're ADDICTED to it. Is addiction a freedom? Are you truly free if you are being controlled by something?

Because addiction involves the self, personal choices that lead to that addiction fall within the realm of personal right. Especially when discussing a legal activity such as smoking.

Or children being spanked, shouldn't children be free from physical harm? Just how much harm is unacceptable? How far would we go to say that children must be free from mental harm... say, like a teen feeling like she's being harmed because her parent doesn't allow her to date... oh wait, exactly what age should a person be allowed to have freedom? What about the freedom of believing in a different religion when your parents would NOT allow that?

The law would define that as the age of majority. That is why children are known as "minors,"

Even philosophers debate on what is considered freedom.

But I think we do have more freedom than ever though.

We have the appearance of more freedom. The fact of the matter is, our personal freedom and our personal rights are being eroded on a daily basis.
Deaf have 100% right, and mostly access for ANY disabilities than any other country.

FACT: "United States of America sucks" make only 2 hits on google. :)
Deaf have 100% right, and mostly access for ANY disabilities than any other country.

FACT: "United States of America sucks" make only 2 hits on google. :)

Have you tried to get an employer to provide a terp for an interview lately? The Supreme Court, as appointed by one Mr. Bush, has seriously restricted the rights of the disabled under the interpretation of the ADA.
Have you tried to get an employer to provide a terp for an interview lately? The Supreme Court, as appointed by one Mr. Bush, has seriously restricted the rights of the disabled under the interpretation of the ADA.

Sorry babe, you asked the wrong person who already have a great professional job.
Sorry babe, you asked the wrong person who already have a great professional job.

You just answered my question. You haven't. And since you haven't asked for accommodations, perhaps you are unaware of the restrictions placed on the rights of the disabled through the current Supreme Court's interpretation of the ADA.
The convenience to go straight to your flight gate from the airline ticket counter is delayed by security pit stop. Damn terrorists ruining it for the rest of us! :roll:
If we could apply for license to kill, I'm sure tax will be much higher, cause less people = less money for gov't, right?
The freedom... what freedom do we have now? I see our freedom is erode in every corner of USA.

Our freedom of religion is under attack in every corner of USA. We are becoming agnostic country because of religion attack each other over simple display of loyalty.

Our freedom of being deaf individual are not fully 100% as we still experience oppression in work force as well as daily basis.

Our freedom of travel and leisure is being eroded by activities of Terrorist's ability to create fear in our daily lives.

Our freedom of right to bear arms is being slowly removed. I fear if we lose this right, we will slip into communism or socialist regime at large. We need rights to bear arms so we can defend our own home at least. If everyone knew everyone had a gun in their home, they will reconsider breaking in. But if remove the right, everyone will know there no weapon in each house, and will consider breaking in.

Should we bring back some old laws to balance out the issues today? I wish we could go back to Wild West where Duel is legal way to resolve issues. Lawsuit will not be possible or even considered.

That will be true freedom. Its just an thought of 2 cent.
This question says it all -

I could think up of an example such as;

The right to discipline (not abuse) our own children without government involvement.

The problem is that we still have the freedom to discipline our children. It's that people can't differentiate between discipline and abuse.

Smokers lose freedom to smoke

Yeah, right. :roll: The freedom not to be polluted by other's smoke outweighs the individual's choice to kill themselves.

Patients used to have the freedom to make health care decisions confidentially with their doctors; that is being threatened as we speak.

So true! Especially knowing how many people have access to one's medical records. You think it's confidential? It's not.

The freedom... what freedom do we have now? I see our freedom is erode in every corner of USA.

Our freedom of religion is under attack in every corner of USA. We are becoming agnostic country because of religion attack each other over simple display of loyalty.

Our freedom of right to bear arms is being slowly removed. I fear if we lose this right, we will slip into communism or socialist regime at large. We need rights to bear arms so we can defend our own home at least. If everyone knew everyone had a gun in their home, they will reconsider breaking in. But if remove the right, everyone will know there no weapon in each house, and will consider breaking in.

As for religion--they are doing it on themselves. As you said, " because of religion attack each other over simple display of loyalty. "

As for gun control....do you really need to have that AK-47 in your house? Certain guns we should be able to have, other guns--no.
The freedom... what freedom do we have now? I see our freedom is erode in every corner of USA.

Our freedom of religion is under attack in every corner of USA. We are becoming agnostic country because of religion attack each other over simple display of loyalty.

I am all for freedom of religion. I just want to be left alone to my own beliefs without being judged.

Our freedom of being deaf individual are not fully 100% as we still experience oppression in work force as well as daily basis.

Yep, that I agree...

Our freedom of travel and leisure is being eroded by activities of Terrorist's ability to create fear in our daily lives.

That I cant hold the govt accountable for since we need protection.

Our freedom of right to bear arms is being slowly removed. I fear if we lose this right, we will slip into communism or socialist regime at large. We need rights to bear arms so we can defend our own home at least. If everyone knew everyone had a gun in their home, they will reconsider breaking in. But if remove the right, everyone will know there no weapon in each house, and will consider breaking in.

I do not support the right to bear arms..too many irresponsible people and too many chances for accidents by kids. There are alternative weapons to use to protect ourselves with.

Should we bring back some old laws to balance out the issues today? I wish we could go back to Wild West where Duel is legal way to resolve issues. Lawsuit will not be possible or even considered.

That will be true freedom. Its just an thought of 2 cent.

Go back to Wild West where people just shot at each other without regards to innocent people standing around putting them in harm's way? No thanks...
Smokers lose freedom to smoke, QUOTE]

Disagreed, you can still smoke.. but you aren't just allowed to smoke in certain places.

I think that's good cos I dont want my health threatened by secondhand smoke. :P