3,276 Hours...the Time A Woman Takes To Get Ready

That's a sad fact.

That's also a big turn-off for me.

How the hell can it take so long just to shower, dry off, get dressed, and put on makeup?

It takes me 5 to 10 minutes to shower. As a woman with long hair, it would take 5 to 10 minutes longer.

It takes me 10 minutes to pick an outfit and get dressed. The same should apply to women.

It takes me 10 minutes to do other stuff needed... brush teeth, put on deodorant, put on cologne, etc. This should be the same for women.

So, it takes men up to 30 minutes to get ready. With the extra 5 to 10 minutes to wash her long hair and possibly 5 to 10 minutes to shave her legs, it should take 30 to 45 minutes altogether to get ready.

Oh, wait... why am I complaining? If it takes women almost 2 hours to get ready, then I can take advantage of that time and play video games... ;)

You are not a woman so you will never understand. :giggle:

I agree with pepsi!!! We woman have to make ourselfs look good in front of you guys so we won't embarress you in any kind or in any way... :roll::giggle:
plus, i take a shower for a half hr tops, no more than that. Then I would just leave my hair wet at the night when i'm done with my shower, then in the morning i would put my hair in a ponytail with a elastic band on and put on quick makeup which is Eyeshadow, and blush. I rarely use any lipgloss. I just use chapsticks. And then I would just throw on a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt with sneakers.
Reason why women take a long time to get ready due to "quality control" they have. :P
Me takes about 15 to 25 mins to get ready for work. That is have a shower, wash my hair (every 2 days), get dress, shoes on, brush my hair, brush my teeth and put a perfume on. Then I am ready for work. I never wears make up. :)
I take about 15 - 30 minutes to get ready. I don't spend hours to get ready and I am a woman. :)
This was always puzzling to me because most women look beautiful in their natural state. Even young girls are into makeup and stuff like that when they really don't need it. I think its maybe a cultural thing. :dunno:
I don't wear make up -- only mascara and lipstick. That's all. I am sure some of you saw my picture in this AD. :P

Vampy, you forgot it takes some women a little longer to shave their legs/armpits. It may take a little longer to wash up their menstrual cycle, too. It's the nature thing for a woman to take care of herself - a little different than men unless if, you are a homosexual. :giggle:

Just give some women some pampering for their love ones. ;)
I don't wear make up -- only mascara and lipstick. That's all. I am sure some of you saw my picture in this AD.

Mascara and lipstick don't count as makeup? Typical feminine logic. However, I've seen your photos, and you're a knockout. Typical masculine logic? Heh, heh.

It's the nature thing for a woman to take care of herself - a little different than men unless if, you are a homosexual.

So the only men who keep themselves clean and well-groomed are homosexuals? Well, we all have funny ideas. Most of the men in my family have very little hair on our heads, and our girls think comb-overs and toupees are "sooo gay!"

. . . wash up their menstrual cycle . . .

Is that an Alaskaian bike? I have no trouble keeping my Harley washed up, but we don't have nearly the mud and snow as you do farther north, ha ha ha.

Edit: Sorry, Maria. Just saw that you moved. Let us know if you like the deep southeast better than the far northwest.
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Mascara and lipstick don't count as makeup? Typical feminine logic. However, I've seen your photos, and you're a knockout. Typical masculine logic? Heh, heh.

Well, I mean the make up stuff for the face I don't wear ( blush, cover girl, and such ). Sorry! And, :ty: for the compliment about the pic. :lol:

So the only men who keep themselves clean and well-groomed are homosexuals? Well, we all have funny ideas. Most of the men in my family have very little hair on our heads, and our girls think comb-overs and toupees are "sooo gay!"


Is that an Alaskaian bike? I have no trouble keeping my Harley washed up, but we don't have nearly the mud and snow as you do farther north, ha ha ha.

You are funny! :lol:

Edit: Sorry, Maria. Just saw that you moved. Let us know if you like the deep southeast better than the far northwest.

Well, I only live here for about a month so far. I like it here just alright. Alaska is still very beautiful and besides that, there aren't many bugs up there to bother me ... but down here, eeek! Lizards, brown recluses, snakes, and a several bugs. There was one time I screamed when I opened my closet and there was soo HUGE brown recluse clingin' on the wall *shudders* -- a friend of mine came and killed it for me. I am not sooo using to Floridian " ugly " visitors. They are " unwelcome " visitors to my house! :squint: :laugh2:
I know... but sometimes it's just too much information. Now I have to go and gouge my eyes out... :lol:

:lol: Well, we have seen TMI everywhere. It's all common and it ain't new. :P

Now, you can go and gouge your eyes out! :giggle:
I let her take all the sweet time she wants to perk herself up (I can't believe she'd be indecisive about someone else wearing the same thing!), in return, she'd better not give me hell about staying up all night to party! LOL
Yup, as Jacques Jacques Maritain teaches: "We don't love qualities; we love persons . . . sometimes by reason of their defects as much as of their excellence."
Don't bother dying your hair anymore... I have discovered that it can destroy your hair more, which is the addtion shyte in your hour timing. My friend dyes her hair all the time (and a waste of money) and unfortunately, I can see that she has lost some of the hair under her top of the hair.. Jeebus. I wish I could confront but I can't :(
Don't bother dying your hair anymore... I have discovered that it can destroy your hair more, which is the addtion shyte in your hour timing. My friend dyes her hair all the time (and a waste of money) and unfortunately, I can see that she has lost some of the hair under her top of the hair.. Jeebus. I wish I could confront but I can't :(

What dye did she use? I know the bleach cause that, but if just natural dye for colors with no bleach, they don't make us lose the hairs.
Don't bother dying your hair anymore... I have discovered that it can destroy your hair more, which is the addtion shyte in your hour timing. My friend dyes her hair all the time (and a waste of money) and unfortunately, I can see that she has lost some of the hair under her top of the hair.. Jeebus. I wish I could confront but I can't :(

It depends on how long you do it. I have bleached my hair nearly 5 times but I stopped doing it. I dont experience any significant hair loss but rather having a full healthy hair.
She has been doing it for couple of years unfortunately.