Who likes Japanese animations?

Are you sure? What about Hellsing Ultimate, Ah! My Godess to name a few? No need to get into this though. I understand most of the anime I looked at are unlicensed, though. Still, fansubbing does not help american anime companies/publishers finanincally. I do believe fansubs help generate and gauge potential poularity, such as Naruto. Naruto was pretty much a big hit here before it even got licensed for anything. The issue of fansubs being illegal or not is one of the heavily discussed topics on anime boards across the net. It seems Japanese companies are not too concerned about it, but IMO they should be. They are losing potential revenue to help themselves produce new anime.

I myself have never seen a fansub. Who else than Vampyrox watches fansubs? Curious.
Are you sure? What about Hellsing Ultimate, Ah! My Godess to name a few? No need to get into this though. I understand most of the anime I looked at are unlicensed, though. Still, fansubbing does not help american anime companies/publishers finanincally. I do believe fansubs help generate and gauge potential poularity, such as Naruto. Naruto was pretty much a big hit here before it even got licensed for anything. The issue of fansubs being illegal or not is one of the heavily discussed topics on anime boards across the net. It seems Japanese companies are not too concerned about it, but IMO they should be. They are losing potential revenue to help themselves produce new anime.

I myself have never seen a fansub. Who else than Vampyrox watches fansubs? Curious.
Those were there before the animes were licensed.

If it was really a problem, the companies could simply do a "cease and desist" against the website. In some ways, these are actually encouraging people to buy animes and DVDs. ;)
I know, ;) It is common courtesy for well known fansub sites to take down licensed series, regardless of if it was up before the license. (example, Animesuki) The fansub site does not own the license.

Part of the problem companies have is, there are too many sites similar to the one you linked to. BUT they have gone after the more notorious ones, and I assume the one you linked to is not as notorious. At one anime con in jersey(I think) police and lawyers arrested 3 members of a fansub group that were about to give a conference at the show.
I know, ;) It is common courtesy for well known fansub sites to take down licensed series, regardless of if it was up before the license. (example, Animesuki) The fansub site does not own the license.

Part of the problem companies have is, there are too many sites similar to the one you linked to. BUT they have gone after the more notorious ones, and I assume the one you linked to is not as notorious. At one anime con in jersey(I think) police and lawyers arrested 3 members of a fansub group that were about to give a conference at the show.

Is the story about Dattebayo fansubs getting arrested at the Anime Con? If it is, they said it was a joke. Its called a YHBT. You Have Been Trolled.
I grew up in Japan all my life. I have seen numerious of anime cartoon and manga. One of the first one is Dragonball to Dragonball GT and more. I have seen Love Hina, Akira, Dragonquest, and so many more! I sure missed my hometown in Okinawa, Japan! And i read japanese comics and still do :)
Is the story about Dattebayo fansubs getting arrested at the Anime Con? If it is, they said it was a joke. Its called a YHBT. You Have Been Trolled.

Oh maybe its that one, LOL! I don't recall the name of the fansub group. I personally don't download fansubs.
I grew up in Japan all my life. I have seen numerious of anime cartoon and manga. One of the first one is Dragonball to Dragonball GT and more. I have seen Love Hina, Akira, Dragonquest, and so many more! I sure missed my hometown in Okinawa, Japan! And i read japanese comics and still do :)
While growing up (here in America), I've seen a few episodes of various animes... I never knew they were called "anime" until later. These shows were Speed Racer and a few others. One of them had a group of people (almost like Voltron) but they had helmets that looked like falcon/eagle heads. Another was something I can't remember. These were when I was just a little kid.

Years later, I was in Geography class in high school (sophomore). My teacher decided to give us a taste of Japan by showing us an anime. It was... Akira. From that point on, I had a thirst for more anime. Yet, it was difficult to find more anime anywhere.

A couple years later, I finally started getting a taste of more anime... and started attending anime conventions.

Now, I love them. :)
Speaking of Speed Racer, I saw the trailer for the live-action film before The Golden Compass last night. At first I thought it wasn't looking too good, but by the end of the trailer, I think it will be something speical.
Speaking of Speed Racer, I saw the trailer for the live-action film before The Golden Compass last night. At first I thought it wasn't looking too good, but by the end of the trailer, I think it will be something speical.
Ditto. I saw the trailer online last week. :)
Eh to tell you truth, I don't feel comfortable label some shows in America as "cartoon." Some shows such as "Avatar: The Last Airbender" or adult "cartoon" should be labeled as something else. I don't know definition yet but someone should come up with one.

Cartoon term is causing too much misunderstanding among folks not familiar with those.

Oh well. And as of downloading...well they never made most of anime deaf friendly. They just added plain subtitles on DVD. From what I am seeing why should someone pay more and get less?
I know it's wrong, but this type of thing is driving me crazy because anime is getting popular but deaf people kept get left out. This just made me not wanting to buy any anime shows on DVD.

ADV and Disney are the only brand I know that add CC/SDH for deaf fans. Viz and others don't. It's frustrating because they carry name of some famous anime series.

It's strange some of you don't want to tell parent what anime to buy.
I tell my family what to buy, and they usually get it right.

I watch fansubs, not only "anime" but fansub groups that did "toku" and "asian drama" as well.

I think part of problem is anime is not part of our culture (US). So we don't get it on regular television like Japanese do. I even don't have anime channel on my cable where I live. Anime over there is probably treated as normal program as soap opera is here in US. So getting it is expensive and in a way it just hurt themselves more (ie shooting yourself in the foot).
Geez, even with a spelling check they still don't recognize anime as a word. That does tell you something.
Eh to tell you truth, I don't feel comfortable label some shows in America as "cartoon." Some shows such as "Avatar: The Last Airbender" or adult "cartoon" should be labeled as something else. I don't know definition yet but someone should come up with one.

Cartoon term is causing too much misunderstanding among folks not familiar with those.

Oh well. And as of downloading...well they never made most of anime deaf friendly. They just added plain subtitles on DVD. From what I am seeing why should someone pay more and get less?
I know it's wrong, but this type of thing is driving me crazy because anime is getting popular but deaf people kept get left out. This just made me not wanting to buy any anime shows on DVD.

ADV and Disney are the only brand I know that add CC/SDH for deaf fans. Viz and others don't. It's frustrating because they carry name of some famous anime series.

It's strange some of you don't want to tell parent what anime to buy.
I tell my family what to buy, and they usually get it right.

I watch fansubs, not only "anime" but fansub groups that did "toku" and "asian drama" as well.

I think part of problem is anime is not part of our culture (US). So we don't get it on regular television like Japanese do. I even don't have anime channel on my cable where I live. Anime over there is probably treated as normal program as soap opera is here in US. So getting it is expensive and in a way it just hurt themselves more (ie shooting yourself in the foot).
Geez, even with a spelling check they still don't recognize anime as a word. That does tell you something.
Eh? I've never had problems finding anime with subtitles.

Which anime are you talking about?
I meant SDH or CC, not plain regular subtitles.

Almost all anime come with subtitles, but very few come with SDH or CC.

Since I am deaf I prefer SDH or CC over plain regular subtitles.

Especially if I have to pay very expensive DVDs of theirs.
I meant SDH or CC, not plain regular subtitles.

Almost all anime come with subtitles, but very few come with SDH or CC.

Since I am deaf I prefer SDH or CC over plain regular subtitles.

Especially if I have to pay very expensive DVDs of theirs.
Saying you're deaf isn't an excuse for preferring SDH or CC over subtitles. What's the real reason for preferring SDH/CC over subtitles?

I'm deaf too... but I prefer subtitles over CC. :)
Afro Samurai is not captioned or subtitled.. I found out the hard way, but luckily Best Buy allowed me to exchange it for Ong-Bak and The Protector(tomyumgoong)...

I often say 'American Animation' just to differenate. I will admit some american anime do look like japanese, like Avatar although I have never seen one episode.
Saying you're deaf isn't an excuse for preferring SDH or CC over subtitles. What's the real reason for preferring SDH/CC over subtitles?

I'm deaf too... but I prefer subtitles over CC. :)

Well, no offense but I would like to know background sounds, what type of sounds do the monster make or beloved hero make. Or sounds that come out of the dark cave. Sounds that machine make, sounds that music make. And so on.
Subtitles doesn't even cover that.

On the screen, you see the hero collapsed in front of his friends then say something then leaped toward the monsters with mouth open.

Regular subtitles=
-That hurts! You'll pay for that!
- What?

Hero: (Groans) Agh! That hurts! You'll pay for that! (Roaring)
Monster: Huh?! What?

Which one do you think I will get the atmosphere better? But that's just me.

You should give Avatar a chance when you have time. Avatar is closed captioned which is very nice. I even bought two seasons of it. I am awaiting for the third and final season. I believe Avatar is a show that America should be proud for making it.
Captions are clearly better for the deaf person's experience/immersion than subs, but for some reason I always choose subtitles.....
Well, no offense but I would like to know background sounds, what type of sounds do the monster make or beloved hero make. Or sounds that come out of the dark cave. Sounds that machine make, sounds that music make. And so on.
Subtitles doesn't even cover that.

On the screen, you see the hero collapsed in front of his friends then say something then leaped toward the monsters with mouth open.

Regular subtitles=
-That hurts! You'll pay for that!
- What?

Hero: (Groans) Agh! That hurts! You'll pay for that! (Roaring)
Monster: Huh?! What?

Which one do you think I will get the atmosphere better? But that's just me.

You should give Avatar a chance when you have time. Avatar is closed captioned which is very nice. I even bought two seasons of it. I am awaiting for the third and final season. I believe Avatar is a show that America should be proud for making it.
I've seen SDH/CC that don't do that and subtitles that do that.

Remember, it's not the label of subtitles, CC, or SDH that tells you what to expect. We don't always know what to expect.

I've seen movies that were SDH/CC and they seemed normal to me as subtitles were.

Sometimes, I think that some CC spoil part of the movie when they do those sound things. I rather see [beeping] instead of [watch beeping] or something cuz that adds suspense to the movie. ;)
Captions are clearly better for the deaf person's experience/immersion than subs, but for some reason I always choose subtitles.....
It's not anime unless it's subtitled! ;)


I've been to conventions where every single anime videos are subtitled. :)
About that, I have never thought of that. I would think at least to me, it would help me know where to look at if the watch is beeping and the CC say so.

I think the pro/con of having CC outweight the pro/con of having plain subtitles.

I am pretty sure when you see label CC/SDH you got to expect that those are designed for deaf folks. Sure, sometimes there's error in that, but I think it's got to be rare. But then again, I haven't watched all of movies that are out there.

But it's just the price you got to pay if you like anime genre. You got to expect that many of them will not be CC/SDH for deaf audiences (well those who want it ;) ). But plain subtitles are better than nothing.
I noticed that I prefer fansub to regular subtitles, what about you? I think fansub would like to leave the language alone as much as possible. Like you will get -chan or -san in fansub while in regular subtitles you get Mr. or Ms.

I don't know any anime DVDs does exact what fansub people would do.
I'm just curious.
I have a DVD that's set up really weird.

It's subtitled and SDH.

The movie is spoken in several languages since the settings are in different countries. In the beginning, everyone speaks one language. Later on, a character is involved with people who speak another language. During the movie, there's parts where people speak English.

So, the SDH showed subtitles for those who were speaking English... but nothing for those speaking another language. When I switched subtitles, those who spoke English... no subtitles appeared. However, those who didn't speak English... subtitles appeared. In order to make it work, I have to have the subtitles on and the television's CC turned on at the same time in order to see closed captioning for English-speaking stuff and DVD's subtitles for foreign language stuff.

Strangely, the 2nd DVD had the full subtitles set-up where the whole movie is subtitled regardless of what language is being spoken.

(This movie came with 2 DVDs. Both DVDs were the same movie, but different set-ups. :crazy:)