which is better?

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It is clear where it starts every time - it starts always in the same place-
with anyone who dares to say any amount of hearing is beneficial
being rudely attacked as "audist" for no reason.

And where those who reject the idea of CI implant on the spot deny being CI haters.



WRONG! You werent labeled as audist...your statement was. Big difference.
Wirelessly posted

frankiesmom said:
well, its irrelevant anyways..we have decided that we are going to just help him adjust, learn sign language along with him, and let him develop to his full potential! i think hearing aids will help him just fine and if they dont, it will still be ok. there are so many resources out there, that i dont see him really missing out at all.

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.
Wirelessly posted
he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you
, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

Wow! that's a lowhanded and manipulative way to guilt trip someone. It hasn't even been determined yet that he can't hear with hearing aids (and he has severe, not profound hearing levels) and you're already going for the jugular.
Wirelessly posted

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

Have you even bothered to read all of this thread as well as her other ones to know her son's history and why she's asking? Or did you just decide to post to make her feel bad because her decisions aren't the same as yours?
Wirelessly posted

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

now your true colors show..............
Wow! that's a lowhanded and manipulative way to guilt trip someone. It hasn't even been determined yet that he can't hear with hearing aids (and he has severe, not profound hearing levels) and you're already going for the jugular.

And I was told I was hard on these hearing parents..... :giggle:
Wirelessly posted

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

That's just amazingly creepy, and bullying.
sssssshhhhhhh don't feed the trolls
Wirelessly posted

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

I knew you would finally snap. There it is.
:lol: At least you are following the destruction of your own thread with good humor!

oh no, i love stuff like this! i am so bad about eavesdropping on people arguing..very nosy. :giggle:
it is what breaks up the monotony of life, yes?
Originally Posted by jillio
Exactly. I am so tired of the blind comparisons. There is no comparison between blindness and deafness. For obvious reasons

jillo, read this and tell me it doesn't sound familiar: Comment on Closure
Yes, it's not the exact SAME experiance, as blind kids don't have language issues.....BUT the mainstreaming and disabilty experiance is pretty much the same.
Wirelessly posted

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

faire joure, do you REALLY think that CI is the ONLY option? It may be the only option for deep profound kids, but there are STILL MANY MANY deaf kids who get benifit from HAs!!!!!! And SHEESH, she is not going voice off. She does want speech therapy.It's just that she doesn't think that speech should be the complete and utter focus of his education. You know, you have it stuck in your head that ALL bi bi schools and all Deaf Schools are some voice off utopia. I really think that if you looked at schools like Kansas School for the Deaf, or countless number of other schools, you'd be AMAZED at the speech therapy services!
Wirelessly posted

Bottesini said:
Wirelessly posted

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

That's just amazingly creepy, and bullying.

nope, just straight to the point.

with a severe loss it is very unlikely that a child would have access to enough of spoken language with hearing aids to develop the ability to understand spoken language through listening.

if that is not of value, then absolutely do NOT implant. There are plenty of people who don't value that at all. I happen to, but who cares! A person can have a wonderful, successful life without it.

asl and written english can (and do) provide the ability to read and write and communicate. There are tons of Deaf people who are successful every day with those tools.

but again, no action is a choice. Waiting is a decision. That is the truth. And there is nothing wrong with saying that
FJ: You used other mother's kid's name. That is out of order!

That is so tasteless.
Wirelessly posted

nope, just straight to the point.

with a severe loss it is very unlikely that a child would have access to enough of spoken language with hearing aids to develop the ability to understand spoken language through listening.

if that is not of value, then absolutely do NOT implant. There are plenty of people who don't value that at all. I happen to, but who cares! A person can have a wonderful, successful life without it.

asl and written english can (and do) provide the ability to read and write and communicate. There are tons of Deaf people who are successful every day with those tools.

but again, no action is a choice. Waiting is a decision. That is the truth. And there is nothing wrong with saying that

I feel like I am playing the game "Can you see 10 things that's wrong with this picture?"

faire-jour - you so badly want to be considered a good mom for implanting your child that you would go so far as to present false and misleading information and imply to other parents they don't value their children if they choose not to implant.

I feel sorry for you. I really do.
Wirelessly posted

nope, just straight to the point.

with a severe loss it is very unlikely that a child would have access to enough of spoken language with hearing aids to develop the ability to understand spoken language through listening.

if that is not of value, then absolutely do NOT implant. There are plenty of people who don't value that at all. I happen to, but who cares! A person can have a wonderful, successful life without it.

asl and written english can (and do) provide the ability to read and write and communicate. There are tons of Deaf people who are successful every day with those tools.

but again, no action is a choice. Waiting is a decision. That is the truth. And there is nothing wrong with saying that

Straight to the point:
With mental illness it is very unlikely a person would have unbiased access to information and develop the ability to think with a clear mind.
If that is not of value, then absolutely do NOT seek help. There are plenty of people who are insane. Who cares? A person can have a successful, wonderful life picking lint out of belly buttons.
Sanity can (and do) provide the ability to communicate without offending. There are tons of sane people who are successful with this skill.
No action is a choice. Trolling is a decision. And who cares who gets offended? There is nothing wrong with that.
Wirelessly posted

Frisky Feline said:
FJ: You used other mother's kid's name. That is out of order!

That is so tasteless.

no i didn't. I have no idea what you are talking about.
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