which is better?

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No doubt. This thread started out as a hearing parent asking for support and answers, and the audists have turned in into a battle ground....AGAIN. And now they will turn it around and say the Deaf are unwelcoming to the new parents. Too bad for them, it is all here in black and white, and anyone who wishes to can see exactly where the BS started.

Yeesh, yeah. I hope the OP can wade through the BS and PM members here if they have questions. I would hate that they may leave with a bad taste in their mouth simply because a certain vocal few were pushing an agenda.
Exactly. I am so tired of the blind comparisons. There is no comparison between blindness and deafness. For obvious reasons.
Granted blind/low vision kids do not have to deal with a communication barrier, but a lot...and I mean a lot of the other experiances are very simlair. Especially the fact that "blind ed" has basicly been low vision ed....meaning trying to get blind/low vision kids to function like "almost sighted kids" and neglecting things like Braille and cane travel and other traditional blind ed interventions.
How nice for him. I congratulate him.

You, however, Jillio hearie, I'll bet my both hands, you wonder every night
what would the outcome today be IF you decided to also implant him
at the right time?...

Would all that success come to him sooner, easier, more in this hearing world he is conquering now?
I'll bet it would, because like I've said before- any amount of hearing is beneficial.

Just saying. From personal experience. Oh, yes- the audist experience, that's right.

btw Jillio, your son is not fooling me.
Sure, normally he might be very level headed easygoing young man who has no hang-ups about his deafness.
But I am not being fooled. He may not going to ever tell you this
but - a deafie in a hearing world?

EVERYONE w/o exception has a dark hour from time to time, sooner or later,
Not that I wish that on him, certainly not - but - I've been there, done that... I know firsthand all the intelligence and charm in the world is no match for the bullies and dolts in this society, sorry to tell you that.

That's when sometimes lil' bit of hearing could've come handy, you know.

In separate issue, your son Jillio was very lucky in having you as a mom in this aspect that you are obviously educated and somewhat knowledgeable in some pedagogy.

That is enormous help in raising a child in general, let alone a deaf child.
So of course your son is thriving as he is.
But generally, the parents does not have skills necessary to be a teacher - which is a learned skill, to teach- hence they can not assist their child/ren
with daily learning and later academic as well as you do with your son.

This is an important fact to be taken under consideration while getting excited over how well your deaf child is doing in a "hearing school".

Most of the deaf children in hearing schools are depending on themselves only (apart from school provided assistance, if any) and that's that.
That's environment where any amount of hearing still comes VERY handy.
I am not saying absolutely necessary, mind you - just HANDY.

And I don't see why the deaf people should deny themselves this bit of convenience, which is just what it is- a convenience for crissake, to be able to hear as much as it is possible.

I already mentioned how being able to hear either thru HAs or CI doesn't mean to be DC and ASL exclusive.

It's time for some pple to stop looking at the convenience of hearing thru their own painful childhood experience and separate simply the convenience of hearing
from their own personal traumas.


Fuzzy, FYI there ARE profound kids who respond WELL to hearing aids!!!!
AND you're missing that although hearing is really good for receptive understanding of speech, even ORAL and functionally hoh kids still have MAJOR MAJOR issues in the mainstream! Just the same as a voice off kid!
Wirelessly posted

Oceanbreeze said:
No doubt. This thread started out as a hearing parent asking for support and answers, and the audists have turned in into a battle ground....AGAIN. And now they will turn it around and say the Deaf are unwelcoming to the new parents. Too bad for them, it is all here in black and white, and anyone who wishes to can see exactly where the BS started.

Yeesh, yeah. I hope the OP can wade through the BS and PM members here if they have questions. I would hate that they may leave with a bad taste in their mouth simply because a certain vocal few were pushing an agenda.

yes, i hope she will pm the actual people who have implant or experience with pediatric implantation.
Wirelessly posted

yes, i hope she will pm the actual people who have implant or experience with pediatric implantation.

her son hasn't even TRIED hearing aids yet! Her son ALSO has a severe loss...not a profound loss!!! It's very likely that he will benifit from hearing aids.
her son hasn't even TRIED hearing aids yet! Her son ALSO has a severe loss...not a profound loss!!! It's very likely that he will benifit from hearing aids.

whether is HA or CI, the longer you delay, the worse the results, is as simple as that.

Think carefully before anyone rush off to obtain a CI without realizing that veritgo, tinnius or dizziness that can lead to the worse health. Just wait for kids to start to communicate to reply back if they are feeling OK then can be making the decision such as a major surgery.
Think carefully before anyone rush off to obtain a CI without realizing that veritgo, tinnius or dizziness that can lead to the worse health. Just wait for kids to start to communicate to reply back if they are feeling OK then can be making the decision such as a major surgery.

problem is that some people will freak out if they wait because to them it means the opportunity for the child to be "normal" will be lost forever.
Oh..I didn't know that you hang out with her son and really understand his true feelings about being Deaf.

:lol: My son would never consent to hanging out with a blatant audist.:giggle:
problem is that some people will freak out if they wait because to them it means the opportunity for the child to be "normal" will be lost forever.

Yes. But I do not feel that my normal life is lost forever. You mean its people who make for the little people will feel like they will be lost forever if they know when the little people are not the same as the people do.

Definitely bullshit. I read a story about a Quebecois couple who went to the US to get their son implanted because the government wouldn't pay for his cochlear implant operation. He was 8 or 9. After, he was enrolled at the Oral School and guess what? His upbringing in ASL kept him up to date and even outperforming other students in his class and he had no problems distinguishing sounds or learning to speak.

This whole scare of babies losing their auditory nerve muscle if not implanted early enough is bullshit.
Definitely bullshit. I read a story about a Quebecois couple who went to the US to get their son implanted because the government wouldn't pay for his cochlear implant operation. He was 8 or 9. After, he was enrolled at the Oral School and guess what? His upbringing in ASL kept him up to date and even outperforming other students in his class and he had no problems distinguishing sounds or learning to speak.

This whole scare of babies losing their auditory nerve muscle if not implanted early enough is bullshit.

Yeppers. It really irritates me that that present information regarding cognitive and neurological issues out of context and demonstrate an obvious lack of understanding of what they are attempting to speak about with authority.
My son would never consent to hanging out with a blatant audist

Of course not. He is being conditioned by 'audist' hater since early on.

btw just because I believe any amount of hearing is beneficial, just as any amount of seeing is, doesn't make me necessarily an audist.

It's clear we have a few master manipulators here , and whatever view you don't like, you will annihilate, and influence others.
"only you can be right", eh?

well, its irrelevant anyways..we have decided that we are going to just help him adjust, learn sign language along with him, and let him develop to his full potential! i think hearing aids will help him just fine and if they dont, it will still be ok. there are so many resources out there, that i dont see him really missing out at all.
Too bad for them, it is all here in black and white, and anyone who wishes to can see exactly where the BS started.

It is clear where it starts every time - it starts always in the same place-
with anyone who dares to say any amount of hearing is beneficial
being rudely attacked as "audist" for no reason.

And where those who reject the idea of CI implant on the spot deny being CI haters.


well, its irrelevant anyways..we have decided that we are going to just help him adjust, learn sign language along with him, and let him develop to his full potential! i think hearing aids will help him just fine and if they dont, it will still be ok. there are so many resources out there, that i dont see him really missing out at all.

As long as you are doing informed decision it's fine :]
Looks like researched well before you reached yours.

I am impressed that you decided to learn SL for your child.
From my experience, not that many parents are willing to do that, yet this is of enormous importance, so kudos to you guys!
Your son will appreciate that very much.

Good luck with raising your deaf child!

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