When you was a kid and being picky to eat?

Yeah! You're Vegetarian because you hate the meat!
You're a bull. I will eat your meat! :giggle: I will cook a beef jerky to eat it. yummy!
lol, I'm picky when it come to meat..

I hate ham, chicken, hot dog, and else..

I looovvveee green peas, carrots, and else lol..

I thought I can become vegetarian so my parents can stop feeding yucky meat!
(that was over night decision lol!)
since that day, I'm still vegetarian :D (for almost 6 years) :lol:

Now, I'm about 80% vegan diet.. trying to become pure vegan someday ;)
I didn't like raw carrots, then liked it after having enough of it on the day I graduated near the northeast corner of the first floor of building 76 at RIT.

I also had hamburgers instead of cheeseburgers, then changed to cheeseburgers. I also disliked white milk and jam since preschool when I thought it looked disgusting in other kids' meals. Then at RIT, I had some jam, including those jars with both peanut butter and jam in it.

I also don't like most sea food except for clams. One time at RIT, I mistook fillets of fish for pieces of chicken at Gracie's and got two. I didn't want to waste it so I tortured myself in front of my friend eating two big pieces of fish. It happened again this year when I mistook frozen fish tv dinners for chicken pieces. I didn't want to throw away the food, so I tortured myself again. Salmon is sweet in a disgusting way.

When I first had the chance to try lobster and shrimp, I didn't like the lobster and liked the shrimp. Then another time, I ate the whole thing, including the end of the tail of shrimp. My mom said not to eat the end, then I didn't like it anymore.

I liked radishes, turnips, black olives, horseradish spinach, brussel sprouts and Moxie the first times I tried those. I didn't like green olives the first time, but now I do. I even enjoyed grating a horseradish root.

I also like pickles better than cucumbers.

One time when I was a kid, I was in Strong Memorial hospital and got a hamburger meal. It didn't have mustard on it because they thought kids didn't like it. So my dad went to the vending machines to get mustard packets. I also always had mustard, ketchup and pickles in my fast food hamburgers.

I also didn't like lots of big pieces of meat like steak because it was hard to swallow. One time, I even went outside to split out meat.

One time, my class of deaf kids went on a field trip to a pizza place and I said I didn't like pizza. Then I changed my mind when we were waiting and had some. I first tried pepperoni when I was a preschooler and it hurt. In elementary school, we made pizza pockets in class using a toaster oven. The teacher let us each have a piece of pepperoni by itself. We thought it was hot. Now it's blah compared to the hot peppers my parents had in their garden.
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green beans and squash never did agree with me. I can eat both now but not a huge amount. Brocoli as well. Anything else was game. :)