When is enough enough?

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I hardly EVER post here, but I do try to keep up with reading the threads. Taylor, your posts have consistently been positive and beneficial for this forum. That goes for all of your posts, not just the ones where you've been kind enough to give out your professional opinion or conduct some research into a legal matter. I do hope that those lacking good judgement and respect for your right to not discuss business here on your own time won't deter you from posting here. It is apparent a good number of members here enjoy your insights and would miss out should that happen. Keep on keeping on. :)

I apologized for my attitude...forgive me please...I wish you luck!
Mod Note:

I feel that this thread deserves to be made 'sticky' for the time being--


This is something (the things he outlined in his post) that we all can perhaps relate to at one time or another, although with Taylor, it can be a bit more difficult becasue of the position he represents....his integrity here is one that each one of us can look up to and uphold as well--the times he has given up to lean backwards in terms of helping with related issues to the field of law and/or the police. It's understandable at times when perhaps a few members feel the need or to take an opportunity to take advantage of him while he's a member here in AD, although, let's remind ourselves that the man holds a very responsible position, truly holding a busy schedule while at times, being fast-paced, sleep deprived simply because he has more angles (that come at him) to deal with than most of us would any given day. At any time, if a member seek his advice, please keep in mind that he may not respond immediately, (again, per his busy schedule, etc.) and to give him that respect, he deserves that much from AD'ers as well as we do our best to give respect to everyone here in AD. Afterall, how many of us can safely say we're out 'there' saving lives, getting into the business affairs of others so peace and justice can truly prevail on a daily basis? ;)
RR said it beautifully! i agree with RR that taylor and the officers who uphold the law deserve our respect.. :D
Eve said:
That was exactly my point, I felt it was just bad manners, not the fact that they are deaf. However, your next point illustrates how some deafies do tend to not be properly equipped with functional manners due to lack of parenting at residential schools

Yes I understood and agree.

…On that note, I still don’t think that this form of rudeness is caused simply by that lack of parenting. I think it is just innate in the individual.

Yes, you has a right point but I would like to add bit more... I can see the problem is: I learn how to behave manner way by boarding school different form as my parents because I spent at boarding school for long time than at home... It's my habit to say like this... "please", "thank you", "Can I have ....... please"? "move please" My parents "disagree" with my behavior and say that it's not necassary to say this and want me feel being comfortable and home instead being "guest" at their home... My parents let my siblings mocked me as "snobby", etc. My parents laughed...

I choose to follow my manner behavior where I get from is boarding school and expose my children like this. I asked Dad to accept please if my boys said "thank you", "please", etc... before we visit to see him. Dad saw the difference between my and my sister's children and speechless. Yes Dad admitted his mistakes in the past...

Taylor, I'm sorry for make :topic: post on your thread here. :Oops:
after reading your thread several times ( got distracted home of 3 dogs so make sense) i come to one conculsion,

you have every right to vent out your feelings.

I am appalled by some behaviors that have happened here, and not only that... you are human yes! you have feelings! you have a heart and soul of both worlds. Last but not the least you are respected by us for those who stood by you when you were hosptialized, lastly.....

those who can not respect you as an officer of the law and as a personal friend to u, are not worthy of being your friends, the reality is harsh the respect is earn not given. you were kind enuff to help, now i know u said in remote way the buck stops here, and i respect that, i see too many poeple taking advantage of your postion as a officer and of another state and not our own... there is 3 ways you can find out what your legal rights are...

one... google it!
two... ADA (www.ada.org) ( if im wrong on the website pls correct me thanks in advance)
three.... confer with the officer in your home area. yr city officer or sheriff's department or constable of your region)
4 if you want to get an opioion or clarifcation im sure taylor would help clarify it but pls don't overuse him for that purpose BUT thats ALL he's going to be doing.. because i don't blame him for feeling like overused relied on for help....

last but not the least internet is everywhere pls use it to your advantage.. stop taking up taylor's time when he could be using it to futher broaden his mind...

and taylor theres 2 ways you can do this... if thier personally attacking you in PMland. just do yourself a favor fwd it to the moderator let them handle it... 2nd u can also do this and we would respect it... turn off yr PM for a cooling off period so you won't get harsh replies from poeple... or poeple attacking your ingerity...

u did a job of venting out u got it off your chest, now best bet.. move on with your life knowing you have made a comment about how you feel and now u have a clear concesions (sp) on your mind, go forth and be the best you have already been, a great friend, and a great cop! :D
GalaxyAngel said:
you're quite good venting.. no matter how's bad or good.. still okay.. you did right thing not naming anyone...

Javapride's post
you have every right to vent out your feelings.

Exactly! It's good for anyone to express their feeling.
coloravalanche said:
Look, Ive been in deaf culture for long time...so leave me alone!

Me either. I only want to say that our manner behavior has nothing do with deaf culture but from our parents, schools, etc. It's parent, school, etc who expose us in manner way like this.

coloravalanche said:

I apologized for my attitude...forgive me please...I wish you luck!

I'm glad that you made apology post here. I'm sure Taylor will appreciate it. :thumb:

I would like to say that Taylor's thread has nothing do backstabbing, etc but express his own feeling without name us here. If I know it's me he talking about then I would not say because I know he didn't name us.
javapride said:
you are human yes! you have feelings! you have a heart and soul of both worlds.

:gpost: every humans have feeling and need to vent out their feeling.

u did a job of venting out u got it off your chest, now best bet.. move on with your life knowing you have made a comment about how you feel and now u have a clear concesions (sp) on your mind, go forth and be the best you have already been, a great friend, and a great cop! :D

Exactly! I appreciate what Taylor express his feeling here... It helps us to understand how he come from....
I might not know you in person. But I enjoyed reading your post as well listening to what you've had to say. It's okay to have a vent because you needed an outlet. It's a pity there's some bad apples in AD, but thanks goodness, not everyone of us are like that. It's obvious police officer as a career is perfect for you because you care and that's a important part. We might never understand why people do or say that like you mentioned that abused wife. Anyway, keep on posting. :)
Takle care.
coloravalanche said:
you misunderstood me! :pissed: I did not ask Taylor for his help about murder issues...I send Taylor private messages about something else..that is personal and no one here at AD knows about it!!!!

No, I am not cruel for saying I hate cops...it is my feelings...I have lost respect for cops...because of numerous of reasons...

I have three eye witnesses against the person who said he was going to murder me... :whistle:
Oh Ok, Im sorry, maybe its because i dont know the whole story of your situation, so forgive me. I should not have jump to conclusion.
If you have the tape of this person saying that he is going to kill you then
you do have the proof..well, good luck with your case and God Bless!
Again forgive me, ok?
Taylor, dont stress yourself over those things..I'll have a nice cold beer for ya tonite :D
Defee said:
Oh Ok, Im sorry, maybe its because i dont know the whole story of your situation, so forgive me. I should not have jump to conclusion.
If you have the tape of this person saying that he is going to kill you then
you do have the proof..well, good luck with your case and God Bless!
Again forgive me, ok?

you are forgiven...:D

I'm sorry that you have been going thru all this on AllDeaf - I know the feeling, also, as I have gone through some of this myself.

I do hope you can come to the AD Caucus this July, so members can meet you and see what a good ... nah, a GREAT fellow you are.

I have always enjoyed your posts and have also gotten some insights into a cop's point of view through his professional and personal lives - and I do have great respect for you and your fellow police officers.

Great vent, Taylor!!!
coloravalanche said:
you are forgiven...:D
Thank you!
I hope things will turn out well for you in the future and have a
good happy life too! God Bless! :)
Fly Free said:
good venting Taylor!

I can understand where u are coming from -- like Eve, Liza, Gentum has said -- best to just ignore the idiot(s) who seems to take pleasure in insulting and demeaning others regardless of what u might be as it IS rude!

as for the leaving AD threads -- ive come to just ignore those threads cuz i feel its just more of hot air than is it for real actual leaving so i just dont take them seriously

u are respected here on AD by me cop or not -- cops have a private life TOO and are human as well -- i know there might be some ppl who doesnt seem to understand or agree to that

:hug: Taylor!

I agreed with FlyFree..

Taylor:.. my apologize if >I< didnt thank you recentlly..

You made point.. some people (deafies) just.. "sigh" they have differents of ways to get their own.. some sad.. some dumb.. some harsh.. even bully.. they need to understand and open their eyes.. to see.. r-e-s-p-e-c-t..

If they dont get what they want.. TFB!! find other way.. I dont expect from you give me what I WANT.. I just request.. ask.. for options or opnions or advices.. I hope i did thank you for that... thats adult thing to do to grow up and understand.. if things cant handle.. talk to deaf service or counselor or.. lawyer to deal some serious or odd issues.. to deal with..
if feel life threatened.. call police for help or get restraining order..

Like Fly Free said... u are respected here on AD by me cop or not -- cops have a private life TOO and are human as well

I know I am not around like before on AD.. but I just come on and lurk some.. and dont let thread get on my nerves.. Post whatever you want say.. let it up in air.. but I am not going to say "I am leaving AD".. just leaving few days or weeks.. and lurk in.. or see some posts.. if its really out of hand.. notify mods or leave it alone.. there are much of close minds and immatures.. :dunno: dont worry.. you are not one of them.. :D :ily: hehe

Huggs.. take care.. my friend..
coloravalanche said:
you misunderstood me! :pissed: I did not ask Taylor for his help about murder issues...I send Taylor private messages about something else..that is personal and no one here at AD knows about it!!!!

No, I am not cruel for saying I hate cops...it is my feelings...I have lost respect for cops...because of numerous of reasons...

I have three eye witnesses against the person who said he was going to murder me... :whistle:

You shouldnt hate the cops or army or guards.. who serve this country.. they protect our country that we should be grateful for...

if no cops, or army or guards.. there will be bunch alot of sex offenders, criminals.. think about it..

if you have problems with cops.. not ALL of cops.. try to move on and start over.. thank them instead of mad at them.. I had problem with cop once, just because of miscommunications or impatient.. just had bad hair day... forgive them.. your life will be much better.. if not, you still have the attitudes or behaviors toward them, you will make them suspections that you are up to something.. (drugs or guns or etc).. let it go ..

coloravalanche said:
you misunderstood me! :pissed: I did not ask Taylor for his help about murder issues...I send Taylor private messages about something else..that is personal and no one here at AD knows about it!!!!

No, I am not cruel for saying I hate cops...it is my feelings...I have lost respect for cops...because of numerous of reasons...

I have three eye witnesses against the person who said he was going to murder me... :whistle:

DONT change story... YOU said in earlier post..


I hope I am not one of them.. I emailed you part 1 and part 2 about my past and was hoping that you could help me out...but you DIDNT! I am very much disappointed that you never reply me back at all...

I was hoping to get to know you better...since I hate cops for years...I was hoping that you would give me insight to see positive about cops...now, I am not sure about cops anymore....

YOU SOUND like you are pissed.. and you said "disappointed"
dont expect people to HELP or reply your messages.. or notes.. maybe its too exterme or overwhelm with your request or your message.. what ever its about...

but you already apologzied... but next time .. dont dis-respect..
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