What's your dinner tonight?

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Try Quinoa. It's a superfood and has a very pleasant/mild taste. You can eat it in place of rice or other grains, but it's not necessarily a grain and has much more nutritional value.

I cook it in the rice cooker the same way I cook rice. Only downside is that it's a little expensive and harder to find than the common starch stuff. The best thing to do is buy it in bulk from a health food store.

Thanks, I will try that. I have a Whole Foods nearby, maybe they will have it.
Thanks, I will try that. I have a Whole Foods nearby, maybe they will have it.

Oh they will certainly have it. Hopefully in the bulk section, so you don't have to fork out too much. I really detest how WF is so expensive. Who can afford 5$ for a head of lettuce? Jesus. Also, their marketing is phony baloney. After reading this article "Is Whole Foods Really Wholesome?" It changed my mind about them.

And this is a good companion piece: The Poor Get Diabetes...
Oh they will certainly have it. Hopefully in the bulk section, so you don't have to fork out too much. I really detest how WF is so expensive. Who can afford 5$ for a head of lettuce? Jesus. Also, their marketing is phony baloney. After reading this article "Is Whole Foods Really Wholesome?" It changed my mind about them.

And this is a good companion piece: The Poor Get Diabetes...

I only go to the Whole Foods to get my non-dairy stuff. Their prices are out of this world for me, but they do have my coconut milk ice cream and yogurt, my tofu cream cheese and sour cream and the shelf stable rice milk for my bread baking.
I cooked spaghetti with meat sauce. Plus little rolls, split, toasted and buttered. And we had Throwback Pepsi to drink. Couldn't get much better for me.
I love quinoa and there's different kinds....

think one needs to rinse it first before cooking, I've mostly just had it eating out places and haven't cooked it at home.

last night went out with husband and folks :) first time we all went back out to eat together since my mom fell and broke her hip! and it's her birthday so I was very happy for her!
so we went out and I had chicken and veggies that would usually go in a stir fry, but minus the rice. Just the protein and veggies. And also a Greek salad, no cheese but lots of olives and pepperocini's.
Dinner Tonight

Mmmm last night had a salad romaine, grated romano cheese, dried fruit,
sliced hard boiled egg...I have not been feeling well lately ..I think It's that I am so tired of this knee hurting and then stop hurting..and I am walking fine and then it gives out..geez..tonight I will have a stir fry ..no rice...what ever i have on hand Iwill toss in..laughing..Midnight♥♥♥:cool2:
:ty: MidnightSun
am sorry to read of your knee hurting and that you haven't felt well :aw:

I was at a Buddhist retreat over the weekend and thought of you...
savor your stir fry.....

Tonight we will have thin cut eye of round steaks, baked Idaho potatoes and green beans.
Oh they will certainly have it. Hopefully in the bulk section, so you don't have to fork out too much. I really detest how WF is so expensive. Who can afford 5$ for a head of lettuce? Jesus. Also, their marketing is phony baloney. After reading this article "Is Whole Foods Really Wholesome?" It changed my mind about them.

And this is a good companion piece: The Poor Get Diabetes...

You know, I tried it about a year ago. And I am hooked.
Oh they will certainly have it. Hopefully in the bulk section, so you don't have to fork out too much. I really detest how WF is so expensive. Who can afford 5$ for a head of lettuce? Jesus. Also, their marketing is phony baloney. After reading this article "Is Whole Foods Really Wholesome?" It changed my mind about them.

And this is a good companion piece: The Poor Get Diabetes...

I have to say I agree with your link. There is no WF near my home. So I just buy conventional produce. Someone gave me a link to CSA farms and I found some near my home but while she railed against people who kept complaining about how they couldn't afford the organic food (yuppies seem to be able to afford this), I was wondering to myself how I would be able to save up money to buy CSA stuff and still pay my medical bills. I didn't mention any of this to her cuz I thought I'd be taken to task for not following my ideals. I cant afford my ideals.
Tonight we will have thin cut eye of round steaks, baked Idaho potatoes and green beans.

Will not do those think steaks again. I get no help in the kitchen and they are always over-cooked. Maybe I need to think of another way to cook them.
I have to say I agree with your link. There is no WF near my home. So I just buy conventional produce. Someone gave me a link to CSA farms and I found some near my home but while she railed against people who kept complaining about how they couldn't afford the organic food (yuppies seem to be able to afford this), I was wondering to myself how I would be able to save up money to buy CSA stuff and still pay my medical bills. I didn't mention any of this to her cuz I thought I'd be taken to task for not following my ideals. I cant afford my ideals.

This is exactly the problem. Why in the world is it more expensive and difficult to buy good, healthy food, than it is to buy crap? Because that's the way the food industry wants it, that's why. Using government subsidies and inside political maneuvering, "they" have managed to get most of the country on a diet that is slowly killing the population.

I have a radical healthcare plan proposal: SUBSIDIZE healthy food so that poor people can afford it!!!! It is the food we eat that makes us fat and sick, directly or indirectly. Duh. Let's pump a few billion into the natural and organic food industry, so that those products are easily affordable, and I guarantee we'll see a decline in illness.

Safe, Healthy food should be accessible for everyone. It's a right--not a privilege.

This is all talked about in Food Inc., which is a great movie that I highly recommend.
totally agree with your post, Alex... and Food Inc is one of my favorites-
Left-overs...and a lot of whining about it. I'm a sticker for not wasting food.....(caught them in the kitchen woofing down a bag of potato chips at 10PM tho'!)
I have an interesting mix in the crock pot. The recipe was for Easy Teriyaki Chicken and I changed it up. I have chicken thighs, canned pineapple chunks, soy sauce, ground ginger, minced ginger, large chunks of onion, a bag of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots. We will have that served over steamed white rice.
I have an interesting mix in the crock pot. The recipe was for Easy Teriyaki Chicken and I changed it up. I have chicken thighs, canned pineapple chunks, soy sauce, ground ginger, minced ginger, large chunks of onion, a bag of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots. We will have that served over steamed white rice.

It sounds too good to me.. Bring it to NY, will you? :lol:
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