"What?" or "Pardon me?"

imagine is different from image, its not picture, its 'situation understanding' same like imagination for situation. hope this helps

Yeah I think so point on detail imagination for situation reason! no picture I Know already!
Dude, I find that using dictionary.com can be helpful before reading my posts. :P

cool I understand :lol: that is simply!
Interesting thread. I say "What?" pretty often to family and friends, and they are used enough to it not to be offended. I have no idea if I do that to everybody. I will take note of it next time with a loud "AHA!!" :giggle:
Well I don't have any hearing loss, so I assume that's the case. I've not actually been diagnosed for delay processing or auditory processing disorder or anything similar, I've just noticed the effects of something like that in my life.

Ah your hearing. I forgot. Hard keep track sometimes who is hearing and deaf.
Yeah, I have semi-regular fights with my girlfriend cause she gets angry at me for not being able to hear her correctly. Somehow "Sorry that your inability to hear me is extremely annoying" isn't nearly as convincing as "Sorry that I'm unable to properly understand you".

I was hoping the hearing test at the audi a week or two ago would help, but from talking to people here, it sounds like I probably just have some form of audio processing disorder.

Are you sure it is not a "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" thing? :P :giggle:
Neither. I tilt my head and give the wide open eye question look along with the open hands palms up shrug. Works every time. Either I get a better repetition from the nice hearie or the mean hearie stalks away in a huff. Its wonderfully effective for weeding out (circle of finger and thumb)hahaha
Depending on who it is I'll either raise my eyebrows if it's family or co-workers who know I'm Deaf and they will know to repeat themselves.

Strangers I just say " can you repeat that please? " and if I have to say that more than once I then mention I'm Deaf and then magically they will make sense to me or, I'll get nevermind at that point I just walk away. Some you can say "huh" to all day long and they are fine with with it, others find it offensive or "too much work" to repeak themselves. I had one person get offensive when I used the pardon me once with raised eyebrows-not sure why it ticked this person off but it must've been the combo of the two. Oh well...
"repeat that" always come out of my mouth. I am so used to it. If it is not important I usually ignore. It is frustrating always saying repeat that. So, go ahead and rip me a new one.
"repeat that" always come out of my mouth. I am so used to it. If it is not important I usually ignore. It is frustrating always saying repeat that. So, go ahead and rip me a new one.

I totally get what you're saying. I nod just to avoid the whole repeating for the umpteenth time. sometimes it's just easier than going through the whole "what? what?"

My best friend always catches me trying to get away with that and she hates it, gives me shit too. I love her for that.
I do "hmm?" or "pardon?" and I'm hearing. Well, deaf in one ear, so that's probably why I'm constantly pardoning people for not talking clearly enough. :D
"repeat that" always come out of my mouth. I am so used to it. If it is not important I usually ignore. It is frustrating always saying repeat that. So, go ahead and rip me a new one.

Much better than saying "what?" or "Sorry?". More likely to have that person to repeat "that", but not the whole thing again.

Thanks for the tip. :wave:
My sister and I got into a tiff a few years ago when she pointed out that she didn't like my saying "what?" instead of "pardon me?" She thought I was displaying bad manners.

I am not going to apologize for my deafness everytime I didn't catch what someone said. I flat out refuse to. I'm deaf, why should I have to keep pardoning that to people?

I do make exceptions for my elders though.

What about you? Are you a "what?" or a "pardon me?"

I'm a hearie, but I am more of a what person if I didn't catch what the person said. I reserve "pardon me" as a sarcastic response when someone says something that is so far out of line or incorrect that it is unbelievable they actually uttered it.:giggle:
Are you sure it is not a "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" thing? :P :giggle:

That is probably what it is. Kind of a "What I said, and what you heard, was really not what I was saying" kind of thing.:giggle:
Much better than saying "what?" or "Sorry?". More likely to have that person to repeat "that", but not the whole thing again.

Thanks for the tip. :wave:

I use "repeat, please" when I am signing and miss something.
I totally get what you're saying. I nod just to avoid the whole repeating for the umpteenth time. sometimes it's just easier than going through the whole "what? what?"

My best friend always catches me trying to get away with that and she hates it, gives me shit too. I love her for that.

When I don't want the hassle of trying to understand others, I just nod in the right places and all goes well till it become apparent that I was only faking being able to understand others.
When I don't want the hassle of trying to understand others, I just nod in the right places and all goes well till it become apparent that I was only faking being able to understand others.

That is soooo common. Kind of like "Yes means no."
I use "repeat, please" when I am signing and miss something.

There's a word that comes to mind about "Repeat, please" being more broad than "Repeat that please". "Repeat that please" is more straight-on and more friendly because "Repeat please" will have people likely to think they're offended or think they have to repeat the whole thing or ask you "what part?"

In the worst case for "repeat that please" is the response with "what part?" or a sigh.

I think too much lol, but it's like this:

When someone tells you "thank you" for doing something for them and you say "no problem". You'll imply that they couldn't do it themselves. That someone could get offended, you know what I'm saying?

There's three ways to make the person that said "thank you" feel good: "You're welcome", "My pleasure", "No problem". However...

When someone tells you "thank you" for doing something for them and you are tried of that person, so you say "No problem is all you get because you are not welcome and it was not my pleasure" in your mind, yet you actually just say "you're welcome", feeling annoyed.

I need to read more, but I saw a list of something for these kinds of "sayings", do you know what they are? Polite? Strong? Weak? Offensive? Risky? I forgot...
In the military, if we didn't catch what someone said, we'd ask, "Say again."

(An enlisted person to an officer would ask, "Say again, SIR." :D )