What happens when you don't know where your CI/HA is at all times....

Oh no about the CIs -- that must be an expensive way to lose something! :)

I always store mine, 100% of the time, in my top bathroom drawer. So I always know where it is. But recently, I made the stupid mistake of putting a perfume bottle in there (I should never keep liquids near my HAs) and maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, except that I didn't know the perfume bottle actually had a leak in the sprayer. I found my HA one day totally soaked in perfume. (Well, I suppose it smelled nice :lol: ) but 9 months later, it still isn't working 100% right. Sigh. Lesson learned !!
I would lose my HA all the time and I lost it so often that when I first got my CI, my dad used to make jokes to the point of really annoying me that I shouldn't lose my CI. I have never lost my CI for more than 30 mintues because I don't feel the need to take it off very often. Wearing HAs was painful for me.
Oh no about the CIs -- that must be an expensive way to lose something! :)

I always store mine, 100% of the time, in my top bathroom drawer. So I always know where it is. But recently, I made the stupid mistake of putting a perfume bottle in there (I should never keep liquids near my HAs) and maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, except that I didn't know the perfume bottle actually had a leak in the sprayer. I found my HA one day totally soaked in perfume. (Well, I suppose it smelled nice :lol: ) but 9 months later, it still isn't working 100% right. Sigh. Lesson learned !!

You got a nice smelling HA out of it though. :giggle:
HA in coffee

A few years ago one of my patients flailed her arm, and knocked my HA in her cup of coffee. Yes work had to replace it : )

Back in 2005 my rottweiler got hold of my HA and I had no idea. I looked and looked. One yr later, I found it out in back yard. I put my hearing aid on a lawn mower b/c I was sweatin'. :lol: I had to get a new HA. I still have it and I know where it is at all times. I was going through hard time b/c I couldnt hear anything and had to wait for my new HA arrived.
Oh no about the CIs -- that must be an expensive way to lose something! :)

I always store mine, 100% of the time, in my top bathroom drawer. So I always know where it is. But recently, I made the stupid mistake of putting a perfume bottle in there (I should never keep liquids near my HAs) and maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, except that I didn't know the perfume bottle actually had a leak in the sprayer. I found my HA one day totally soaked in perfume. (Well, I suppose it smelled nice :lol: ) but 9 months later, it still isn't working 100% right. Sigh. Lesson learned !!
You shouldn't keep any type of electronics in your bathroom. It's not even a good idea to keep medicine in there due to the moisture in the air. That being said I keep some meds in mine. *smacks self*
In the 7 years that Lotte has had her CI's we only lost one....
We have had the BTE's on Lotte's shoulders from the start, with the long coil to her head. Little bags / pouches were holding the BTE's on the shoulder, pinned to her clothes. So.. basically.. she was hearing with her shoulders..
(Perhaps an idea for some of you..)

Last summer (2010) she was at summer-activities in town and suddenly found out that 1 BTE + Coil was missing... The whole group looked for it at different places in town, but to no effect.
The next day my wife thought to do one more search in the park where the groups gather each morning, and incredibly, she found them under some bushes... The battery (rechargeable) was still there, and everything worked...
It seemed that someone had found it, lost interest and threw it away again....
(but perhaps it was some kind of animal that did it.)

Nowadays, Lotte had the BTE's on the ears and tey stay on really well, thanks to the earmold... In the beginning Lotte wanted to BTE's on the shoulders when doing sports/gym but that is no longer the case. She's confident with them, and in fact doesn't rely on us at all to put them in.. (With the BTE's on the shoulder we needed to attach them for her..)

Here's a nice video on how she would put the coil on her head.....
After having two earmolds chewed to bits by my cat, I now put them inside my night table every night.

My son's kitty used to sit on the arm of the couch and try to knock his BTE out from behind his ear.:lol:
You shouldn't keep any type of electronics in your bathroom. It's not even a good idea to keep medicine in there due to the moisture in the air. That being said I keep some meds in mine. *smacks self*

Very good point. This is actually a bathroom that doesn't get used very much (there's another bathroom we use all the time.) Probably doesn't get much moisture in this one at all. But still, you are right.
I would lose my HA all the time and I lost it so often that when I first got my CI, my dad used to make jokes to the point of really annoying me that I shouldn't lose my CI. I have never lost my CI for more than 30 mintues because I don't feel the need to take it off very often. Wearing HAs was painful for me.

I have trouble wearing a HA in my right ear , it get painful if I wear it too long.
I have TMJ . Do have you TMJ too or another health issue that keep you from wearing HA? You're the first person I heard say it painful too!
I accidentally got smacked at the side of my head a couple times (once playing baseball with my brothers as a kid and another time doing who knows what as an adult). I don't remember how much if any damage there was for the BTE hearing aid as a child, but as an adult I had an ITE hearing aid and the shell broke in my ear and cut me. I freaked out as it was hard to get it out of my ear. Luckily as far as the hearing aids, my parent's health insurance covered the BTE hearing aid and a warranty covered the ITE hearing aid.
I accidentally got smacked at the side of my head a couple times (once playing baseball with my brothers as a kid and another time doing who knows what as an adult). I don't remember how much if any damage there was for the BTE hearing aid as a child, but as an adult I had an ITE hearing aid and the shell broke in my ear and cut me. I freaked out as it was hard to get it out of my ear. Luckily as far as the hearing aids, my parent's health insurance covered the BTE hearing aid and a warranty covered the ITE hearing aid.

That had to hurt having a ITE break in your ear! I think I would had freaked out too!
my oops moments

Wowww ok so here are my oopsies

First ha I had I one day decided I was going to nap on the couch..do I need to hear to nap..no lol so I took out my ha and put it on the ottoman. When I woke up I had to go get my mom from work because her car was getting fixed..I forgot to put my ha back in (this was when I had a mild loss) and left..when I got back I noticed my ha was gone..my old cat princess liked to swipe things so I looked in all her hiding places but no luck 'twas gone ...I ended up getting a free replacement for the ha and mold from phonak.

at worlds I decided to only wear one ha to compete in. When I went on the floor all was good for my tumbling and such until we got to the pyramid which was sort of to the end. My top knocked me in the side my ha was on and my bte came up my ear but was still in my ear...but then she knocked me againnnn and it fell to the floor RIGHT beside another girls shoe. She was the front so i mouthed to her get my hearing aid..she thought I said earring so she said I'm not getting that who cares! I was literally having heart palpatations ..When we cradled my top I went so low to pick up my ha and then had to finish the routine with it still in my hand.. I will attach a pic..I have the ha balled up into my fist when my hand was supposed to be wrapped around my shoulder lol

3rd oopsies was a few weeks ago when I went to mcdonalds. I had one of my ha's in my lap because i was driving and didn't really need both and the other was in my ear.. I guess i forgot that it was sitting in my lap and I got out of the car and it fell to the ground. I never noticed it fall and forgot about it so when I went back to my car I didn't notice it...I was freaking out and got grace to go check the parking lot and she couldn't find it anywhere. I went back to the parking lot for my own piece of mind and found it on the white parking line. It had been run over and was really dirty and kinda dented a bit and scratched..I brought it to my audi which thankfully I already had an appt for that day and she cleaned it and replaced the volume button since it was broken and it still worked! I should have gotten a lotto ticket that day:p


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I once found my hearing aid nestled on a teddy bear's ear. My daughter explained that he became deaf and wouldn't listen to her so he needed a hearing aid.
I have trouble wearing a HA in my right ear , it get painful if I wear it too long.
I have TMJ . Do have you TMJ too or another health issue that keep you from wearing HA? You're the first person I heard say it painful too!

TMJ had nothing to do with the pain that I experiniced with my HA. Hearing sounds was painful for me with the HA due to issues with recruitment and from being exhausted from trying to keep up with the hearing.
I accidentally got smacked at the side of my head a couple times (once playing baseball with my brothers as a kid and another time doing who knows what as an adult). I don't remember how much if any damage there was for the BTE hearing aid as a child, but as an adult I had an ITE hearing aid and the shell broke in my ear and cut me. I freaked out as it was hard to get it out of my ear. Luckily as far as the hearing aids, my parent's health insurance covered the BTE hearing aid and a warranty covered the ITE hearing aid.

I wore my BTE HA when I played baseball during my youth. I got hit in head by a baseball with the baseball helmet on couple of times and turned my HA off. :lol:

I once found my hearing aid nestled on a teddy bear's ear. My daughter explained that he became deaf and wouldn't listen to her so he needed a hearing aid.

I admit, that was funny.:lol:
Once, I lost a HA. I had NO idea where it went. I found it a good year later when I decided "Wow, I haven't worn those shoes FOREVER. I shall wear them today."

It was hiding all nestled inside my shoe.
I once found my hearing aid nestled on a teddy bear's ear. My daughter explained that he became deaf and wouldn't listen to her so he needed a hearing aid.

You have to send this to Reader Digest , you could get some money for it!!
I love it!!