What does the Bible say about dinosaurs?

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If your Bible doesn't have Job 40:15-24, then you don't have a complete Bible.

:ty: for give me verus. Okay, I will check with this when I am home from work tonight and then will type what my bible say here.
I repeat my question.

Why ALL dinosaur types only Dinosaur Types
disappeared for good? Why only them?

There were many types o animals that went extinct during the same time frame. Have you ever heard the English expression, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil"?
It means the loudest or most annoying, or the biggest, gets the attention. I susspect that is what happened in reguard to the dinosaurs. Huge bones, interesting structure. Easier to pay attention to and get funding for study of giant creatures than say some prehistoric small creature. That would be why they get all of the attention. This link talks about ice age animals and their extinction. While I disagree with the time frame, it shows dinosaurs were not the only ones to go extinct.
Prehistoric Life - Ice Age Animals.
In addition once the entire populations of all species were depleted it would be reasononable to think that it would be eaiser for smaller creatures to survive over large ones. They would not require as much oxygen or atmospheric pressure as the large ones and there fore could adapt and thrive more easily. And as far as I am concerned dinosaurs are not all extinct. Thats for another thread. But crocodiles, like dinosaurs are adapted, (evolutionists would say evolved, but there is a difference and adaptation can be observed) from a creature called thecondonts. I would hypothesize that the only reptiles able to survive the new environmental conditions were those that walked on all fours and were close to the ground and were smaller. Like crocs and other reptiles alive today.
Yes and remember when we were show the embryo drawings of different animals that supposedly proved evolution? That nearly caused me to loose faith. But then I discovered it was a complete lie and a fraud. Read the following.

This idea (called embryonic recapitulation) was vigorously expounded by Ernst Haeckel from the late 1860s to promote Darwin’s theory of evolution in Germany, even though Haeckel did not have evidence to support his views.../QUOTE]
Yes, I remember embryonic recapitulation. My other favorite is vestigal organs. ;)

Ouch! My tail bone! :rofl:

HeeHee! You didn't get paid to have your vestigal organs removed did you?:eek3::giggle:
I repeat my question.

Why ALL dinosaur types only Dinosaur Types
disappeared for good? Why only them?

Know what someone told me?

The Bible is based on a few thousand years of history and that the 7 days Earth was made is actually based on 7 billions of years. So, instead of saying that evolution caused things to change in 7 billion years... God did each part in 7 days.

How does that relate to the dinosaurs? The dinosaurs were part of the 7-days process, but during another day... God wiped them out and then created humans. If that is the case, then God was indeed experimenting with us... playing with our lives. Dinosaurs are like humans. They deserve to live. He wiped them out so that we could live. Where's the fairness in that?
Maybe when God judged Adam's rebellion by cursing the world with death, dinosaurs did not lasted long.

No scientist was there to see the dinosaurs live through dinosaurs age. In fact, there is no proof whatsoever that the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old. They are just evolutionists trying to fit the story of the dinosaurs into their view.

If God is the Creator of all things, then God would know about the dinosaurs, not scientists, not evolutionists.
Know what someone told me?

The Bible is based on a few thousand years of history and that the 7 days Earth was made is actually based on 7 billions of years. So, instead of saying that evolution caused things to change in 7 billion years... God did each part in 7 days.

How does that relate to the dinosaurs? The dinosaurs were part of the 7-days process, but during another day... God wiped them out and then created humans. If that is the case, then God was indeed experimenting with us... playing with our lives. Dinosaurs are like humans. They deserve to live. He wiped them out so that we could live. Where's the fairness in that?

This is called The GAP Theory. I read about it and the problems this theory brings. It was purposed by Christians who got tired of being called ignorant by the Evolutionists. In other words they were trying to make the Bible story of creation fit into the theory of evolution. That is simply an appeasement tactic. First of all any god who needs billions of years to create anything is not really a God, and certainly not worthy of worship. Worship is something I do to the CREATOR of all things. And Fairness is usually defined by the creator. If God felt I needed to be taken out of this world, since He created me, I am His to do with as He wants. He decides what is fair because He has created everything.
I've got a question. How do you guys who believe in creationism explain the philogenetic scale? Not badgering, just curious.
Maybe when God judged Adam's rebellion by cursing the world with death, dinosaurs did not lasted long.

No scientist was there to see the dinosaurs live through dinosaurs age. In fact, there is no proof whatsoever that the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old. They are just evolutionists trying to fit the story of the dinosaurs into their view.

If God is the Creator of all things, then God would know about the dinosaurs, not scientists, not evolutionists.

Maybe you right and maybe wrong. I don't think Adam seen dinosaurs in his time. I think that would a bit odd. No offense. :) :ugh3:
Yes I second that.

I often went to dinosaurs museum in England when I was young. I showed my hubby & boys there for a first time in 2000. They love it and said that it fanastic them... because they are REALITY and original...., not imagery.

fossils are everywhere in the world... Every scientists in the world agree each other that fossils are million years old, not thousand years old.

Exactly, we need to open our mind to this.

Yep, I guess some christians do not deny that things DO EVOLVE, they just doubt the theory of evolution; that humans were not purposefully made by God, but were accidentally formed through primates. Gorilla and chimpz look almost extacly like human. :)
First of all any god who needs billions of years to create anything is not really a God, and certainly not worthy of worship. Worship is something I do to the CREATOR of all things.

Why couldn't a God take billions of years to create something? Maybe he needed all that time, I mean he had to make alot of different things...
This is called The GAP Theory. I read about it and the problems this theory brings. It was purposed by Christians who got tired of being called ignorant by the Evolutionists. In other words they were trying to make the Bible story of creation fit into the theory of evolution. That is simply an appeasement tactic. First of all any god who needs billions of years to create anything is not really a God, and certainly not worthy of worship. Worship is something I do to the CREATOR of all things. And Fairness is usually defined by the creator. If God felt I needed to be taken out of this world, since He created me, I am His to do with as He wants. He decides what is fair because He has created everything.

Right!! :)
Why couldn't a God take billions of years to create something? Maybe he needed all that time, I mean he had to make alot of different things...
If God needed billions of years to create something, then he's not so almighty as people would say he is.

Ever watch the Star Trek series? Know 'Q'? Now, that's almighty! ;)
Perhaps....I still think it's possible to be almighty and take your time....

I personally lean towards evolotion. I don't think that it's possible for dinosaurs to have been around at the same time as humans. As far as human and dinosaur remains being found in the same strata...considering this was on a flood plain, it is very possible that they got mixed up during a flood, or dug up by humans later on (because the flood washed away layers). Things like ancient trash pits are also possible. There is just too much evidence supporting the age of the earth...

I still believe in God but only parts of Genesis. The bible may also be subject to errors since it is a human creation. God himself did not write it, nor did Jesus. It is simply an account by people of what happened.

Just my two cents...
The bible may also be subject to errors since it is a human creation. God himself did not write it, nor did Jesus. It is simply an account by people of what happened.

The bible is the word of God. God has revealed Himself in the Bible without error and is literally filled with detailed prophecies that have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy.
I'm not saying that he didn't reveal himself with error, I'm saying that the people who wrote it down may have made errors. The bible has been re-copied by many many people throughout the years (before photo-copiers) and since humans are subject to error, it is valid to suggest that there may have been errors. How to you explain all the different versions of the bible? What about Christians changing words in the Hebrew bible to suit their stories? I.e. The Hebrew Bible (old Testament) refers to "young women", Christianity has changed that to "virgin". These can have two very different meanings.

There's the king james version, the new international version etc, etc. All have small variations, all of which could be errors.
I've got a question. How do you guys who believe in creationism explain the philogenetic scale? Not badgering, just curious.

What has been observed with the philogenetic scale are examples of adaptation not evolution. Evolution consists of abiogenisis, microevolution, and macroevolution. Microevolution is really adaptation which does occur. There is no proof of the other two. If I choose to believe in abiogenisis then just like God I have to take its existence on faith. Frankly that takes more faith than I have.
What has been observed with the philogenetic scale are examples of adaptation not evolution. Evolution consists of abiogenisis, microevolution, and macroevolution. Microevolution is really adaptation which does occur. There is no proof of the other two. If I choose to believe in abiogenisis then just like God I have to take its existence on faith. Frankly that takes more faith than I have.

Do you agree that an adaptation is a positive trait of an organisim favoured by natural selection?
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Do you agree that an adaptation is a positive trait of an organisim favoured by natural selection?

Exactly. Evolution=to evolve. Adaptation is the means by which that occurs.
That was going to be my point...you jumped the gun on me lol.
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