What did you learn today?

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I might just go a few dyas without sleeping again. I don't think I mind it after all O_o
im usually fine with spider and stuff...but this thing....x_x

Same here. I can't unseen what's been seen. However, this thread is a good scare prank for certain friends of mine..... let 'em sh*t their pants.
I learned that it's time to do the taxes once again... :doh:
That thing is a spider? If so, is it deadly poisonous? And those fangs that thing has? That ain't getting anywhere near me.

They are not poisonous. They sometimes chase humans but only to get in there shade, the hate the sun. They can run 10 miles an hour and almost all the crazy things you hear about them are false.
They are not poisonous. They sometimes chase humans but only to get in there shade, the hate the sun. They can run 10 miles an hour and almost all the crazy things you hear about them are false.

Until today, I had no idea what these were. Now I'm wishing I didn't.
They are not poisonous. They sometimes chase humans but only to get in there shade, the hate the sun. They can run 10 miles an hour and almost all the crazy things you hear about them are false.

Wait you saying its true or false they run 10 miles an hour. If they do....help!!!!
Wirelessly posted

Some people in my fb are only out for themselves and brag about it. ( hearing people)
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My nephew has been deployed numerous times. The first time he showed me a picture of this I was so freaked out. I would die on the spot if I encountered one of those ugly things.

My husband has told me these same horror stories from when he was in Iraq. He has a photo but it's nowhere near the size (smaller) than the ones pictured above. But they would crawl up their legs. Thank goodness they were in full uniform at the times.
My husband has told me these same horror stories from when he was in Iraq. He has a photo but it's nowhere near the size (smaller) than the ones pictured above. But they would crawl up their legs. Thank goodness they were in full uniform at the times.

Bet ur hybby got naked real fast! :giggle:
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