What did you do today?

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Thanks, we are getting better now.

Actually, it is my hubby, brother, son, and I who were all sick today. We all stayed home from work today. Last night was so funny because my brother's girlfriend came over to see him and stayed the night only to have to listen to my brother and I puke and my hubby and son cough all night. Now, she is sick too. lol!

I shouldn't say this but misery is company!
I worked today. Now I'm feeling blah. Hopefully I'm catching the crap my cousin and her son had yesterday. They both were coughing their heads off and running fevers and yet they came over for Sunday dinner anyway. Now I feel like I've got some sort of crud.
Wow, people stop spreading your illness!

I'm feeling a lot better now. It's still lingering, but I call it the leftovers.

Ran errands, finally shipped my sister's birthday gift. Now I'm making Hamburger's Helper for dinner.
Finally, I am feeling back to normal and did go back to work. My poor brother was still suffering so he missed work today. However, my energy levels werent all there at work today so a few times, I had to sit down several times to keep from becoming very dizzy.

Thanks everyone and again, whoever is sick...get well soon!
Finally, I am feeling back to normal and did go back to work. My poor brother was still suffering so he missed work today. However, my energy levels werent all there at work today so a few times, I had to sit down several times to keep from becoming very dizzy.

Thanks everyone and again, whoever is sick...get well soon!
Thank goodness human virus can't be transmitted via computers. Knock on wood, I've been healthy this winter - so far.
Yesterday I felt a bit puny, but today I am much better. I went to work, got the proper measurements for my large egg, along with several witnesses. It beats the one found in Bonaparte, Ind. Mine is 3.5 inches long, 7.25 inches around, and weighs 5.44 ounces. :shock: I sent it to my local newspaper and they took pictures of me with my egg right off the bat.
Took my son to the hospital for scheduled tests (heart, kidneys, thryoid, stomach, etc.), due to his high-blood pressure...After more than a week of taking meds for this condition, his pressure has come back down to normal!...So we are leaning towards it being "genetic", but waiting for all the tests results in a few days, and a call from the doctor...he's so anxious to get back into playing sports....
Hi everyone!
Yesterday was a great day because it was my birthday! It kinda sucked though because my slipped disk(s) were killing me (ugh!).
Today, I have my midterm in ASL which is an autobiography for just my teacher. She's really cool and it's a lot of fun. But, I realize that I must get out into the ASL community more to build my confidence. I feel like I'm a "sesame street" signer right now...LMAO!
I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Live the life you want to remember!!!
So far today - I have done the usual pre-dawn chores of hubby off to work and cat box duties. Fixed breakfast for 4 (daughter actually got up early) and went to 2 libraries. Fixed lunch and went outside to cool off. MIL has A/C off as she is very cold. The house is 84 inside and I am very warm. Outside, it is 75 and breezy, so I got to cool off.
I have bad headache because sleep pretty sound!
Travis: did you have a bad headache from too much swimming? I was thinking of you today in the pool- guy with purple trunks! I got there just in time 11.30AM SHARP. Right-be on time!

Found the Saskatoon public library yet?

Still trying to sleep 15 hours a day> reduce stress/decrease food costs/ stop drinking caffeine cola drinks?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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Travis: did you have a bad headache form too much swimming? I was thinking of you today in the pool with purple trunks! Got there in time 11.30AM SHARP. Right-be on time!

Found the Saskatoon library yet?

Still trying to sleep 15 hours a day> reduce stress/decrease food costs/ stop drinking caffeine cola drinks?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I am very tired on swimming not ready! prefer summer :)
that is correct sharp how do you know sharp? I have addiction pop
Travis you are already tired from swimming a couple of times! Would you be exhausted if you went for a week? How about a month?
The pools I go to are INDOORS- NO ICE TO WORRY ABOUT.

What: you still have a caffeine addiction from pop? What happened to the milk you were to start drinking? Who is forcing YOU to drink pop???????

Another secret tip-sleep 15 hours a day and you won't drink much. Have you started to watch Dr Phil yet? Programme at 3.00pm-assuming you aren't sleeping, of course.

Implanted Advanced bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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Travis: No comment about your group home or other residents there,

I would guess hard to sleep 15 hours there-without somebody getting excited!

Good luck in finding the Saskatoon library and the INDOOR swimming pool.

IMPLANTED Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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got up, went to work, came home, eat, shower, caught up with friends :wave:
Now, took MIL to WalMart. They are in the process of remodeling and so nothing is right. I did not take my rollator, since daughter went with us and there was no room in the car for both the rollator and MIL's groceries. I was planning on sitting in a chair in the front by the checkouts. They always have those chairs there. Well, the chairs were not there and I ended up having to stand and wait. Needless to say, I fell 3 times before a manager was notified and he ordered a chair brought out of storage. In a lot of pain and I will be vegetating in front of the TV tonight. Botti mentioned that Criminal Minds was on, so that's what I will be watching and I will also be doing some artwork with my colored pencils for a challenge on my artists forum.
Travis you are already tired from swimming a couple of times! Would you be exhausted if you went for a week? How about a month?
The pools I go to are INDOORS- NO ICE TO WORRY ABOUT.

What: you still caffeine addiction from pop? What happened to the milk you were to start drinking? Who is forcing YOU to drink pop??????????????????

Another secret tip-sleep 15 hours a day and you won't drink much. Have you started to watch Dr Phil yet? Programme at 3.00pm-assuming you aren't sleeping, of course.

Implanted Advanced bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

caregiving won't force because respect to you own way

I have mood and anxiety! someone hearing person expression regret to me I am not comfortalbe to him my group home he is very rude I was very hurting upset I have tough emotion!! I have isssues people how feeling me! I don't like him funny think rude! he is very kids! wtf
Now, took MIL to WalMart. They are in the process of remodeling and so nothing is right. I did not take my rollator, since daughter went with us and there was no room in the car for both the rollator and MIL's groceries. I was planning on sitting in a chair in the front by the checkouts. They always have those chairs there. Well, the chairs were not there and I ended up having to stand and wait. Needless to say, I fell 3 times before a manager was notified and he ordered a chair brought out of storage. In a lot of pain and I will be vegetating in front of the TV tonight. Botti mentioned that Criminal Minds was on, so that's what I will be watching and I will also be doing some artwork with my colored pencils for a challenge on my artists forum.

Be sure to watch the new one too. It is also really good and Forrest Whitaker stars in it.

Sorry about your bad trip at Walmart.
Travis: you have tough emotions as well as hurting upset? Better check out another Phillip C McGraw's PhD book: Self Matters: Creating YOUR life from the INSIDE OUT.

Another one to get from the Saskatoon public library when you aren't sleeping/swimming.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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