What did you do today?

^Angel^ said:
umm no but let me give you a few hints *holding up a handcuff* get the idea? :naughty:

OoOoooo...so you're ready--huh?! Ok ok....don't worry, *danglin' da keys in front of ya*.....Gonna have your hands behind ya or in front? By the way...not only do you look cute holding it up...but having 'em on....ARRrrooooo!! :naughty:
:rofl: @ angel and road runner... anyways... I didn't do much I worked this morning then got home and took a mini nap then went out with mom and sis to mall and few things got few things for tomorrow I'm like a last min person to buy some candies for some friends who had been good to me this year :mrgreen: ( got a holiday party at work tomorrow)
Roadrunner said:
OoOoooo...so you're ready--huh?! Ok ok....don't worry, *danglin' da keys in front of ya*.....Gonna have your hands behind ya or in front? By the way...not only do you look cute holding it up...but having 'em on....ARRrrooooo!! :naughty:

shooo shoooo shoooo shooooo :P spend time with her!!!! :P
:eek: What did I see while I walked in here? Roadrunner and my own sister?! *ahem* I wouldn't want to know any further what they are going to do next. Keep the too much information to yourself or I'll have nightmares. :Ohno:
I'm still doped on Darvocet, but am managing to get some paperwork done. Will go get some HOT chinese...need it to wake up. *snore* oops too late, will u put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door please....*snore*
Lol, I know the feeling. I am an independent contractor in construction, and the torn ligaments in my ankle sorta put a crimp into what I expected and planned for over the holiday. I was sorta zonked on dem painkillers too, woo woo. That was then, this is now, and I am actually walking, it is a great feeling. Time to get moving.
Jeez, you guys are a hoot.
Love it.
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I just got back from running errands with my brother. He wanted to get me a Sidekick II pager, but realized that it was $200. :eek: Instead, he's going to wait until later this week and get me something like a couple DVDs or a video game. :thumb:

Soon, I'll be going clothes and shoe shopping with my mom.
that's how much it cost for a sidekick pager? I thought it was alot less than that....

I was planning on getting one for RR and myself when I am on the road, so we can keep in touch, do you know any cheaper sidekick pager I can buy?...
^Angel^ -

I got my SK2 for only about 159.99, plus tax. All in together, with the car charger, it cost me only 194 - how did I get this fantastic deal? If there's a T-Mobile store near you, just print out some SK2 offers from the web and show them to the salesperson....

Look for straightforward offers - for example - if you go to a website devoted to selling pagers, and they offer the SK2 for 159.99... check to make it's ONE rebate...maybe it will be a store rebate, a mail-in rebate...that is the best one to print out.

Then take it to the store - T-Mobile specifically. Show them the paper and ask if they can match it. In most cases, they can and usually will.

Above all, be pleasant and keep a smile on your face. Don't be pushy...they won't work with you.

Good luck!
Ok...today I went shopping and brought some clothes from the sales, then I went to get some more food and came home and watched a film called The Sound of Music. Just had my dinner and now Im online chatting on MSN and posting messages on here!
what did i do today? slept in late, picked my nose, had pepsi for breakfast. Went and did errands, walked the dog, did laundry, watch mtv realworld reruns from last night. talking with friends on ims
^Angel^ said:
that's how much it cost for a sidekick pager? I thought it was alot less than that....

I was planning on getting one for RR and myself when I am on the road, so we can keep in touch, do you know any cheaper sidekick pager I can buy?...
The Sidekick II is actually $300. They have two $50 rebate offers, which makes the new total... $200.
i workedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 8 til 345 pm. then came home use computer for a bit then off i go take shower and watch t.v. for a while. :-P
DreamDeaf said:
^Angel^ -

I got my SK2 for only about 159.99, plus tax. All in together, with the car charger, it cost me only 194 - how did I get this fantastic deal? If there's a T-Mobile store near you, just print out some SK2 offers from the web and show them to the salesperson....

Look for straightforward offers - for example - if you go to a website devoted to selling pagers, and they offer the SK2 for 159.99... check to make it's ONE rebate...maybe it will be a store rebate, a mail-in rebate...that is the best one to print out.

Then take it to the store - T-Mobile specifically. Show them the paper and ask if they can match it. In most cases, they can and usually will.

Oh super!!! Thank you DD,

Above all, be pleasant and keep a smile on your face. Don't be pushy...they won't work with you.

Aw no worry here, *looking into my closet*....Ahh, that will do the trick! :naughty:
Today for me....Gave Cereal for Kids, Read books with Kids, Watched Pat Croce show and Home Delievery, Kids watch Scooby Dog on CN, Lunch for Kids to eat, 1 pm Naptime for Kids, and For me check Puter with websites. For DF, he checked Website, watched tv with kids, watched History channel, and played his Xbox. That is our day
today i spend whole day with my 2 lil brat cousin... i took them to chuck n cheese.. i feel good to be kid again.. :whistle:
awww thats kewl Panda! :D

spent a lil time with one of my cousins meeting her newest addition! her older child (girl) has grown TALL for her age! :thud:
Cheri said:
:eek: What did I see while I walked in here? Roadrunner and my own sister?! *ahem* I wouldn't want to know any further what they are going to do next. Keep the too much information to yourself or I'll have nightmares. :Ohno:

lol.. thats what you get for having an evil twin sister! lol
Last night, fell asleep on the sofa. Nothing new with that. I lead a boring life.

Am at work and I just love staring at it.
