What did you do today? Part II

Yes, and antibiotic salve and bandage. I am much better.

As for the cane, I use a long white cane, which identifies me as blind. It's sturdy, but it isn't the same as a support cane. But outside, I am more likely to get run over than to get hurt by falling if I don't have that cane.

I fell inside yesterday, and it was just odd. Because of my vestibular balance problems , I am cautious. But yesterday I was just reaching for something and did not feel dizzy or off balance, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor in pain.

That's what upset me so much, that I had no warning. It brought to my attention that I have little control over it, even if I am excersizing normal precautions.

It's just something I need to accept and relax about.

I lose my balance a lot too and it has happen when taking a shower. I learned to live it with also and try to be careful. I am glad you're feeling better.
Well - let's see, Followed hubby who was driving MIL's car to the shop, picked him up and went with hubby and MIL to the County Property Appraiser's office to get some paperwork done. Had lunch out and came home and found that MIL's car is now junk. She just put in $700 to get the A/C fixed and another $150 to get the windows fixed (motors and switches), then both water hoses as well as all belts. Night before last, her car overheated again. At the shop today, it was found that she had a blown head gasket. There goes her 1987(?) Crown Victoria. Saturday a guy is coming out to tow it away and give her $500 for it. After dealing with that, I had to go to Office Depot and get some blank "Quit Claim Deeds" to take to the Title company and have notarized (after I get them filled out). MIL is transferring the title of the property that the garage is on over to hubby and I? After that, just normal stuff here at home.
Remember me I'm the one having the VNG test next week. How was it for you today? Was it as awful as it sounds? I'm so not looking forward to next week. I hope you survived.:angel:

yes, I remember you... I had the ENG not the VNG, but I am doubtful if theres many differences... and it was horrible...
the first two sets of tests... really just annoying, stand in a position, close your eyes... then another, then march in place, then stand on foam (all of these you have to close your eyes to check your balance) second set, track a light with your eyes... just annoying... it was the last set of tests for me that got me...
they deprived me of my sight, laied me back really fast with my head turned one way, then watched as i got dizzy, then sat me up... same thing, then the other side... then... they kept my sight gone... and put warm air in one ear, for what they said was 60 seconds, but really... I think it was longer, which made me super dizzy, then I had to keep my eyes open the whole time, even though i couldn't see anything, and the goggles they put over my eyes tracked my eye movements... they had to keep reminding me to keep my eyes open as wide as possible (by tapping me on the shoulder twice) then they let me rest for about 5 minutes (not long enough in my opinion) then they did the same thing on the other side... let me rest again (thankfully inbetween... I was able to have vision again, and my terp (I know you won't be getting one because you don't know enough asl) was amazing, and was holding my hand to give me some frame of reference that I wasn't spinning and floating, then they thought that cold air would be fun to do too... in each ear...
apparently, some people react, and some people don't... I wasn't able to communicate in any way while the tests were going on because I lost all ability to even think, let alone sign or voice... I hope your test goes better than mine did... I find out the results next thursday at my ENT apt... i'm still not quite back to normal... Good luck.
Sounds like hell. OMG my husband is rescheduling mine because we need more information, they say no meds for 24 hours. If I abruptly stop my meds I get very Ill . The techs there couldn't answer the question. Doctor was out, so we had to cancelled. It sounds like torture to me. I really don't want to go thru that. If the shower water hits my ear it's extremely painful. So forced air or water will be intolerable. Oh well, wait and see. Not looking forward to that. I'm glad you finished it though.
I had these test done as well. It revealed that I have a sensory neural loss of balance in both ears and they could tell me exactly how much loss I had in each ear. I was not surprised at the results but the test did leave me very disoriented. I had no interpreter and did everything with lip reading. Let's just say that lip reading is near impossible while the room is spinning. I had to force myself to stay calm, the person administering the test was very patient with me and gentle. I appreciated her professionalism.
Sounds like hell. OMG my husband is rescheduling mine because we need more information, they say no meds for 24 hours. If I abruptly stop my meds I get very Ill . The techs there couldn't answer the question. Doctor was out, so we had to cancelled. It sounds like torture to me. I really don't want to go thru that. If the shower water hits my ear it's extremely painful. So forced air or water will be intolerable. Oh well, wait and see. Not looking forward to that. I'm glad you finished it though.

Yeah, I know that some places use water irrigation through the ears... but the air is cleaner... My instructions told me not to stop prescription drugs without it being cleared through my doctor first (the doctor that ordered the drugs) you should talk to your doctor... and torture pretty much what I thought...

I had these test done as well. It revealed that I have a sensory neural loss of balance in both ears and they could tell me exactly how much loss I had in each ear. I was not surprised at the results but the test did leave me very disoriented. I had no interpreter and did everything with lip reading. Let's just say that lip reading is near impossible while the room is spinning. I had to force myself to stay calm, the person administering the test was very patient with me and gentle. I appreciated her professionalism.
oh boy... the lady tried to get me to read her lips... and i pretty much told her no way was that going to happen... so she would move her head towards me, and start moving her lips... i would look at my terp... it is hard enough to even think straight when the room is spinning... let alone try to think about what a person is saying and connect the dots between lipreading... no thank you. Were they able to tell you what could be done about the balance issues cheetah? because I'm really hoping that I didn't just waste time and money and get dizzy if they can't tell me what i can do about the vertigo...
Well, I'll keep it short, y'all. I slept 'til 3pm is exactly what I did today. Ahh, I feel so fookin' fresh.
:shock:...Cleaned up the boys' bedrooms....School's been out for Xmas vacation....Dunno "why" boys keep the things they do!...Also found a big bag of candy in Matt's room!...Chocolates!....It's mine now...since I don't allow food in the bedrooms...he was hiding it and "not" sharing it.

He also took out the closet shelves and clothes bar to make a room for his music studio (without telling me)...found it all under his bed. Ahhh, well, could have been worse, I guess. :roll:
I met with a good friend and we had a walk in some woods and ended up in a pub. Feeling a bit sleepy now after all that beer...
:shock:...Cleaned up the boys' bedrooms....School's been out for Xmas vacation....Dunno "why" boys keep the things they do!...Also found a big bag of candy in Matt's room!...Chocolates!....It's mine now...since I don't allow food in the bedrooms...he was hiding it and "not" sharing it.

He also took out the closet shelves and clothes bar to make a room for his music studio (without telling me)...found it all under his bed. Ahhh, well, could have been worse, I guess. :roll:

:lol: Oh the joy!! I know exactly what you are talking about!
Yeah, I know that some places use water irrigation through the ears... but the air is cleaner... My instructions told me not to stop prescription drugs without it being cleared through my doctor first (the doctor that ordered the drugs) you should talk to your doctor... and torture pretty much what I thought...

oh boy... the lady tried to get me to read her lips... and i pretty much told her no way was that going to happen... so she would move her head towards me, and start moving her lips... i would look at my terp... it is hard enough to even think straight when the room is spinning... let alone try to think about what a person is saying and connect the dots between lipreading... no thank you. Were they able to tell you what could be done about the balance issues cheetah? because I'm really hoping that I didn't just waste time and money and get dizzy if they can't tell me what i can do about the vertigo...

For me it was migraines. I was having the normal migraines and the painless kind. I had to learn the symptoms of a painless migraines so I could attack those as well as the painful ones. Unfortunately each person experiences different symptoms.
For me it was migraines. I was having the normal migraines and the painless kind. I had to learn the symptoms of a painless migraines so I could attack those as well as the painful ones. Unfortunately each person experiences different symptoms.

My migraines are not as bad now as they were before. The Depakote they put me on, really help in preventing them. I found out one of my biggest triggers is Ice Cream. :( and Cheese. I only had three bad attacks this month so far, and tomorrow is the last day of the month.
Migraines are awful. Thank god it's been quite awhile since I had one. Apparently I had a really bad one in ICU but I have no memory of that.
What makes me so sad is my 22 year old daughter gets them quite frequently. I'm afraid I passed them on.
I took a class about migraines in school. Pharmacy school. Some big triggers are cheese, (cheetah), salami, and red wine. There are more but these are the big ones. I hope all migraine sufferers have a headache free new year.
Painted my 12 Year old light brown computer desk black and did some ttoucouch up painting on the white window trims in the house. Iam so sleepy now!
I met with a good friend and we had a walk in some woods and ended up in a pub. Feeling a bit sleepy now after all that beer...

thata seems like a great time you had, simple times lke this are those well to remember for rest of life, nothing wild, just 'how life supposed to be" feelings, great!