What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

My most recent purchases were --

A Journey into Deaf World
Inside Deaf Culture
Train Go Sorry
The Other Side of Silence

I learned something from all of the books but if I had to pick a favorite it would be The Other Side of Silence.
Looks like you don't need that one, I'm impressed by how many books you get-and I thought I was a bookworm! :D

Actually I read on an average pace. I just purchase many books because I see them on special or in thrift shops for little money. I don't like my current rate so I am always trying to read better (not really faster) so as to improve my overall experience. I think of it like this: A college student has an x amount of classes (books) per term, so I read as if I am a student. I love (adore) to learn...I am very curious about world and the things in it so I read...
I've bought graphic novel Watchmen afew days ago. It is VERY good. If you are a fan of comicbooks, I highly recommend you getting this as the upcoming comic based movie of the same name will coming this march.
Actually I read on an average pace. I just purchase many books because I see them on special or in thrift shops for little money. I don't like my current rate so I am always trying to read better (not really faster) so as to improve my overall experience. I think of it like this: A college student has an x amount of classes (books) per term, so I read as if I am a student. I love (adore) to learn...I am very curious about world and the things in it so I read...

I wonder, do speed readers have the same enjoyment of books as someone who takes their time?
I wonder, do speed readers have the same enjoyment of books as someone who takes their time?

I don't figure they do. I'm not aiming at becoming a lightning fast reader. I just want to increase my pace a bit, and improve my comprehension. I want to be able to use such skills when reading boring materials like manuals and such. I will take my sweet time with novels. :D
I don't figure they do. I'm not aiming at becoming a lightning fast reader. I just want to increase my pace a bit, and improve my comprehension. I want to be able to use such skills when reading boring materials like manuals and such. I will take my sweet time with novels. :D

It's good to know that you'll savor novels! :D
I am dancing with joy! I found these books near the back entry doors of my local library. I asked if I could take some books from a very large pile (or piles) and to my utter surprise I discovered some true gems. These are the books I took with me:

Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre by Emily Bronte (2 volume collectors box set): very good condition.
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (one volume collectors box): fair condition; and beautifully illustrated throughout.
The Bridal Wreath, The Mistress of Husaby, and The Cross by Sigrid Undset (3 volume collectors box set): very good condition.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (volumes 1 & 2): fair condition.
Cass Timberlane by Sinclair Lewis: very good condition.
Franny and Zooney by J.D. Salinger: good condition.
Pavillion of Woman, and Mandala by Pearl S. Buck: very good condition.

All of the above books are first editions. Incredible!

I also borrowed these from the library this afternoon:

Field Guide to the Birds of North America a National Geographic edition: This is for research I am doing for a short story. The protagonist is an avid bird enthusiast.

Rosa Parks by Douglas Brinkley, and Rosa Parks: My Story by Rosa Parks: This is for research on another short story I am now outlining.

New Moon
Breaking Dawn

Warlord Bride
A Vampire that Loves me

Now I'm looking for more books to read...I can read a book that has more than 200 pages in a day...it depends how good it is. I'm fast paced reader
So you like vampires. Have read Patricia Briggs books or Stephen King's Salem's Lot?
So you like vampires. Have read Patricia Briggs books or Stephen King's Salem's Lot?

I like Vampires, yeah...I donno why I've always been attracted to the stories that has Vampires in it. I have seen the movie Salem's Lot....but I never heard of Patricia Briggs...I'll look her up on Amazon.com
I've ordered some mangas as Eiken and Gunsmith Cats: Burst.

I got them via animenation.com
At a thrift store today I purchased, The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality by Brian Greene.
:wave: This morning, 'Handbook of 50 Pirates', Ships, Weapons, Flags, Maps, Treasure and Stories. Aaaarrrgh Maties! :lol:
I'm currently reading:

The Fifth Woman by Henning Mankell
The World Without Us by Alan Weisman
The Swimming-Pool Library by Alan Hollinghurst
I'm not sure what I bought last... but I know that I am currently reading: If only it were true by Marc Levy
