What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Thinking about that one game of bowling where I scored a 246 yesterday!

Oh, tough break. What spare were you left with?
Oh, tough break. What spare were you left with?

It was weird beginning. In the first frame I didn't mark; just got (I think) 8 pins. Then frames 2 thru 8 were the strikes. Frame 9 was a spare and in the 10th I spared and then got a strike.
It was weird beginning. In the first frame I didn't mark; just got (I think) 8 pins. Then frames 2 thru 8 were the strikes. Frame 9 was a spare and in the 10th I spared and then got a strike.

Haven't bowled for years...but did enjoy it before my balance became worser....was a wonder I didn't fall into the alley....:giggle:
I am pretty lots of sleep :lol: I am tried!
Wirelessly posted

:) how it is coming?

Talked with the contractor today. He was checking things over and had a meeting with the inspector. We did a walk-through to let me know the status of things. Here we go: Exterior - needs to be painted. Hubby's & my room - all done except for the board to fill the hole for the attic access. Daughter's room - all done except for the baseboard. Mom's room - all done except for the painting of the closet and window sill and baseboard in the closet. Son's room - all done except for baseboard and door. Living/great room - all done except for baseboard. Kitchen - all done except for knobs and handles on cabinets and drawers, faucet install, appliances install and baseboards. Laundry/utility room - all done except for washer/dryer and water heater and baseboards. Bathrooms - need toilets, cabinets and sinks, baseboards, medicine cabinet/mirror and edging around shower tile. Extension - needs baseboards and window unit A/C. We will have to paint the floor when we can and then eventually tile when we have the money.

Now, for the best news - If all goes well, we will be able to move in about 2-3 weeks.
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KristinaB said:
Wirelessly posted

:) how it is coming?

Talked with the contractor today. He was checking things over and had a meeting with the inspector. We did a walk-through to let me know the status of things. Here we go: Exterior - needs to be painted. Hubby's & my room - all done except for the board to fill the hole for the attic access. Daughter's room - all done except for the baseboard. Mom's room - all done except for the painting of the closet and window sill and baseboard in the closet. Son's room - all done except for baseboard and door. Living/great room - all done except for baseboard. Kitchen - all done except for knobs and handles on cabinets and drawers, faucet install, appliances install and baseboards. Laundry/utility room - all done except for washer/dryer and water heater and baseboards. Bathrooms - need toilets, cabinets and sinks, baseboards, medicine cabinet/mirror and edging around shower tile. Extension - needs baseboards and window unit A/C. We will have to paint the floor when we can and then eventually tile when we have the money.

Now, for the best news - If all goes well, we will be able to move in about 2-3 weeks.

Wonderful! I'm so happy for you. Not long now. :)
Just finished volleyball. Got caught checking out new girl a couple of times. Not by her though, people kept serving to me when I was looking at other game. :LOL: She's nice, but nothing in common.
Thinking about what I should be thinking about and why I should be thinking about what I should be thinking about.

get it? lol.
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I saw someone, that I am not fond of after , he told me some pretty stupid things and rude to me. This was not planned bec I had no idea where he works. I had an awesome day getting dolled up and participated in a fashion show at work from the cosmetology department :)
I am thinking about my little brother's son. He's not yet born but he will be soon. I can't wait to meet him!
Thinking about a lot of random thoughts. Mind won't stop running.
Thinking about my 11:00am appointment on Thursday to get my 1st set of HAs. Excited and nervous, but so looking forward to it!
oops, busted!
Thinking about the inequality of justice.
I am thinking that my haircut is too short. Definitely way shorter then I asked. It is just hair tho and it will grow.
What did you do? I was always afraid of that question when asked by parents. I miss talking to you btw.

Was talking to a girl and when going back to desk, guy said something about it that caught me off guard.

Haha, you should write then. :LOL: Hadn't seen you online till recently, thought maybe you blew town.
Kind of a rough day. The owners at work want a project rushed, but it's really unreasonable to expect it to be ready. My bosses boss has been painting a rosey, unrealistic outlook. To fully test it would take around 1800 man hours. And they want it for January. Even with more people testing, there are only one or two besides me ready to contribute, any others need training. Not to mention it'll still take time for the vendor making the product to say how much they want to fix it, squabble about the cost,then them to accept the work and do it. And then we have to retest. Wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't paid the vendor 300k last year and still don't have a product!
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