What are you doing right now?

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Well, I am gonna try and get an appointment set up with my therapist in the next few weeks. I need a mental reset, and hopefully that will set me straight. It'd been more than six months since I last went, so a lot of catching up to do.

Not a bad idea, since I'm going to be back in Virginia by this weekend, I'll contact him and setup an appointment, I haven't had a session with him since early December 2013 and a lot has happened in my life since then, some of it good, some bad, lots of things I find hard to deal with and could use him to talk to as I really do need to talk about my feelings to someone, you know?
Not a bad idea, since I'm going to be back in Virginia by this weekend, I'll contact him and setup an appointment, I haven't had a session with him since early December 2013 and a lot has happened in my life since then, some of it good, some bad, lots of things I find hard to deal with and could use him to talk to as I really do need to talk about my feelings to someone, you know?

Yeah, actually I do. I've been there before. And my therapist is a woman (She herself is deaf, which makes it a whole lot easier to do things in ASL :P).
Dealing with either a back injury OR back stiffness. I am thinking it's stiff, but the pain is pretty bad. I can handle it-- I've done it before, but if it becomes too much, then I may need to head to the ER, and I really do not want to do that.

Update: it was neither a back injury nor stiffness. Turns out I had a muscle stuck in the rib cage, which can happen, and the result can be painful, and that muscle just got unstuck.
Im with the eye doctor and i am nit excited about my eyes gettig dilatard or however you call that. Even less happy to miss work abd class
I'm supposed to be packing and loading the car up to leave for Virginia in the morning, but procrastination has sit in big time.
Just came out of class... There is some really stupid people in there...

That's probably why they are in class to learn :giggle:

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Just planning my route and I never thought about it, but I have driven through the intersection where Tupac was shot back in 1996, since the 15 is over there, I might make a detour and hit that intersection one last time.
Just turned the heater on...I was hoping that it would be warm enough not to need it but it is 36 degrees out.
Dragging my butt out of bed, and start getting my weak back more stronger than it was yesterday.
Dragging my butt out of bed, and start getting my weak back more stronger than it was yesterday.
I guess you need to do some muscle toning. If your muscles are sliding in between your ribs you need to firm up for sure.

You ride a bike, which is good, but you need to do some work on the upper body and core.
getting cross my gardeners no turned up or even phoned say if coming or not
Well, I'm hitting the road in a short while, going to the corner of Flamingo and Koval to drive over Tupac's shooting spot one last time on my way out. Then heading to Barstow, CA to get on I-40.
I am just waking up. The weather this morning made me sleepy, and now I'm feeling a LOT better than I have in the last few days.
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