Want to impeach Bush?

A few things:

Oceanbreeze, not to rag on you, but WWII, Truman, and the atomic bomb happened in 1945, not the 60's

To those screaming against the use of the atomic bomb to end WWII, most Japanese realize that its use was neccessary, and did save many lives in the end. One of my former history professors used to teach at the American School in Japan. His secretary was Japanese, and she assured him that the US was right to drop the bomb. Every Japanese citizen was trained and ready to die in the event of a land invation. This lady was a school girl at the time, and they actually had invation drills, where each student armed him or herself with a sharpened broomstick. Dropping the bomb saved the lives of US troops, and it caused less Japanese civilian deaths than would have an invation.

ravensteve1961 said:
3.Doesnt give a shit about people who are ill,sick,deaf or blind who want hear,see and feel well again cause he vetoed the stem cell research bill.

Thats why i want him outta there
I'm a biology major in college, and last year I gave a fairly lengthy Senior Seminar presentation on stem cell research. Would it surprise you to know that not a single cure or treatment for any malady has been devised through embrionic stem cell research? Or maybe you'd be impressed that research into adult and cord-blood stem cells has thus far produced treatments for over 50 conditions? Perhaps you were uniformed about the fact that Swedish scientists recently created functioning brain cells that interact in a neural network, using adult stem cells havested from patients undergoing brain surgery? I understand that it can often be difficult for laymen to become informed on such subjects, especially when the large media outlets only discuss the embrionic side of the issue, and ignore the vast advances being made through methods that do not tread into regions of moral uncertainty (I mean, c'mon! It wouldn't be dramatic, and thus good for selling papers, otherwise...)
ksbsnowowl said:
A few things:

Oceanbreeze, not to rag on you, but WWII, Truman, and the atomic bomb happened in 1945, not the 60's


ACK! Thank you. I stand corrected. :Oops:

I admit that history is NOT my strong suit. Thank you for pointing out my error. :)
Oceanbreeze said:
ACK! Thank you. I stand corrected. :Oops:

I admit that history is NOT my strong suit. Thank you for pointing out my error. :)
Don't fear; the history minor is here to set you straight :)
ksbsnowowl said:
To those screaming against the use of the atomic bomb to end WWII, most Japanese realize that its use was neccessary, and did save many lives in the end. ..

... Would it surprise you to know that not a single cure or treatment for any malady has been devised through embrionic stem cell research? Or maybe you'd be impressed that research into adult and cord-blood stem cells has thus far produced treatments for over 50 conditions? ... the large media outlets only discuss the embrionic side of the issue, and ignore the vast advances being made through methods that do not tread into regions of moral uncertainty (I mean, c'mon! It wouldn't be dramatic, and thus good for selling papers, otherwise...)
ravensteve1961 said:
Read this shit!
... the hijackers were identified in 1999 by a classified military intelligence unit known as "Able Danger,"...

In September 2000, the unit recommended that its information on the hijackers be given to the FBI "so they could bring that cell in and take out the terrorists," Weldon said ...

However, Weldon said Pentagon lawyers rejected the recommendation because they said Atta and the others were in the country legally.

..."Not only did our military identify Mr. Atta, our military made a recommendation on September 2000 to bring the FBI in and take out that cell...."

1999 and 2000? That was President Clinton, not President Bush.

The Clinton administration didn't want to investigate because they were trying to recover from the negative public feelings about the way they disasterously mishandled the Branch Davidians at Waco, TX.
What about "impeach" Clinton for lying and ADULTERY before Bush became the President of the USA? Clinton won! How? Our Nation is a liar because THE LIE CHANGED OUR NATION. Who caused it? DEMOCRATS did it because they are liars!!!

The world looked at the USA -- Great vile nation because of Clintion's vile affection! SHAME on the USA!!!! This means that we are SO SHAMEFUL because of a great LIE!!!!! The KEY question: How will our nation be trusted by the World? They watch at the USA -- Abortion, homosexuality, vile affections, drugs and sinful things. They get STUPID ideas from the USA. Why was Clinton not impeached by Democrats AGAINST the Constitution of the USA? More problems grow because time is beginning.......

I doubt that Bush will be impeached by DEMOCRATS because of Republicans' control in the government.
Boult said:
No Bush is not protecting us from terrorists and he went ahead and invaded Iraq for no reason (...there is no terrorist, he lied, Bush created Terrorist there in Iraq...)
Oh really? Perhaps this article from The Weekly Standard will be enough to show you that statement is false. I'm sure it won't be enough, even though the top editors at the Weekly Standard (Mort Kondraki in particular) are democrats. Here are some of the highlights:

The Mother of All Connections
From the July 18, 2005 issue: A special report on the new evidence of collaboration between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda.
by Stephen F. Hayes & Thomas Joscelyn
07/18/2005, Volume 010, Issue 41

... John Lehman, a 9/11 commissioner, spoke to The Weekly Standard at the time the report was released. "There may well be--and probably will be--additional intelligence coming in from interrogations and from analysis of captured records and so forth which will fill out the intelligence picture. This is not phrased as--nor meant to be--the definitive word on Iraqi Intelligence activities."

... Indeed, more than two years after the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein was ousted, there is much we do not know about the relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda. We do know, however, that there was one. We know about this relationship not from Bush administration assertions but from internal Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) documents recovered in Iraq after the war--documents that have been authenticated by a U.S. intelligence community long hostile to the very idea that any such relationship exists.

We know from these IIS documents that beginning in 1992 the former Iraqi regime regarded bin Laden as an Iraqi Intelligence asset. We know from IIS documents that the former Iraqi regime provided safe haven and financial support to an Iraqi who has admitted to mixing the chemicals for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. We know from IIS documents that Saddam Hussein agreed to Osama bin Laden's request to broadcast anti-Saudi propaganda on Iraqi state-run television. We know from IIS documents that a "trusted confidante" of bin Laden stayed for more than two weeks at a posh Baghdad hotel as the guest of the Iraqi Intelligence Service.

We have been told by Hudayfa Azzam, the son of bin Laden's longtime mentor Abdullah Azzam, that Saddam Hussein welcomed young al Qaeda members "with open arms" before the war, that they "entered Iraq in large numbers, setting up an organization to confront the occupation," and that the regime "strictly and directly" controlled their activities. We have been told by Jordan's King Abdullah that his government knew Abu Musab al Zarqawi was in Iraq before the war and requested that the former Iraqi regime deport him. We have been told by Time magazine that confidential documents from Zarqawi's group, recovered in recent raids, indicate other jihadists had joined him in Baghdad before the Hussein regime fell. We have been told by one of those jihadists that he was with Zarqawi in Baghdad before the war. We have been told by Ayad Allawi, former Iraqi prime minister and a longtime CIA source, that other Iraqi Intelligence documents indicate bin Laden's top deputy was in Iraq for a jihadist conference in September 1999.

All of this is new--information obtained since the fall of the Hussein regime. And yet critics of the Iraq war and many in the media refuse to see it. ...

BTW - thanks for the compliment Reba
Then why didnt bush just fire all clintons intelligence staff that clinton hired?Cause hes too damn lazy to put up with the democrats barking at him and fillabustering when bush makes a nomanee.Thats why he left em in there.The intellgence knew all about this hijackers and didnt alert law enforcement agencies.Thats why he should be impeached.
ravensteve1961 said:
SEE LIKE I SAID GET THE FUCK OUTTA IRAQ AND PRICES WILL COME DOWN,,,Please Mr Kennedy talk about impeaching george bush... George Bush invaded iraq for ONE REASON ONLY!!! Because saddam tried to kill his daddy. Bush knew there were no WMDs in IRAQ France and germany were right to block the war against iraq. Plus im begining to belive micheal moore was right too. The Arabs are holding a grunge against us because were on their homeland and they dont like the americans on their soil.So get the hell off their land stop supporting israel and prices will come down again.George Bush is the WORST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT SINCE THIS ASSHOLE.

Then why are you pissing on our blue states?


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Oceanbreeze said:
Who? Bush? My comment was directed towards the fact that Condi Rice could become President if the Vice President couldn't take over.

But, no matter. I don't want to impeach Bush regardless of the fact that I don't like some of his policies. Reason:

You could get some other idiot in office that is worse than Bush is/was. Not to mention, we really can't impeach him. We don't have the ability to do so. That's the senates job, and you'd be hard-pressed to get the Republican majority to agree to it.

Yeah Right, KMA...

Presidential Succession Act of 1947 is currently:

Vice President (Richard B. Cheney)
Speaker of the House of Representatives (J. Dennis Hastert)
President pro tempore of the Senate (Ted Stevens)
Secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice)
Secretary of the Treasury (John W. Snow)
Secretary of Defense (Donald H. Rumsfeld)
Attorney General (Alberto Gonzales)
Secretary of the Interior (Gale Norton)
Secretary of Agriculture (Mike Johanns)
Secretary of Commerce (Carlos Gutierrez, ineligible)
Secretary of Labor (Elaine Chao, ineligible)
Secretary of Health and Human Services (Michael Leavitt)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (Alphonso Jackson)
Secretary of Transportation (Norman Y. Mineta)
Secretary of Energy (Samuel W. Bodman)
Secretary of Education (Margaret Spellings)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Jim Nicholson)
mld4ds said:
Yeah Right, KMA...

Presidential Succession Act of 1947 is currently:

Vice President (Richard B. Cheney)
Speaker of the House of Representatives (J. Dennis Hastert)
President pro tempore of the Senate (Ted Stevens)
Secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice)
Secretary of the Treasury (John W. Snow)
Secretary of Defense (Donald H. Rumsfeld)
Attorney General (Alberto Gonzales)
Secretary of the Interior (Gale Norton)
Secretary of Agriculture (Mike Johanns)
Secretary of Commerce (Carlos Gutierrez, ineligible)
Secretary of Labor (Elaine Chao, ineligible)
Secretary of Health and Human Services (Michael Leavitt)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (Alphonso Jackson)
Secretary of Transportation (Norman Y. Mineta)
Secretary of Energy (Samuel W. Bodman)
Secretary of Education (Margaret Spellings)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Jim Nicholson)

Hey, I said COULD. I didn't say Condi was going to.

Chill dude. I was merely pointing out that it was silly to try and impeach the President. Chances are, those that did try, would undoubtedly end up with someone they feared more than him, so it's not worth it.
Very true! But remember, president often were blamed for somebody else's wrongdoing! Often I see whatever went wrong with anyone in gov't branch, wheather it is inside pentagon, intellegence, Social Security, you name it, and American quick to blame on president! How sad?

Here is perfect example, I just learn that the oil refinery in America is struggling to keep up the supply with demand (They got enough oil BUT can't refine them fast enough) and was forced to increase the cost of gas, but America blamed on Bush for war on Iraq, and that Saudi was pissed off at us. Wow! Oil refinery is DAMN lucky that they got away from the blaming game!

webexplorer said:
It was too bad that Nixon was a good president. He gave it up too early.
Wow, I don't realize about this thread...

Steve don't make any sense to me. :dunno:
Where's LUNZ? I bet that he will back soon.
Hey, I said COULD. I didn't say Condi was going to.

Chill dude. I was merely pointing out that it was silly to try and impeach the President. Chances are, those that did try, would undoubtedly end up with someone they feared more than him, so it's not worth it.

Well, I disagree with you. Bush needs to leave the office. I am afraid that he will start another war with Iran and perhaps North Korea. Our financial system might be worse or turmoil because he already made so many messes. I was told that your medicare would be limited to access except generic medicines. Many generic medicines do not even help them. Many Republicans are beginning tired of him, and they are not happy with his progress. I was told that the Republicans are moving to support Democrats just for now.

Today on the news, the reporter said that there are 300 millions of people in the U.S. officially! It is still growing. How can Bush manages the money to help us? He does not have time to do it and he already obsessives with his wars since he became the president.
I agree with webexplorer.
Impeach Bush. I support Democratic and Green Party. I go for Green!
It would be nice to see a green party, but no party - Who?

Joe Lieberman is a poor leader who has not promised a thing for a long time. I am aware that Joe owns a house as a landlord, and he never hires someone to fix some things like a toilet, crack floor titles, update railings, etc. The renters got fed up and tried to demand him to fix up his house seriously. It was a good thing that he lost his election three years ago.
Today on the news, the reporter said that there are 300 millions of people in the U.S. officially! It is still growing. ...
I suppose people want to blame Bush for that, too.