Want to impeach Bush?

Well if Bush won the vote, then "nobody" come to the parade won't happens ;)

He didn't. I was in FLorida for 2004 and people were catching the machines without paper trails change their vote at the end of voting. One TV channel did a piece on it I remember and then it died - Jeb Bush was in charge. My mom said in 2000, people who were democratic, black etc... were being turned away from thepolls in Ft. Lauderdale.


PS We're sleeping because most people know more about Paris Hilton, American Idol and Lost or what Brangelina is doing as opposed to what's really going on with our nation.
First of all, we have oil execs in the house - Bush is heavily involved with them, Condi used to be upper level Chevron employee.

Second, if you think the economy is back on its feet, I totally disagree. The housing market is crashing, stocks aren't that great, salaries are stagnant.

Terrorists didn't fail to strike because of Bush, because Bush was involved with the terrorist strike. Who do you think originally armed them all? Second f all, Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, though explain the fact that Bush's brother handled the security at the trade center, why building seven was taken out and where the god-damn plane went.

As for Iraq, we went in for the oil. How can you think otherwise? What most people don't know is that the time we went in, Saddam was switching to using the euro to pay for oil instead of dollars which would have crashed our economy because our dollar is based on oil dollars which is why we will never go completely green. Cars can run on water, oil, chicken fat, other things but it won't truly happen.

Another thing, he has completely fucked our school system with NCLB because while the accountability is good, the system sucks and it doesn't really solve theproblem of stagnant, backwards education without a true competitive spirit that addresses the true workforce needs we have. Why are jobs being shipped out????

Another thing, tax breaks are temporary for now. Most people didnt get them, and if they did, don't make that much of a difference. Instead of investing in America, we are investing in every other country as we slowly fall apart with a slow dumbing down of society that is unhealthy. Granted, we are at fault because people know more about American Idol than about what is really going on inside the government.

Good post! :D

He didn't. I was in FLorida for 2004 and people were catching the machines without paper trails change their vote at the end of voting. One TV channel did a piece on it I remember and then it died - Jeb Bush was in charge. My mom said in 2000, people who were democratic, black etc... were being turned away from thepolls in Ft. Lauderdale.


PS We're sleeping because most people know more about Paris Hilton, American Idol and Lost or what Brangelina is doing as opposed to what's really going on with our nation.

Yeah I know, he was just "tie" with Al Gore and Kerry, just VERY little over the tie, that's why so many people hate Bush today, and half of us liked Bush.

Just btw, I hate Bush too ;) I love my own joke "I don't like bush! I rather to shave it off my public area" lol :rofl: