
I'm not a vegetarian. I avoid some meats simply because I don't like their taste! About the only types of meats I like are fish, burgers, poultry, bacon, and minced beef. Our local butcher favours free range and so do my wife and I. My rationalle is: If you're going to kill an animal to eat it you may as well treat it well before the fact! There's no need to be cruel.

I would fail at a vegetarian because I don't like cooked vegetables of any type. I hate beans and peas... I am a very picky eater.
I'm not a vegetarian. I avoid some meats simply because I don't like their taste! About the only types of meats I like are fish, burgers, poultry, bacon, and minced beef. Our local butcher favours free range and so do my wife and I. My rationalle is: If you're going to kill an animal to eat it you may as well treat it well before the fact! There's no need to be cruel.

I would fail at a vegetarian because I don't like cooked vegetables of any type. I hate beans and peas... I am a very picky eater.

I <3 cooked vegetables and I gotta love eating peas almost everyday since 4years ago :D

I guess I'm proud to be health freak becaues I can live longer if I can take care of myself really good :D
I'm not a vegetarian let alone a vegan. However, 1/3 to 2/3 of my meals are vegetarian.

I prefer lean meats like chicken or lean cuts of beef. A lot of high fat meats like pork ribs will cause bad heart burn so I avoid them. I love bacon but haven't eaten it in a long time. Bacon is like 6 dollars where I live so I don't buy that very often. I prefer the thick kind of bacon.

Favorite veggies are videla onions - especially caramelized onions. Salads are a close second.

I also have irritable bowel syndrome so I try to eat beans with high fiber several times a week.

I've tried going vegetarian but I like my meat too much for that.
I'm not a vegetarian let alone a vegan. However, 1/3 to 2/3 of my meals are vegetarian.

I prefer lean meats like chicken or lean cuts of beef. A lot of high fat meats like pork ribs will cause bad heart burn so I avoid them. I love bacon but haven't eaten it in a long time. Bacon is like 6 dollars where I live so I don't buy that very often. I prefer the thick kind of bacon.

Favorite veggies are videla onions - especially caramelized onions. Salads are a close second.

I also have irritable bowel syndrome so I try to eat beans with high fiber several times a week.

I've tried going vegetarian but I like my meat too much for that.

*sigh* too many ppl try to become vegetarian but fails...
I used to love to eat meatballs since i was born till 4years ago..
now i dont care about good tasty of meatballs because I can live without it.
Can't live without meats. I eat them everyday. Yea, i feel sorry for animals but too bad we re on the top of food chain. :afro:
Jellybean on Vegs

Done a Veggie and done a Vegetarian, Life is Good, I enjoy it, I felt the differences when me and my husband had no meats for 2 months and lost alots of weight, not my husband he's already skinny ha ha ....I felted healther and less sickness, it sure works great...

I buys Morning Star and Boca meatless products they tasted just the same as the real meats and poultrys, they're greatttttttttt, my folks a quit eatin' a Bird Flu goin' around and a Cow Moo Mad DiseaseD goin' around, they said this is it, we're goin' for meatless and eats more organic vegetable and fruits, I've tried it all and it's Splendidity and Yummy yummy in my tummy!
How many of you have tried to go vegetarian? I tried a couple of times, just to see if I felt any different.

Every time I've experimented with it I felt lighter and healthy but fatigued at the same time.

Walking past the Chic Filet signs at the mall and reading the sign the cow holds that says "Eat more Chicken!" makes me think I'll eat the chicken, and then when I'm done with that your next! Even canned meat :spam: looks good during those times.
Done a Veggie and done a Vegetarian, Life is Good, I enjoy it, I felt the differences when me and my husband had no meats for 2 months and lost alots of weight, not my husband he's already skinny ha ha ....I felted healther and less sickness, it sure works great...

I buys Morning Star and Boca meatless products they tasted just the same as the real meats and poultrys, they're greatttttttttt, my folks a quit eatin' a Bird Flu goin' around and a Cow Moo Mad DiseaseD goin' around, they said this is it, we're goin' for meatless and eats more organic vegetable and fruits, I've tried it all and it's Splendidity and Yummy yummy in my tummy!

U still veggie!?!? I HOPE SO! :fingersx:
No... regular animals in this world..
u figure out the answer to urself :D

Nope, we owns and control animals. There are no animals that can control us. You might make a case about dinosaurs but they went extinct long time ago.
Nope, we owns and control animals. There are no animals that can control us. You might make a case about dinosaurs but they went extinct long time ago.

not actually...control isnt matter...there is few animals are more population than humans..
Jellybean on Vegs

Done a Veggie and done a Vegetarian, Life is Good, I enjoy it, I felt the differences when me and my husband had no meats for 2 months and lost alots of weight, not my husband he's already skinny ha ha ....I felted healther and less sickness, it sure works great...

I refused to eat anys Pigs meats (Produces), it has worms in it and it cannot be killed during frying, grillin' and oven, it stayed there, I'm more concerned about Parasite that causes Cancer also I'm takin' Colon cleanser to avoid cancer, so I dunno how many pds of poopin' I got sucked in my colon, but had a great fartin' due to I just killed the parasite, heh!

I buys Morning Star and Boca meatless products they tasted just the same as the real meats and poultrys, they're greatttttttttt, my folks a quit eatin' a Bird Flu goin' around and a Mad Cow MooOver Diseased goin' around, they said this is it, we're goin' for meatless and eats more organic vegetable and fruits, I've tried it all and it's Splendidity and Yummy yummy in my tummy!

How many of you have tried to go vegetarian? I tried a couple of times, just to see if I felt any different.

Every time I've experimented with it I felt lighter and healthy but fatigued at the same time.

Walking past the Chic Filet signs at the mall and reading the sign the cow holds that says "Eat more Chicken!" makes me think I'll eat the chicken, and then when I'm done with that your next! Even canned meat :spam: looks good during those times.
Good lord Jellybean

Boca do filled me up, one or two is enough, good grief!:giggle:

The other thing is that they don't fill me up. I could eat, like five boca burgers and still feel hungry! :) Of course that's why I add in baked potatoes and various veggies. I love baked potatoes. Geeze, now I'm all hungry. :)
I am not a vegetarian. But, my sister is hearing, she does without a eating
meat, she is a vegetarian, I think
she is now "cold turkey" as she had hard time without eating a meat.
She liked to eat steaks, hot dogs, and chicken soups. :roll: But, now she is no longer to eat a meat for about 2 years. :eek3:

I will tell you for spread a word of mine: I love to eat shrimp, steak, crab, bologna, braunshweiser, chicken-soup, and
other favorite meats.
not a vegetarian no, but I eat plenty of vegtables along with meat & whatever else is good hehe'
Real Poultry & Red Meats has Chemical, Hormones and Antibotic

I found out that real meats and poultrys has Chemical, Hormones and Antibotic causing Cancers...

Note: alots of people got cancer and are dying of cancer, yes some farms use chemicals on vegetables and fruits and that's BAD NEWS!!!

That's why I go Meatless and buys all Organic fruits and Vegetables...

There are Red Meats that has no Chemcial, Hormones and Antibotic added, check the labels on the meats products...

Also Poultrys also has no Chemical, Hormones and Antibotic added...

Looks for Laura's Lean red meats and looks for Pilgrams, Perdue and Amish poultrys, they do not contained C H A

Hope you have that in your locals super market & check health foods store too...

They have Organic Eggs and free range Eggs...

All the foods in store contained chemicals, we all needs to be cautioned what they puts in there, BeWare of MSG in chips and spices, they use MSG to make people craves and eats more of the bad stuff...

My Uncle and Aunt died from Colon Cancer, another Aunt has cancer went thru treatments doin' okay so far as I know...

Milk products also has chemcial, Hormones and Antibotic too, they're bad also, try Soy Milks or Organic Milks...

For some people who cannot resisted real meats, Check the labels and looks for C H A free included Milks too and for Cheese lovers the same...

We buys veggie cheese or organic cheese, parmasen cheese...

My husband has to have a real meats and poultry, I have to buys them too, he does love Morning Star and Boca...

I heard some people eats their meats rare, that's Bad News, We all should eat WELL DONE cooked meats, not half cooked, to avoid E-colic and others as well...

For anyone who has ADD or ADHA, the reason why they have this, it is caused by the chemicals in foods, I learned this from the health Class, it's a surprising shocked, chemicals reactions causes misbehaviors in children with ADD & ADHA...

We all should be more careful what we eats!:ty:

If my husband and I plans to have a child, I would dare to eats all Organics foods, periodly, I don't want my baby to have all that chemcials junks inside and get ADD or ADHA, the class at the health place said a mother that eats or drinks chemciality in foods causes Add and Adha in babies, If you wants a healthy child with no Add and Adha, eats lots of healthy organic free of C H A, if you really care about your body and the baby's body, it's really important.
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I <3 cooked vegetables and I gotta love eating peas almost everyday since 4years ago :D

I guess I'm proud to be health freak because I can live longer if I can take care of myself really good :D

Congratulations to you for not eating a meat! Did you know how FDA is doing?
Not good, because it's there is... cloned-meat, I hate to eat clone-meat,
although, I never had to eat cloned-meat before in my life yet. :ugh3:
But, good news, there are will have costly as its will be expensive
more than regular meat. But it will bad news: there are no requiring to having a label for cloned-meats. Read about story of "FDA approved cloned-meat;
without a label if no needed." - Colorado Springs - Pueblo - FDA Approves Cloned Products For Humans

Guess what?! I am very proud of California-- poof, it's everything is now coming with news-- California lawmakers wants label for cloned-meat. ;)
Wisconsin Ag Connection - National/World News - California Lawmaker Wants Cloned Meat Labeled
But I don't like California for myself, because my personalty reason.