Under the Word of God

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Reba said:
I don't think there is a requirement for every member to read and post in every thread in every forum.

Exactly ! :)
Cheri said:
Oh :Oops: I didn't think that my hamster passing away would be boring or offensive to those who wouldn't want to post in there. I guess not everyone has a heart nor understanding. No problem, I guess. :(
Reba said:
Amen! Codger, you read my mind.

There are several forums at AD that I never touch because I find them offensive and/or boring. So I just ignore them. I don't complain about them, or say that other people shouldn't post there, or that they should be eliminated. I just keep hands off. It saves me a lot of time that way, too. :)

I don't know why Christian topic threads bother so many non-believers. They can do the same thing I do with "offensive" forums and threads; that is, ignore. (Hmm, unless it is Holy Spirit conviction nudging them to seek the Truth; I wonder?)

I don't think there is a requirement for every member to read and post in every thread in every forum.

:gpost: I'm sorry to say this but I absolutely agree with Reba and Codger here....

( I'm speaking this in general not pointing this to anyone ) Alex did said that he will be adding a Religious forum here in AD but he's been quite busy and been working alot, as you know he has a life too... so please try to be a bit more patient since it's his forum and he will put it in when he has the time to do so....

That's all I'm going to say cause I'm tired of getting jumped on just cause I have my own view or opinion here as well and since it seem that some of you won't be please for what I'm about to say, so I rather to keep it to myself....

:::holding up a peace sign:::....
CyberRed said:
A different forum for each ? Hmm... I am sure there's ONLY 2 gods. God vs Satan.
Satan is God?
VamPyroX said:
Satan is God?

There is no war. Jesus Christ (son), Father, and Holy Spirit is a God.

For your Info, the Satan is obeying God for any actions. God use satan for his plan.
VamPyroX said:
Satan is God?

Satan is a little god for his 1/3rd demons who were followin' him out of Heaven. Jesus is God, the Creator of Universe and Earth is the real God. Soo... someone here in this thread wanted a "religion" forum for all different religions, right ? So I stated that there's One Good God and the other is Bad god ( Satan ).

In the bible God says that He don't know WHO is the other God when there were other religions under the different names, the ones who they called their "god". There's only ONE God, the one who is REAL out there, the Creator of all Universe and Earth. :)

Some cults ( satan worshippers ) called Satan their God. The fact is that God and Satan are in war for the people's souls to be saved or lost.
"Why are non-believers in Christianity drawn to threads about Christianity? Why do the start threads mocking Christianity?" I still have not found a satisfactory answer for this.

First of all, I am NOT a Christian yet I am INTERESTED in Christianity. It doesn't mean I should ignore Christianity. It has a huge influence on our society. The Bible made terrible mistakes and it deserves criticism for its errors but Christian fundies won't accept that the Bible made mistakes - they always say, "It's God's will." Whatever - they're just blind to their own toxic faith. Jesus was wrong and contradicted himself many times. God does change His Mind many times and he is clearly not omnipotent or omnipresent as many say He is. The bible has so many contradictions but Christian fundies won't accept them.

netrox said:
... The Bible made terrible mistakes and it deserves criticism for its errors...
How does a book make mistakes? Do you mean the Author of the Bible made mistakes? What kind of mistakes?

...Jesus was wrong and contradicted himself many times.
In what way?

God ... is clearly not omnipotent or omnipresent ...
On what do you base that statement?

The bible has so many contradictions . . .
Tamara said:
It seems most of AD people are born-again Christians :fingersx:

I don't know, Tamara. But, it doesn't matter. I think what some ADers don't want to see is the blatant judgements coming from a vocal few. Most of us grew up with Christianity; and we know what it's about. We made our own choices and we're happy living life the way we do. We don't want someone trying to tell us what we are doing is wrong, or that we should change. It's not up to that person; regardless of how badly they might think we're damned to Hell. It's not up to them to make that decison for us. But, the thing is, try to tell a zealot "no", and see if they go away. Most of the time, they do not, and will not, take no for an answer!

Therefore, I also think it would be a good idea to have a religious forum. Hopefully, Alex will get to this asap.
My point is that everyone of you including myself are under the Word of God. Without the Word of God, we would not be here. With the Word of God, Jesus came here and died on the cross then rose again for you. That's why we are under the Word of God. The earth is the Lord's. That means that we are God's own. That is why we are under the Word of God. Can you imagine if anyone rejects Jesus then He will send him/her to hell because they are God's AND if anyone accept Jesus as personal Savior then He will welcome them to a beautiful home namely Heaven because they are God's? What do you think of yourself when you are under the Word of God?
Deaf258 said:
And your point??

I believe with all my heart and soul that when a person forces religion beliefs upon other people is an evil person.
Force? WRONG!
DeafVeggie said:
Yea, I saw Askjo's worst attack :rl: on AD that came to you for removing your signature profanity. Read this.
A 15 years old poster read it. Is that okay for him see your profane picture during you are an adult?
netrox said:
The Bible made terrible mistakes and it deserves criticism for its errors but Christian fundies won't accept that the Bible made mistakes - they always say, "It's God's will." Whatever - they're just blind to their own toxic faith. The bible has so many contradictions
Mistakes? Please prove.
Jesus was wrong and contradicted himself many times.
If Jesus contradicted Himself, the Bible would NOT be here. :shock:
Askjo, aren't you capable of discussing something other than religions? The reason why you're developing a bad reputation here is because of the approaches you made to the members of AllDeaf. You've made around 120 posts and only 2 of them are about a webcam that nobody care about. As far I am concerned, you're only here to proselytize.
Yeah there are 14 pages... with the word Christian
And there are 11 pages... with the word Religion
and there are unknown many pages with the word GOD

So yeah we need a Christian forum. Atheists don't mind, right? :ily:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yeah there are 14 pages... with the word Christian
And there are 11 pages... with the word Religion
and there are unknown many pages with the word GOD

So yeah we need a Christian forum. Atheists don't mind, right? :ily:

Well, the only way this is gonna fly is, if we have a forum that includes ALL religions and faiths. Having a forum that merely includes just one is unfair.
Oceanbreeze said:
Well, the only way this is gonna fly is, if we have a forum that includes ALL religions and faiths. Having a forum that merely includes just one is unfair.

Exactly....I prefer to discuss Spirituality than Religion or Christianity. If I go into a Christian forum and discuss Catholicism, I will be more likely chased out of that forum by their rantings that Catholics are not Christians and bashing Pope, etc.
Meg said:
Exactly....I prefer to discuss Spirituality than Religion or Christianity. If I go into a Christian forum and discuss Catholicism, I will be more likely chased out of that forum by their rantings that Catholics are not Christians and bashing Pope, etc.

i second that cuz there are others who are not christians/catholics in this forum! sheesh!!! :ugh:
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