Unarmed Missouri teen shot by police sparks outrage

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Do you all really know the differences?
Ive been stopped by police for speeding, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, hanging with the wrong people...but Ill tell you what, I have No rap sheet, never been arrested and never been shot or beat by a cop either they be black or white... Its not racism, it is all about how you react and obey the officer. you act like an ass, they will show you who is in charge. I have been stopped by officers with attitudes, but once they see you listen and obey them, and you don't show signs of aggression, its a whole new tune, Most of the time we ended up laughing as I left.... you piss them off, you are a game changer.
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police! - YouTube

I did not nothing in Boston to made the cops so pissed off that 3 cops jumped out their car and started running after my Black b/f and me. We where walking home from a Halloween party on the sidewalk , where not drunk or stoned , we where a Black and White couple and that is why cops ha
harass us and rough my b/f up. They where trying to scare him so he would stop dating White women. This was racist, you do not understand that there are some cops that are racist or sexist . Cops are people and they can racist or sexist just like other people. Being a cop does not made a person perfect . It's not like superman putting a suit and being able to fly
if a cop is a racist and put on a uniform he is still a racist.
I did not nothing in Boston to made the cops so pissed off that 3 cops jumped out their car and started running after my Black b/f and me. We where walking home from a Halloween party on the sidewalk , where not drunk or stoned , we where a Black and White couple and that is why cops ha
harass us and rough my b/f up. They where trying to scare him so he would stop dating White women. This was racist, you do not understand that there are some cops that are racist or sexist . Cops are people and they can racist or sexist just like other people. Being a cop does not made a person perfect . It's not like superman putting a suit and being able to fly
if a cop is a racist and put on a uniform he is still a racist.

I think you missed my post about me and my black friends... I know its a big gap between the 60's and the 80's but I still been through some of the crap they went through with harassments... Just letting your friends know you are on their side is the best you can do. The racist cops, yeah, not much we can do with them, but keeping your nose clean is the best weapon anyone has, if youre not a troublemaker you have nothing to fear.
I think you missed my post about me and my black friends... I know its a big gap between the 60's and the 80's but I still been through some of the crap they went through with harassments... Just letting your friends know you are on their side is the best you can do. The racist cops, yeah, not much we can do with them, but keeping your nose clean is the best weapon anyone has, if youre not a troublemaker you have nothing to fear.

Yeah I agree it's best to stay on the good side of cops. My ex husband got pulled over for speeding 3 times on the same street , I warned him not speed around he b/c the cops really do not a lot to do . Mt ex had to go to classes for drivers that had an attitude and he was told if he made a cop get out of his warn car in the winter or in the rain for speeding the cop will more than likely to give him a speeding ticket , my ex was told not to piss a cop off by speeding . I remember that and I never did speed anyway. I do not waste my money on a ticket .
Whoa!...getting ur panties in a wad?...Not all Police are bad...I've run into some very good Officers...and some bad Officers myself....Not too long ago, this Black Officer was sent to my Home...and he was very polite and factual...took my report also and advised me what to do...I was very appreciative!

I wouldn't want to "Stomp the Police"....I'd want to stomp the lawless, murderers, child rapists, etc., etc.

Can't understand why you are so passive about the Police. ??

I agree RR 100%. Both my brothers are police officers and two of my nephews are police officers. Believe me they absolutely hate when a cop acts badly. Of course every profession is going to have good people and bad people. But saying that all cops are bad or "stomp the police" is not right. It puts the good cops at risk. It destroys the reputation they have built with their community. Both my brothers "the good cops" have been seriously injured on the job. My older brother is permanently disabled from being attacked by three inmates at the jail. He had to have brain surgery and a plate put in his head.

Also the majority of police officers go their entire career without shooting their weapons. If they do they have a split second to decide to shoot or not. They all want to go home to their families at the end of their shift.

We only hear of the bad cops or the ones who ended up making the wrong decision.
I agree RR 100%. Both my brothers are police officers and two of my nephews are police officers. Believe me they absolutely hate when a cop acts badly. Of course every profession is going to have good people and bad people. But saying that all cops are bad or "stomp the police" is not right. It puts the good cops at risk. It destroys the reputation they have built with their community. Both my brothers "the good cops" have been seriously injured on the job. My older brother is permanently disabled from being attacked by three inmates at the jail. He had to have brain surgery and a plate put in his head.

Also the majority of police officers go their entire career without shooting their weapons. If they do they have a split second to decide to shoot or not. They all want to go home to their families at the end of their shit.

We only hear of the bad cops or the ones who ended up making the wrong decision.

My uncle is a former Marine, and he used to be a cop in North Carolina for many years before he moved to Missouri in 1998, and became a cop in Springfield, MO, and that's where he retired. He was one of their better officers, and he is in a photograph with a bunch of other cops and motorcycles, which tells me he was well-liked.
I agree RR 100%. Both my brothers are police officers and two of my nephews are police officers. Believe me they absolutely hate when a cop acts badly. Of course every profession is going to have good people and bad people. But saying that all cops are bad or "stomp the police" is not right. It puts the good cops at risk. It destroys the reputation they have built with their community. Both my brothers "the good cops" have been seriously injured on the job. My older brother is permanently disabled from being attacked by three inmates at the jail. He had to have brain surgery and a plate put in his head.

Also the majority of police officers go their entire career without shooting their weapons. If they do they have a split second to decide to shoot or not. They all want to go home to their families at the end of their shift.

We only hear of the bad cops or the ones who ended up making the wrong decision.

Yeah we had good health aides and bad health aides at company I worked for. Some health aides would steal their clients money or meds , and I hated when that happen .
My uncle is a former Marine, and he used to be a cop in North Carolina for many years before he moved to Missouri in 1998, and became a cop in Springfield, MO, and that's where he retired. He was one of their better officers, and he is in a photograph with a bunch of other cops and motorcycles, which tells me he was well-liked.

Doesn't mean he was well liked...kinda like a class picture.
My best friend married a woman whose dad was a top ranking officer in a not so well liked town here, but he was a good guy where others abused their authorities... he didn't like it and wasn't much he could do as its all political... but he kept his nose clean and retired, sadly he passed away a few years ago, he was a great man from just the few years I actually got to know him.
Doesn't mean he was well liked...kinda like a class picture.
My best friend married a woman whose dad was a top ranking officer in a not so well liked town here, but he was a good guy where others abused their authorities... he didn't like it and wasn't much he could do as its all political... but he kept his nose clean and retired, sadly he passed away a few years ago, he was a great man from just the few years I actually got to know him.

I don't know too much about his police career, but I know he was a cop since after I was born in '83. Before he joined the department in NC, he used to live in Illinois until I was born, then he moved there in '84.
I don't know too much about his police career, but I know he was a cop since after I was born in '83. Before he joined the department in NC, he used to live in Illinois until I was born, then he moved there in '84.

Why did he leave after you were born? Just curious....
what the heck is going on here lol? just got back from upstate NY and Boston. oh boy.... gotta catch up!
They're getting ready for Michael Brown's funeral now. I saw a little bit on TV. It reminded me of a funeral I attended at a black church. The "nurses" attending the mourners are standard, and I think a nice touch. It takes pressure off the family members.
Why did he leave after you were born? Just curious....

Not sure. I think he was offered the job there, but that was 30 years ago, and I was just a baby then. Plus, he wasn't married then, either. I met my aunt when my Dad and brother, along with myself, traveled there in 1993.
They're getting ready for Michael Brown's funeral now. I saw a little bit on TV. It reminded me of a funeral I attended at a black church. The "nurses" attending the mourners are standard, and I think a nice touch. It takes pressure off the family members.

I had a cousin who lost his mother ,she had a heart attack, my cousin was
15 yo and he almost passed out at the funeral so I agree having nurses does take pressures and stress off the family members . People had to take care of my cousin .
I had a cousin who lost his mother ,she had a heart attack, my cousin was
15 yo and he almost passed out at the funeral so I agree having nurses does take pressures and stress off the family members . People had to take care of my cousin .
At the funeral that I attended, the nurses took the arms of the bereaved to escort them. They sat with them, held their hands, had a box of tissues handy to offer them, etc. If one of the mourners passes out (and it happens), they are ready to help them, and to even cover them up, if necessary. They are very caring and professional about their duties.
At the funeral that I attended, the nurses took the arms of the bereaved to escort them. They sat with them, held their hands, had a box of tissues handy to offer them, etc. If one of the mourners passes out (and it happens), they are ready to help them, and to even cover them up, if necessary. They are very caring and professional about their duties.

There never was any nurses as the funeral I went too. When my mom die there only about 20 people b/c my mom had outlived her whole family . We went right the cemetery in December and had a Rabbi . I do not like to think of this b/c it was a horrible funeral for my beloved mother.
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