
wow and I thought i was hearing things. I get woke up to music all the time. a song that wont end or continue the same. what cause it.. I am total deaf in the left side. have some hearing in the right with crackleing sound. so it makes it really hard to know what is going on..I keep getting depressed cant seem to get out of it .. I havent been on here in a while. sorry I know I have lost so many friends here. still need to learn signs.. know some..
Well I am glad your back. I am going crazy with my tinnitus. I am totally deaf, both ears. It is never, ever quiet for me. At first I was getting songs or sayings from TV shows like Bewitched, Flintstones and Barney the purple dinosaur. The worst is when I get a car alarm noise that sounds like it is right next to my head. But these sports games that go on for hours in my head are just too much. I don't even watch basketball.

This is why I love this site, especially when you find out your not alone.
I remember one summer having this and it drove me batty! I thought, "what the Hell is this now?" My mother told me my Nonna had it but it didn't make me feel better - she worked in a factory her whole childhood around dangerous and loud machines. In my case, thank God, it was pollen that triggered it. Once the season ended, it stopped....and good thing because I was at my wit's end. There's no peace with that racket....

Botti where are you???? I am waiting for someone to tell me I am not going crazy? Maybe since I had/have brain issues with my total hearing loss I am experiencing non normal tinnitus. I have been researching but find nothing about this.

For those who know my full story...please help. Is there any medical professionals who actually study why this occurs?
Botti where are you???? I am waiting for someone to tell me I am not going crazy? Maybe since I had/have brain issues with my total hearing loss I am experiencing non normal tinnitus. I have been researching but find nothing about this.

For those who know my full story...please help. Is there any medical professionals who actually study why this occurs?

Have you mentioned it to your neurologist?
Tinnitus has been my constant companion always there now is trio, the generator, the refrigerator, and the high pitch that was always there. It is loud tonight. As I was thinking about all of this and what people are also experiencing, well, not to be some kind of horndog but well sex, I do not ever recall having tinnitus during the act of love. So I recommend this as often and as enjoyably as possible. Happy every day of the New Year, twice or more if you can...
Me to I love this site but have had trouble using my password to get on. and then when i do it seems no one is here.. I have to learn more signs . wish i could find a deaf caffee house in this area or even close.. I live in arizona and the only place I know is in phoenix.and that is several hours away.. But i am glad i have this site to at least vent once in a while..
Both my daughters play piano beautifully, I miss it so much. I had my eldest send me some of her favorite piano songs hoping it would stir some wonderful memories. All I hear is wolf howling sounds so far:-(
Well I am glad your back. I am going crazy with my tinnitus. I am totally deaf, both ears. It is never, ever quiet for me. At first I was getting songs or sayings from TV shows like Bewitched, Flintstones and Barney the purple dinosaur. The worst is when I get a car alarm noise that sounds like it is right next to my head. But these sports games that go on for hours in my head are just too much. I don't even watch basketball.

This is why I love this site, especially when you find out your not alone.
dont think you are ever alone one of us is here. Even if its just to touch base. sorry I have been gone so long.. It sure makes you feel that maybe there is a ray of hope. but I knpw when we loose it , it is that sound that reminds me of the other world also.. I'll start looking to see if I can find out any information..Linda
Dont now all the story,but you know I had a brain tumor removed that leaft me deaf. I still have one that they cant remove. but none the less, I went to House Ear Institue.. They are great.. I have DR.John House, He may or maynot have your answers. but they are on line.. It doesnt hurt to ask....
oh that has to be devastating .. sorry you are having such a hard time.. do you have head ache too? I get them so bad I have to go to bed.
I now have consistent tinnitus after 15 years of experiencing it very rarely. There is a real possibility I may lose more or the remaining hearing I have. I resolve to make the best of what I have at the moment, quietly listening to music until my last days. That day may come, but not today.

When I think about this, I remember a deaf woman I once dated who laughed at me when I said I may lose it. It can be a cruel gesture to one who has little hearing left, but it can also be a great source of inspiration. Through her lack of fear, I have found great courage.

And you will too...
Dear Vacation GUy, I thnk that is terrible that threw her fear you have lost, but it makes us stronger. at least me. I have met a lot of nice people here who have the same problem but they get stronger with time.. and you will too. god bless.. Linda
Went to a football party today to watch our team the 49ers win. It was so, so loud!!! So tonight the tinnitus is going friggin crazy!!! Roar, firecrackers popping, music, tv and the house is totally quiet. Going to be another long night. It is a cold one here, 26 degrees tonight!! BURRRRRR!!!
@Angel would wearing ear plugs slow dont all the noise. while you are in loud area's ? My husband wanted me to go to the stock car races. but it was so loud, all i could hear was the roar for several days. I said next time I go i will try ear plugs.. and see if it cuts the noise down. It even hurt bong bong.. then the ears drain.. feel for you too.
I'm sure ear plugs would help for sure! I get really loud tinnitus too when I've been around loud noise...it's loud for a couple days and then goes back to it's "normal loudness" lol
I have heard thew so many people that are totally deaf .That sound in the head is terrible. I am deaf on left side hear some sounds on right. but the other banging and music,get a song and cant seem to end. I thought the otherday that I was hearing a radio. but asked my husband did you leave a radio on. he went and looked NO .. so where does it come from? and why? do we know? I dont.. I get headaches so bad I have to go lay down.