Think Strategically...Who the Lord vote for ?

Reba said:
I don't drink alcohol. :)
Yes, God did establish the death penalty.
No, God did not establish rape and murder; God condemns rape and murder.

Ok, I'll bite.
How did God "establish the death penalty?" In what way?
I am not being hard-hearted, I am curious.

And by the way, I think kill means kill. The ultimate act of taking away a life. The imposing of one will against another. Let's don't bandy words now.
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Y said:
Osama is WRONG because he forgot all about
the Lord's hands on everything including security.

Who is more powerful ? Osama or Lord ?

Does Osama deserve a death penalty ?

Didn't 9/11 happened? and Osama made it happen and Bush did not stop it, so what does that have to do with our Lord?

It isn't my call about Osama deserving death penalty I leave it in the hands of the President.
Y said:
Right, no one is perfect !!!
Hmm, Lets vote for John Gacy and
IGNORE his past personal background....????
Hmm, is this a wise thing to do ?

Who the hell is John Gacy???....What does he have to do with THIS? :confused: ...

I'm talking about Kerry and Bush not anyone else....

I'm talking about ME as who I would vote for not based on their personal life nor their past....Don't tell me you never made a mistake once in your life?..
^Angel^ said:
For the worst act...

I would say ' Death penalty ' because, it is much more evil and much more painful than ' Abortion '....

::An example:: Imaging yourself being in the electric chair? feeling the burning, the heat, the shock going thru your veins etc....I don't think I would want to go thru that myself.....

Abortion would be less painful but still it murder and it is murder to kill another human being no matter what crime the person had done....
Imagine the poor little baby, innocent, never hurt anyone. The tender little body is burned alive with chemicals, or the little body is torn apart, legs and arms pulled off, skull crushed, while still alive.

The convicted killer, knew what he did was wrong, enjoyed watching his victims suffer. He has no remorse for his killing, and mocks the victims' families. If he could escape, he would find more victims to torture.

You say that you don't think you would want to go thru that yourself. Of course not. That is the deterant effect of the death penalty. If you don't want to experience the death penalty, don't murder anyone.

The baby doesn't have a choice.

Do you really think these two situations compare?
Beowulf said:
Ok, I'll bite.
How did God "establish the death penalty?" In what way?
I am not being hard-hearted, I am curious.

And by the way, I think kill means kill. The ultimate act of taking away a life. The imposing of one will against another. Let's don't bandy words now.
The law: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." Genesis 9:6

The process: Romans 13:1-5 "...for he is the minister of God, an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil..."

Maybe you "think" kill means kill but words have precise meanings and we can't change their meanings to fit our philosophies. God used the word "murder" because that is the meaning He wanted to use.
Phooey, Reba, that bit of tissue growing in a woman's body is not YOUR responsibility.
Tell me where society would be affected by its aborted birth?
We are splitting hairs here. It is a HUGE issue, though, of imposing your will on another person, that you seem to encourage.
And stop saying that the sperm and egg merged is "an innocent baby." All scientists agree that it is not so.
Get real.
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Reba said:
Imagine the poor little baby, innocent, never hurt anyone. The tender little body is burned alive with chemicals, or the little body is torn apart, legs and arms pulled off, skull crushed, while still alive.

That's why I'm against Abortion, so what your point?

The convicted killer, knew what he did was wrong, enjoyed watching his victims suffer. He has no remorse for his killing, and mocks the victims' families. If he could escape, he would find more victims to torture.

True, but they can always catch the convicted killer, but it doesn't give them the right to send them to death penalty, it makes them a murderer too, and they're no better than those killers anyways...And God DIDN'T invent the death penalty, so don't try to confused the people here....

You say that you don't think you would want to go thru that yourself. Of course not. That is the deterant effect of the death penalty. If you don't want to experience the death penalty, don't murder anyone.

Does it look like I want to murder someone?...

Do you really think these two situations compare?

I don't understand why you're asking me that question when Y is the one who asked that question and I gave her an answer... ;)
Y said:
:werd: lousy stepfather mean lousy president hmm...

Do you have any proof that Kerry is a lousy stepfather?...How would that effect him from becoming the president of US?...
*deleted by writer*
I do not like this "God is on our side" mentality.
There are many religious beliefs in this world of dreams, and the Christian belief is but a minority.
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Religious and government aren't supposed to mix because, there are some American people who do not believe the same religious as any president of United States, so it would be better if religious is out of the government control of America. ;)
You are so right, Cheri.
Our Founding Fathers were not "Christians" anyway.
Angel and I have things in common about the Death Penalty too :D.

I wanted to say to Cheri that I believe that everyone of us have very much similar beliefs, manners, ethics, morals in which we should behave. We are not THAT different. People make that up. People WANT to make themselves different to get whatever they want. Many of us have laws in which we all should obey regardless of your background. We all share life. If we must care about each and every interest of American for whatever they want then why do we have a government? Let the peope decide. We have a government for a reason and we cannot accommodate everyone just because they claim to believe too differently. Fight for justice not vengeance.

Deaf258, I am glad you brought up about his 3 stepsons. I believe backgrounds tell a lot about the person. Now, it could be that their 3 stepsons do not care enough to help Kerry. Maybe they don't like Kerry enough? I don't like Mrs. Kerry. That could just be the attitude the boys picked up? Who knows.

Beowulf, the girls made a mistake or maybe they didn't. Maybe they believe it's okay to be drunk once in their lifetime, but you know how the media handles it? I am sure they were punished/preached as adults in their homes. Even one of the daughters stuck out her tongue to the people inside the car and President Bush told her that she just made headlines and not to do that. Did you not watch that interview? It showed that he talks to his daugthers.
TiaraPrincess said:
I think the death penalty is evil. I don't think it's our decision to kill people. Can you believe that the people who put lethal poison and use the electric chair are being responsible for the deaths of these people? I can't imagine that. It's evil, but who are we to decide when they die? I believe when you are using self-defense that it's okay because God knows and forgives, but death penalty when they make the choice? Come on..And there's also innocent people to think about.

Abortion is so controversial, but I think there should be a limit. I don't think women should be allowed to do whatever they want because it's their body. There should be a limit how you do it and however much you do it. Mom had a "friend" who slept with all the men in the building where she worked and had abortion several times. If you don't want babies or aren't ready for babies, then don't have sex or have a hysterectomy. There's a reason we can't prevent pregnancy. I believe if you decide to have sex, you should agree that should you get pregnant, you will take the baby intor your life. You can't just have both ways just because of an ignorant excuse like having an abortion is available. There's a reason why women feel so guilty when they have abortions. There's also the ones that medically need to do it which I believe God understands, but when you know the bigger responsibility, you should be responsible for your actions. My the way.

So...say you want Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein alive?
Deaf258 said:
Just this morning, I found out Kerry also have 3 stepsons...
You might be interested in this update of one of the Heinz boys.
Excerpts originally from New York Post:
Reprinted from
Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004 11:54 a.m. EST
Kerry Stepson: Jewish Lobby Too Powerful

John Kerry's stepson, Chris Heinz, complained at a recent campaign stop that Jews have too much influence on the U.S. presidential election.

"One of the things I've noticed is the Israel lobby," the ketchup heir said, in quotes picked up Sunday by the New York Post. Heinz complained that Israel was being treated as "the 51st state, sort of a swing state."
I am concerned that the stepson sounds anti-Jewish; not good.
The other weird point; most American Jews usually vote for Democrats, so I really don't know where he is coming from.