Think Strategically...Who the Lord vote for ?

That makes no sense whatsoever.
HOW would the death penalty have prevented the Gacy murders?
save other people lives??.... :nono: no-no-no....

It's doesn't matter what crime that person had done, whether that person killed thousands of children, still we do not have the right to kill another human being just because we want to seek justice....

What would Jesus do ? Think about that one....

If someone had murder my child, I would not seek the Death Penalty but to forgive this murderer and let God make that judgement Himself....

No Goverment, No people, No Judge or myself for that matter has the right to take a life of human being just to seek justice!!...

If there's a Death Penalty, it makes them a murderer too!! they're no better than those killers!
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^Angel^ said:
What would Jesus do ?
Since God established the death penalty for murderers, and Jesus always obeyed the laws of God, logically He would support the death penalty. Jesus would also offer forgiveness to the murderers if they repented and accepted Him as Savior. Jesus would forgive them, and they would go to Heaven after death. But Jesus would not prevent the justice of punishment by legal authorities.

Jesus never cancelled the commandment against murder.

The Bible never offers "20 to life" imprisonment as a punishment for murder.

When Jesus was on the cross between two thieves, He forgave the thief and told him he would go to Paradise, but He didn't prevent the execution of the thief.
Are you drunk, Reba????
God did not establish the death penalty.
People did.

By your logic, God also established the practice of rape and murder.
Sorry, but I just cannot see Jesus raping and murdering.
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An ex-communication MUST come directly from the Vatican. They have something called 'the office of the faith' which deals with such matters. The person pushing these claims purposefully mislead the press towards his relationship with the Vatican, in order to claim authority. Kerry was never ex-communicated and retains full standing as a catholic. Anybody saying otherwise is promoting slander and libel.

I find the fact that people push this story extremely deplorable, as they are slandering a person's faith in order to achieve their political goals. On the other hand, Bush is also pumping up and marketing his own faith. A Christian person does not crow about his faith, but is humble. His faith is displayed through acts, not words.

Which is why I find Bush's acts in the manner of the death penalty rather revealing. Punishing the guilty is well and good. But the death penalty takes this punishment to a step beyond where their is the possibility of appeal or room for mistakes. Thus good christianity, and good government DEMANDS that this punishment be applied fairly and humanely along with a measure of humility, regret, and mercy.

Thus when Bush MOCKED a born-again christian woman on death row, I was thunderstruck.
'Please,' Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, 'don't kill me.'
(interview with Talk magazine in 1999 entitled 'devil may care'.. mag is defunct, but you can read a transcript here.)

This is not a christian act. This is not respect for life. No matter what others say about his faith, I excommunicated Bush in my mind for that one statement. He has none when he can provide none in his acts.

No matter what he SAYS about abortion and respect for life, he has aptly demonstrated his lack of respect already.
A little bit of digging, and i found this...

"Why the abortion rate is up in Bush years"

Tell me again how Bush is against abortion? He has let it increase.

I have stated before how a person should work to do best by society, and not just by a single issue. This is perfectly reflected in the last paragraph of the story..
What does this tell us? Economic policy and abortion are not separate issues; they form one moral imperative. Rhetoric is hollow, mere tinkling brass, without health care, insurance, jobs, child care and a living wage. Pro-life in deed, not merely in word, means we need a president who will do something about jobs, health insurance and support for mothers.
The story of Cain from the book of Genesis where Cain rose against his own brother Abel and killed him because God found favor in Abel's offering (Gen. 4:4-5), because of Cain's actions, God marked him for death if anyone would see him (Gen. 4:15 NAS), in this case the penalty for murder was set by God Himself, not through or by the 'laws' of men. God did not establish the 'death penalty' ON EARTH, what God speaks of is the 'second death' which is the price for the penalty of killing/murdering by being casted into the 'lake of fire/hell' (spiritual death)...Only does governments, nations impose laws either by instilling the death penalty or other words, people establish the 'law' of the death penalty. "...You shall not commit murder and Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court." (Matthew 5:21) In other words, whatever is the laws of the courts, the punishment is set according to the laws of the court. The bottom line is this: One of the Ten Commandments is- 'Thou shall not kill'...bearing this in mind, I personally believe judgement for murderers ought to be left up to God Himself and life imprisonment behind bars on earth by the laws of the court...and yes, these murderers can be 'forgiven'...yet, they are subjected to the 'laws' of the courts...whether it's life imprisonment or death...Although, I'm one that isn't for the 'Death Penalty'...Whether a President is for or endorsing the 'Death Penalty', the voices of many, the majority can speak out against establishing the death penalty....

As far as to 'what would Jesus do?' The commandment that implies 'Thou shall not kill' should be set as a standard in our court system...murderers having justice being served for the remainder of their lives behind bars, not giving room for judges, a nation to put to 'death' of a murderer/killer....
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Beowulf said:
Are you drunk, Reba????
God did not establish the death penalty.
People did.

By your logic, God also established the practice of rape and murder.
Sorry, but I just cannot see Jesus raping and murdering.

Most of us people do NOT realize that
there is a connection here...

Jesus died on the cross is the
SAME THING as the Death Penalty !!

Even though Jesus was innocent "regardlessly".
Jesus never rape or murder anyone.

WHO invented/created Death Penalty ?
Thank you Roadrunner, I thought you said it alot better than I had! :ily:
Y said:
WHO invented/created Death Penalty ?

The people on this earth who created the laws and invented the Death Penalty!...
You don't get rid of evil and crime in the world by killing people who kill other people.

Y- Jesus died for our sins, even his mother Mary said to God, "If this is it, Let it be."
Roadrunner said:
The story of Cain from the book of Genesis where Cain rose against his own brother Abel and killed him because God found favor in Abel's offering (Gen. 4:4-5), because of Cain's actions, God marked him for death if anyone would see him (Gen. 4:15 NAS), in this case the penalty for murder was set by God Himself, not through or by the 'laws' of men. God did not establish the 'death penalty' ON EARTH, what God speaks of is the 'second death' which is the price for the penalty of killing/murdering by being casted into the 'lake of fire/hell' (spiritual death)...Only does governments, nations impose laws either by instilling the death penalty or other words, people establish the 'law' of the death penalty. "...You shall not commit murder and Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court." (Matthew 5:21) In other words, whatever is the laws of the courts, the punishment is set according to the laws of the court. The bottom line is this: One of the Ten Commandments is- 'Thou shall not kill'...bearing this in mind, I personally believe judgement for murderers ought to be left up to God Himself and life imprisonment behind bars on earth by the laws of the court...and yes, these murderers can be 'forgiven'...yet, they are subjected to the 'laws' of the courts...whether it's life imprisonment or death...Although, I'm one that isn't for the 'Death Penalty'...Whether a President is for or endorsing the 'Death Penalty', the voices of many, the majority can speak out against establishing the death penalty....

As far as to 'what would Jesus do?' The commandment that implies 'Thou shall not kill' should be set as a standard in our court system...murderers having justice being served for the remainder of their lives behind bars, not giving room for judges, a nation to put to 'death' of a murderer/killer....

Ok, this is a bit complicated one here
about the conflicts and clarifications...

For example, you said
"penalty for murder was set by God Himself,
not through or by the 'laws' of men.
God did not establish the 'death penalty' ON EARTH "

Conflict/Confusing here...
I need to think about this. Thanks.
According to Numb 35:31 there are criminals which "deserves to die." In the Old Testament the following crimes deserved the death penalty:

1. Murder (Gen 9:6, Ex 21:12, Num 35:16-21)
2. Abuse of father or mother (Ex 21:15)
3. Speaking a curse over parents (Ex 21:17)
4. Blaspheming against God (Lev 24:14-16, 23)
5. Breaking the Sabbath (Ex31:14, Numb 15:32-36)
6. Practicing magic (Ex 22:18)
7. Fortune telling and practicing sorcery (Lev 20:23)
8. Religious people who mislead others to fall away (Det 13:1-5, 18:20)
9. Adultery and fornication (Lev 20:10-12, Deut 22:22)
10. If a woman has intercourse before marriage (Deut 22:20-21)
11. If two people have intercourse if one of them is engaged (Deut 22:23-24)
12. The daughter of a priest practicing prostitution (Lev 21:9)
13. Rape of someone who is engaged (Deut 22:25)
14. Having intercourse with animals (Ex 22:19)
15. Worshipping idols (Ex 22:20, Lev 20:1-5. Deut 17:2-7)
16. Incest (Lev20:11-12, 14, 19-21)
17. Homosexuality (Lev 20:13)
18. Kidnapping (Ex 21:16)
19. To bear false testimony at a trial (Deut 19:16, 19)
20. Contempt of court )Deut 17:8-13)
Just this morning, I found out Kerry also have 3 stepsons. He got his 2 daughters from a previous marriage that resulted in divorce. Why is he hoarding all the attention for his girls and alienating his 3 stepkids? The wife you all know who is married to Kerry is formerly known as Mrs. Heinz (yes, the ketchup queen). Why is he "hiding" his family? Now, considering family values, something is fishy with Kerry.
Deaf258 said:
Just this morning, I found out Kerry also have 3 stepsons. He got his 2 daughters from a previous marriage that resulted in divorce. Why is he hoarding all the attention for his girls and alienating his 3 stepkids? The wife you all know who is married to Kerry is formerly known as Mrs. Heinz (yes, the ketchup queen). Why is he "hiding" his family? Now, considering family values, something is fishy with Kerry.

Who care about his background? So what!! Did you know Gerhard Schröder had been married 4 times? So What!!!

Who care about every´s background?????

Important is:

Should be good president and take care of his people in his own country, period!!!
Reba said:
Abortion kills innocent babies.
The death penalty kills guilty murderers.

That is not a double standard, unless you think innocent babies and murderers are equal to each other.

If you "forgot" which church "kicked out" Bush, and you can't give the reference, then maybe you shouldn't mention it. You don't want people to think that you just make up gossip. If you have proof, and if it is relevant to the topic, then please provide it.

Bush got kicked out by Methodist once. Who cares, I knew so many people got kicked out by their own church. And many of them are very deeply religion people.

Being a christian man, he supposes to set the example by obey the God's law, Thou shall not kill. Bush uses God to win the election. This is double standard.
Liebling:-))) said:
Who care about his background? So what!! Did you know Gerhard Schröder had been married 4 times? So What!!!

Who care about every´s background?????

Important is:

Should be good president and take care of his people in his own country, period!!!

My sentiments exactly.. Would Kerry take care of us when he is not being a fair stepfather?
As long as we're on this subject, how about the fact that Bush's daughters are drunkards? Kerry's daughter is a sophisticated educated woman.
Who did a better job in raising?
Y said:
Ok, this is a bit complicated one here
about the conflicts and clarifications...

For example, you said
"penalty for murder was set by God Himself,
not through or by the 'laws' of men.
God did not establish the 'death penalty' ON EARTH "

Conflict/Confusing here...
I need to think about this. Thanks.

When I mentioned this, I was referring to the story of Cain in the Book of Gensis...Men didn't make a judgement call for Cain's penalty/crime, God did...and about God did not establish the 'death penalty' on earth, simply implies that the 'laws' created by MEN established the death penalty on earth....Christ our Redeemer paid the price of sin which was a 'death penalty' and did so obediently upon a cross...this 'death penalty' is in a spiritual sense and not of nature or human....

Hopefully this clears up any confusion you might have...if still in doubt, pls. do not hesitate to either post or pm me! ;)
jazzy said:
Being a christian man, he supposes to set the example by obey the God's law, Thou shall not kill. Bush uses God to win the election. This is double standard.

Amen!! :hug: