Suicide Girls

Like Barry and souggy mentioned, studies, statistics have shown that the people who threaten to suicide are rarely the ones who follow through. It is those who do not say a word or do not show any symptoms of suicidal thoughts that end up doing it. They are hard to stop because no one ever notices it.

Most of what I am saying regarding this comes from data in a couple of years of focus during my undergraduate major.
I hate to see the term suicide thrown around so casually like it's cool or hip.

Mentally healthy people don't threaten or try suicide. People struggling with depression often commit suicide because they don't see a way out. Depression warps thinking and makes a person believe that life is hopeless. Borderline personality disordered people often threaten suicide and this is a symptom of their disorder.

If a person threatens suicide, that person needs mental health care. Ignoring a person who is in mentally ill is like walking past a bleeding body without calling 911.

The legacy of suicide is horrible and many people who have a loved one commit suicide later kill themselves. It's almost like it's contagious.

Berry, I understand your point. I just don't believe that someone who kills himself is in a right mind to make that decision. Mentally ill people aren't well enough to make rational decision.

Yup, I agree with you.

I'm on side with txgolfer, Reba and Karissa over suicide issue.
I hate to see the term suicide thrown around so casually like it's cool or hip.

I don't feel like was initially meant to be used casually; but unfortunately, the fad caught on. To be fair, even though I don't approve of the name of the group, I knew instantly, when I saw the name of the group, that the founders understood the concept of suicide; and probably were guilty of playing the mind-games and were former silent victims of such haunting thoughts. Many people who haven't been on the other side of the fence don't understand the complex issue of suicide. I don't condone Suicide Girls, but I understand why the group is named as such and it's rather ingenious of them to come up with such a name.

Mentally healthy people don't threaten or try suicide. People struggling with depression often commit suicide because they don't see a way out. Depression warps thinking and makes a person believe that life is hopeless.

That's why it's important to make sure they have choices made available to them. We can't assume they know better. However it is best not to take the actual threats into your own hand. Why? See below.

Borderline personality disordered people often threaten suicide and this is a symptom of their disorder.

Yes. It's a way of controlling their own life and other people.

If a person threatens suicide, that person needs mental health care. Ignoring a person who is in mentally ill is like walking past a bleeding body without calling 911.

That's why we have suicide hotlines: if the said person is actually serious, they would get the care they need; if the person is not mentally sound, they will be required to check in with the mental healthcare system; if they were bluffing, they got the attention they asked for, but not necessarily the type of attention they desired.

The legacy of suicide is horrible and many people who have a loved one commit suicide later kill themselves. It's almost like it's contagious.

That's why it is important to recognize when a person feel like they lost complete control over their life. If we recognize that they don't feel like they have control, then we can step in to intervene before the actual acts are carried out.

Berry, I understand your point. I just don't believe that someone who kills himself is in a right mind to make that decision. Mentally ill people aren't well enough to make rational decision.

Mentally-ill people know that if they actually make threats, they would get the attention they don't want. That's why so many suicide victims go by unnoticed. They avoid seeking help.
I would like to explore those who threaten suicide from another angle.

Someone says, "Give me your money or I will beat you up. Break your arm or your leg."

We consider this person a criminal. Seldom do people stop and think they may be a person with a specific personality disorder that may need help.

Someone else says, "If you don't give me an escape vehicle I will shoot this hostage."

We react pretty much the same as above. No one wants to baby this person, everyone wants to send for the swat team.

But then someone says, "If you don't marry me I will commit suicide."

But now we say the person is in need of help and love and whatever -- Yet the threat is just as devastating as either of the first two -- And far more subtle and vicious -- because now the person at risk of violence is themself and you are at fault for having caused it.

While I personally can understand the concept that the person who threatens to break your leg, or hurt someone else to get their way, needs mental and emotional help -- I think the correct immediate response is to treat them as a criminal. To react as though under a criminal attack.

And while I can appreciate the concept that a person who threatens suicide may indeed need mental and emotional help -- I do not believe the person being threatened can be faulted for reacting as though they are under a criminal attack.

Because the threat is just as vicious as if they pointed a gun to your head or to the head of your spouse.
I would like to explore those who threaten suicide from another angle.

Someone says, "Give me your money or I will beat you up. Break your arm or your leg."

We consider this person a criminal. Seldom do people stop and think they may be a person with a specific personality disorder that may need help.

Someone else says, "If you don't give me an escape vehicle I will shoot this hostage."

We react pretty much the same as above. No one wants to baby this person, everyone wants to send for the swat team.

But then someone says, "If you don't marry me I will commit suicide."

But now we say the person is in need of help and love and whatever -- Yet the threat is just as devastating as either of the first two -- And far more subtle and vicious -- because now the person at risk of violence is themself and you are at fault for having caused it.

While I personally can understand the concept that the person who threatens to break your leg, or hurt someone else to get their way, needs mental and emotional help -- I think the correct immediate response is to treat them as a criminal. To react as though under a criminal attack.

And while I can appreciate the concept that a person who threatens suicide may indeed need mental and emotional help -- I do not believe the person being threatened can be faulted for reacting as though they are under a criminal attack.

Because the threat is just as vicious as if they pointed a gun to your head or to the head of your spouse.

WOW! Not even close.....

Scenario A.......You are threatened with harm
Scenario B.......Someone else is threatened harm
Scenario C.......At most you are blackmailed which is hardly ......

just as vicious as if they pointed a gun to your head

I have been told by friends they planned to kill themselves.....and I have been shot. Trust me it's not the same.

Of course none of my friends who threatened this went through with it. They were hurting and needed help.......Instead of claiming to be a victim, I helped them.

Scenario C in reality is a plea for help.......yet you see yourself as the victim in scenario C. Yeah, it's all about you. :roll:
I would like to explore those who threaten suicide from another angle.

Someone says, "Give me your money or I will beat you up. Break your arm or your leg."

We consider this person a criminal. Seldom do people stop and think they may be a person with a specific personality disorder that may need help.

Someone else says, "If you don't give me an escape vehicle I will shoot this hostage."

We react pretty much the same as above. No one wants to baby this person, everyone wants to send for the swat team.

But then someone says, "If you don't marry me I will commit suicide."

But now we say the person is in need of help and love and whatever -- Yet the threat is just as devastating as either of the first two -- And far more subtle and vicious -- because now the person at risk of violence is themself and you are at fault for having caused it.

While I personally can understand the concept that the person who threatens to break your leg, or hurt someone else to get their way, needs mental and emotional help -- I think the correct immediate response is to treat them as a criminal. To react as though under a criminal attack.

And while I can appreciate the concept that a person who threatens suicide may indeed need mental and emotional help -- I do not believe the person being threatened can be faulted for reacting as though they are under a criminal attack.

Because the threat is just as vicious as if they pointed a gun to your head or to the head of your spouse.

Right. Especially with the Internet and text messaging, it's so much easier to threaten suicide and be miles away and not mean it. The only way to deal with them is to hand over their personal information over to the police via a hotline.
Right. Especially with the Internet and text messaging, it's so much easier to threaten suicide and be miles away and not mean it. The only way to deal with them is to hand over their personal information over to the police via a hotline.

That would be one way of helping them
WOW! Not even close.....

Scenario A.......You are threatened with harm
Scenario B.......Someone else is threatened harm
Scenario C.......At most you are blackmailed which is hardly ......

I have been told by friends they planned to kill themselves.....and I have been shot. Trust me it's not the same.

Of course none of my friends who threatened this went through with it. They were hurting and needed help.......Instead of claiming to be a victim, I helped them.

Scenario C in reality is a plea for help.......yet you see yourself as the victim in scenario C. Yeah, it's all about you. :roll:

If scenario C is in reality a plea for help ....

How can you say A and B are not equally pleas for help?
If scenario C is in reality a plea for help ....

How can you say A and B are not equally pleas for help?

If you can't see the difference nothing I say will help ya......sorry
interesting topic next year im doing death and post-grad levels...
I shall bookmark this thread..
interesting topic next year im doing death and post-grad levels...
I shall bookmark this thread..

Thelonious Xavier Golfer IV Esquire........... If you need a citation. :)
interesting topic next year im doing death and post-grad levels...
I shall bookmark this thread..

There is a fourth group that did not come up in the prior conversation. I would not normally talk about them because I would not normally bother to talk to them. These are people who actively spend time trying to talk themselves into suicide.

I met one person who probably fell into this group. She talked about how brave she believed people were who killed themselves. My response was that killing yourself -- In most situations -- Was the stupidest thing a person could do with their life.

But nowadays it does leave open sinister, ghoulish situations such as this:

man who encourages suicides
You guys need to calm down on the actual definition. Suicide girls are usually females that are goth, emo, etc so the name fits with the nature of the models.
Jeez, looks like you guys are being held back by your being raised that sex and nudity is a no no. Look! You, I, everyone has a sexual organ and waxing/waning sexual desires. Get over yourselves. Example: Look at the socially accepted appearance that SOME girls adopt and look damnably cute. Then look at suicide girls, some of them look damnably cute too. I don't belong to those social group or age group or whatever group they adhere themselves to. WE all are attracted to what is different rather than what is common and boring. Now appreacite the beauty in ugliness rather than criticize. In other words, arguing is ugly but debating is an art. You get what I mean? Okay, okay, stop screaming now. I grew up seeing tits and ass in movies all the time. Now, don't be the mad hatter. Sexually charged organs are just body parts that get boring as you age. There is no alien variety there. Suicide girls, normal girls? Bah! Those who are suicide girls will ultimately be the destruction of their own culture because they adhere themselves to suicide girl culture that everyone grows bored with and forgets about.
Since you asked, I think it sounds disgusting.

I agree with you! I think anyone that want to join a group called Suicide Girls
need HELP! What a horrible name for a group, . what does your parents
think of the group?