
Ah, it differs from school to school, xero... I go to the texas school for the deaf, where i would say about a good 75% of the kids here smoke pot, and about 30% of them are heavy potheads who are into other drugs.
I was not singling out pot. I was saying drugs in general.

My props go to those who strive to stay clean! ;)
Yes, I realize that red.

I think a lot of it has to do with what the school/city provides for the teenagers to do. Naturally, when a teen is bored, they're just going to look for something to do, and when the "only" thing to do comes around to being marijuana, a greater number of people will be using marijuana as "something to do"

Like around here, I live in a *tiny* town. Absolutely nothing to do, however, with the recent addition of the new skatepark that opened last week, there's been a nice little cut-back in the amount of weed being sold, according two the towns two largest marijuana dealers, whom I've known for several years.

Good day to you.
okey dokey gotcha MizzDeaf -- yes there is a big argument abt legalizing weed in some states particularly CA and last i knew CA allows it for only medicinal purposes if have all the right papers and shit
YES they are legalized as long as they have medical licence to have only an amount of pot they can have. As far as im concern, its a great thing BUT not for those who are faking medical needs!
Erm, that's not entirely true. . . Well it is, but there are loopholes. . .

The STATE law says it can be used for medical purposes, and generally requires some sort of paperwork signed (I think) a minimum of 3 doctors.

However, as far as the Fed's are still concerned, it's still illegal. And lately, if you haven't been reading, the FBI and such are starting to go after the "medical growers", state won't/can't get 'em so the feds are.
Willy said:
anyone like to be stoned????

i do...
I wish that i could be STONED but i got a job, toobad for me.. my position job keep me so busy and stay out of trouble and being lazy ard on ssi everyday and night.. geez.. get your @$$ to work without ssi and clean your stoned out of your life!
u know.. another way of getting HIGH without doing it illegal.. is going scuba diving over 100 feet deep.. you'll get high :) this isn't a joke.
I used to smoke pot every day -- all day long back in the late 80's to mid 90's. But I stopped last year and had none until just this past New Year's Eve. Sometimes I do want to have a toke to relax and unwind after a long and hard day at work. :mrgreen:
someone said: "I'm not braggin about being one is"

me: actually, that's not true. braggers exist in this forum.

One advantage of potsmokers is that there will bve MORE JOBS available for non-potsmokers in the long run! :cool:
I remember reading that hoh people have VERY high rates of alcholism and drug abuse. As a sosh major geek, I think a lot of it might have to do with the fact that many of us(I am medically hoh with a mild-moderate-moderately severe, "5 dcbs away from being deaf" loss) don't fit in completely with the Deaf or the hearing worlds, so we use drugs or drink excessively to "kill the pain"..
I also wonder if it has something to do with parents not accepting their kids. So many parents decide that they just want a perfect child and never truely accept their child's being deaf/hoh. Maybe kids pick up on that and drink/do drugs to kill the pain.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that so many hearing parents of Deaf Signers never learn to Sign. Maybe it has to do with the frustration of being limited by oralism (understanding others, having others understand us when we talk orally) Anyone know if oral deafies have very high rates of alcholism and drug abuse? I would not be surprised one bit if they did!
deafdyke said:
I remember reading that hoh people have VERY high rates of alcholism and drug abuse. As a sosh major geek, I think a lot of it might have to do with the fact that many of us(I am medically hoh with a mild-moderate-moderately severe, "5 dcbs away from being deaf" loss) don't fit in completely with the Deaf or the hearing worlds, so we use drugs or drink excessively to "kill the pain"..
I also wonder if it has something to do with parents not accepting their kids. So many parents decide that they just want a perfect child and never truely accept their child's being deaf/hoh. Maybe kids pick up on that and drink/do drugs to kill the pain.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that so many hearing parents of Deaf Signers never learn to Sign. Maybe it has to do with the frustration of being limited by oralism (understanding others, having others understand us when we talk orally) Anyone know if oral deafies have very high rates of alcholism and drug abuse? I would not be surprised one bit if they did!

Hmm . . . I can't say I agree with this at all! Of course I'll be happy to look at peer-reviewed studies. :cool: