sound and fury update

Wirelessly posted (droid)

Be careful applying the over achiever label to women. Often, what would be considered ambition in a man gets pathologically labelled as overachievement in women (especially in medicine and law). I never hear a man called an overachiever.
it applies to both man and woman.

If a person is happy working so much then it's not a problem. Professionals work hard. Is it possible that you have different values and goals. Neither one is "right." People are just different.
actually it does matter. it produces problems - booze/drug addiction. depression issue. hardship on family especially children. etc.

but we don't care because as long as they produce result for us... that's all we care about. ain't world cruel? :)
I don't think CIs have the ability to propagate myths, that would be some kind of super-technology. :laugh2: j/k

But ... if you are saying that CIs are the cause of people thinking that deaf people can't participate in sports with hearing people, I think you'd be off the mark. Those misperceptions have been around long before CIs. I think this is a wonderful story, but it makes me very sad that it's newsworthy when a deaf girl succeeds at a sport, I want to know why there aren't many more deaf athletes who've done exactly what Heather has done. Have they not been given the chance? Have they not been able to get the accommodations needed?

Even on this forum, where you'd think there'd be far more familiarity with CIs, I've seen some ignorant people insist that deaf people can't or shouldn't play any sports with either hearing or deaf teammates -- if they have a CI. I've even had to override policies at my own child's school that would have by default limited her participation in athletic activities simply because she has a CI.

um.... what?

re-read this very slowly
This is exactly what the Deaf has a problem with - not the CIs but the myths they propagate.

get it now?
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Jiro, your talking about serious mental health issues. Workaholism doesn't cause those things but it can be a symptom of a deeper emotional issue. The issue is whether work causes dysfunction in a person's life. It's a matter of degree.
Then again, I'm a reformed, overachieving workaholic. lol
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Jiro, your talking about serious mental health issues. Workaholism doesn't cause those things but it can be a symptom of a deeper emotional issue. The issue is whether work causes dysfunction in a person's life. It's a matter of degree.
Then again, I'm a reformed, overachieving workaholic. lol

not talking about work or workaholic. don't care about that. Heather is not even in professional career yet.

I asked a very specific question - "I wonder if her high achievement is due to her lack of socialization."
not talking about work or workaholic. don't care about that. Heather is not even in professional career yet.

I asked a very specific question - "I wonder if her high achievement is due to her lack of socialization."

or due to pressure of the public spotlight on her.
not talking about work or workaholic. don't care about that. Heather is not even in professional career yet.

I asked a very specific question - "I wonder if her high achievement is due to her lack of socialization."

As pointed out, she participated in a number of sports which requires socialization with others. It's not like swimming where you are on your own- it requires team work.

My impression of her was that she was a bright little girl in the movie. So bright that in the last scene where they were talking about her getting a CI the mom said no. Then she expressed her confusion, and the mom said "we made the decision together". Even though she clearly wanted it, she took the clue from her mom not to push it at that time.

I think her personality plays a big part in her success.
As pointed out, she participated in a number of sports which requires socialization with others. It's not like swimming where you are on your own- it requires team work.

My impression of her was that she was a bright little girl in the movie. So bright that in the last scene where they were talking about her getting a CI the mom said no. Then she expressed her confusion, and the mom said "we made the decision together". Even though she clearly wanted it, she took the clue from her mom not to push it at that time.

I think her personality plays a big part in her success.

again - that has nothing to do with social life.

wow I'm wondering what's going on today.... Hearies having bad reading comprehension day? :hmm:
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Research that I've read dispels this myth. I have a book around here somewhere about the social competence of gifted kids and that's what it concludes. I'll post the title and author later.
Basically, the smart kid with social deficits is a stereotype. That doesn't mean that twice exceptional kids don't exist. A student may be gifted and have another diagnosis that includes social issues.

BTW, Jiro, team sports includes a huge social component. It's not just games.
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Wirelessly posted (droid)

Research that I've read dispels this myth. I have a book around here somewhere about the social competence of gifted kids and that's what it concludes. I'll post the title and author later.
Basically, the smart kid with social deficits is a stereotype. That doesn't mean that twice exceptional kids don't exist. A student may be gifted and have another diagnosis that includes social issues.

BTW, Jiro, team sports includes a huge social component. It's not just games.

Not referring to smart or gifted kids.

Just this specific person and this person's reasoning behind it. There's a difference between overachiever and gifted people. My friend is not a gifted kid nor smart one but she's an overachiever. why? simple - she's deaf and she hates it. Her overachievement is to make her stand out due to her deafness.

it's quite sad but oh well.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

What makes you think she's not gifted? Being gifted is not an IQ score. If she can achieve a lot, chances are she's gifted. Why can't a deaf kid be gifted? I don't think it's fair to say someone is an overachiever just because she's deaf.

Young people are still developing an identity. You don't know what choices she will make later in life. I was one of the kids that got labeled as being different and I turned out fine. Even reproduced.
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Wirelessly posted (droid)

What makes you think she's not gifted? Being gifted is not an IQ score. If she can achieve a lot, chances are she's gifted. Why can't a deaf kid be gifted? I don't think it's fair to say someone is an overachiever just because she's deaf.

Young people are still developing an identity. You don't know what choices she will make later in life. I was one of the kids that got labeled as being different and I turned out fine. Even reproduced.

where did I say anything about her not being gifted?

You need to try to stay very objective. I'm being very specific with my question about a specific person and nobody else - "I wonder if her high achievement is due to her lack of socialization."

It only requires a simple yes or no. If you know for sure about her, then please by all means answer my question. No need to defend her if you don't know anything about her.
I'll leave that to the professionals. I'm trained as a teacher not a school psychologist.
where did I say anything about her not being gifted?

You need to try to stay very objective. I'm being very specific with my question about a specific person and nobody else - "I wonder if her high achievement is due to her lack of socialization."

It only requires a simple yes or no. If you know for sure about her, then please by all means answer my question. No need to defend her if you don't know anything about her.

How do you know she had a lack of socialization?
There is absolutely nothing in the article to suggest in any manner whatsoever that she has a "problem" with socialization yet you chose to make it your observation about her. I think that says a lot more about you then it does about her.

To equate success or "over achievement" with a lack of socialization skills is pure baloney! Face it, some people in life are able to combine success with popularity. This young girl has been successful so far and is going to one of the finest academic colleges in the US, there is no reason to believe her success will not continue.

To me the most telling point as to the relationships she has with her peers is the fact that even though her family chose to move to Rochester (with its large deaf population) she chose to remain with her Uncle and Aunt to finish out her high school career.


Holy baloney. You're now just picking on people for the sake of picking on them. Jiro's initial quote:

"yea but she's an overachiever. that means less social time."

Has nothing to do with a "problem with socialization" as you said. THAT IS YOUR CHOICE OF WORDS. It is pure common sense that when someone focuses heavily on one area, other areas become lacking. If she's overachieving in academics, good for her. If it means less social time because she's busy doing homework, then that's what it is. How is did that turn into Jiro supposedly stating a "problem with socialization"?

STOP putting words in people's mouths. You are a piece of work.
Wirelessly posted

CSign said:
where did I say anything about her not being gifted?

You need to try to stay very objective. I'm being very specific with my question about a specific person and nobody else - "I wonder if her high achievement is due to her lack of socialization."

It only requires a simple yes or no. If you know for sure about her, then please by all means answer my question. No need to defend her if you don't know anything about her.

How do you know she had a lack of socialization?

i don't understand that either. She had the opportunity to attend both mainstream and Deaf schools. She has a Deaf family and hearing friends, sounds like the best of both worlds to me.