Son's CI surgery

Sorry, I just don't believe in participating in politics. I'd rather be golfing, fishing, four-wheeling and stuff like that.

Life's too short for us to be preoccupied with trivial crap like that :) I'm sorry if that is offensive but that is how I feel and what my wife and I WILL instill in our children.

I am in your same shoes. I am not much into poltics. I love outdoors like golfing, fishing, jeeping, and spend time with my kids. Many more events i go out.

I did get involved before but stole of my life from my family. So I decided to give my position to others who have no kids, and life. LOL
Gorgeous girl in your avatar, Tomatoes!

I'm almost going through a nervous breakdown right now. In fact, this is how I've felt since my son's surgery. Maybe that contributed to how aloof I became lately but I'm just trying here!

This is new terriority for our families and we're just trailblazing for our future generations if they want it for themselves. I believe we will become truly seasoned after Marshall gets implanted in three days.

Three. Days.! ****ing ****! I think I'm more excited about activation day than he is if that is possible.

C Ya guys later.
Gorgeous girl in your avatar, Tomatoes!

I'm almost going through a nervous breakdown right now. In fact, this is how I've felt since my son's surgery. Maybe that contributed to how aloof I became lately but I'm just trying here!

This is new terriority for our families and we're just trailblazing for our future generations if they want it for themselves. I believe we will become truly seasoned after Marshall gets implanted in three days.

Three. Days.! ****ing ****! I think I'm more excited about activation day than he is if that is possible.

C Ya guys later.

Wow, not long to go! I hope it all goes well. What has your son been told about what to expect on that day? I imagine that as he is a child that they will be starting him off soft and slow?
Gorgeous girl in your avatar, Tomatoes!

I'm almost going through a nervous breakdown right now. In fact, this is how I've felt since my son's surgery. Maybe that contributed to how aloof I became lately but I'm just trying here!

This is new terriority for our families and we're just trailblazing for our future generations if they want it for themselves. I believe we will become truly seasoned after Marshall gets implanted in three days.

Three. Days.! ****ing ****! I think I'm more excited about activation day than he is if that is possible.

C Ya guys later.

Two days!!!! TWO DAYS!!!! :run:

Wish we could be there Tuesday but guess we hafta wait till Friday! (AND that's only 5 more days!) :run:

And so, momtotoes, welcome aboard! And so your sweet Erin Toes will be seeing the ENT this Tuesday? I wish you the best in getting good news about the surgery being approved and getting a surgery date! How old is she?

Yep. The kid's trying really hard to not crack a smile...

Things went really well today and he went through the motions of activation with flying colors. He tells me all he can hear are beeps and stuff like that and I remember somebody saying that motorcycle engine sounds happened for a while after getting activated. I guess that is what my son is hearing right now. He is on P1 map and will upgrade to P2 tomorrow since he gives clear feedback to the audiologist as to what he is hearing. We all are excited and can't wait to see more progress!

Thank you guys for exchanging information so I could prepare myself and my wife for what should be expected.

Gonna go now so I can enjoy my internet-free evening again lol.
Frag, its good to hear that today went well for your whole family. I am still dealing with computer issues at home and am still using a computer at work.
Oh he is sooo gorgeous!!! Those brown eyes are going to break some hearts when he is older heh heh!

BTW it was me who heard beeps to start off with and they gradually became voices and yes it did sound motorbikish as well. I couldn't hear my husband at all to begin with and then his voice gradually became beeps, then a female voice and then a male voice.

Glad that the first day went as hoped and best wishes for the next tune up tomorrow.
Thanks! He got his hottie looks from his mother :)

He's grumpy because he doesn't hear the same way with his hearing aids but I told him, "hard work today, easy work later".

Thanks everyone!
Great news Frag. Keep at it and things will progress. Good advise to your son too. All the best!!

Your lad reminds me when I was young...a great picture.

Excellent advice to him! I'm sure he'll do very well.

Yep. The kid's trying really hard to not crack a smile...

Things went really well today and he went through the motions of activation with flying colors. He tells me all he can hear are beeps and stuff like that and I remember somebody saying that motorcycle engine sounds happened for a while after getting activated. I guess that is what my son is hearing right now. He is on P1 map and will upgrade to P2 tomorrow since he gives clear feedback to the audiologist as to what he is hearing. We all are excited and can't wait to see more progress!

Thank you guys for exchanging information so I could prepare myself and my wife for what should be expected.

Gonna go now so I can enjoy my internet-free evening again lol.

Wow! can't believe it -- I'm crying -- Marshall is SO gorgeous!
and So -- never mind -- gotta stop crying... (Frag, those are YOUR eyes!!!) (sniff -- and of course, the rest is his mom's) s
ha ha -- Lucia, no wonder I married my sweetie -- those are his eyes too! 3 generations of gorgeous eyes! LOL cant wait till Friday!
Flying start


I'm happy for you and your son. For you, because it's one thing to take a decision like you think, it's another level to see it realised. Excellent. I liked your advise
"hard work today, easy work later".
which is so true.

And for your son, he will adjust to the sounds and his brain will make sure it becomes better. In a way, he's getting a flying start, but like he said, it doesn't sound the same.

Anyway, make sure he uses his CI as much as possible. He'll do great.
Hey Frag, your boy's a real cutie!
I had the motorcycle revving sound. Every noises sounding like that. Lasted a few days like that for me. Our brain are learning to interprets all the sounds during that stage. Def. will not last long!
I see in his pic, he has hearing aid and CI like me. The hearing aid will help a lot in making it sound more natural, it does for me. I'll go without my aid for a few hours to just listen with my CI get my practice time in and watch all my oldies on tv.
Best of luck with the P2, hope that will sounds better for him.

I enjoyed your responses!

Ok, Marshall is now on P3 and I'm not sure if it's even using SmartSound technology yet. I gotta start talking with his audiologist daily via email and keep on top of his maps and how to accomodate his maps at home.

I'm reading through the owners manual and I'm blown away with how thorough Cochlear is with everything.. I'm truly happy we made the decision to go through with this process!

The hardest part, for me, is to not have lofty expectations. At work, I daydream of my son interpreting for me at sporting events and other manly events instead of my wife :)

Oh, BTW, the beeping sounds are decreasing and from what I understand, he says they've stopped when he's on P3 map. I gotta find out what the audiologist did and keep tabs on future maps.
I enjoyed your responses!

Ok, Marshall is now on P3 and I'm not sure if it's even using SmartSound technology yet. I gotta start talking with his audiologist daily via email and keep on top of his maps and how to accomodate his maps at home.

I'm reading through the owners manual and I'm blown away with how thorough Cochlear is with everything.. I'm truly happy we made the decision to go through with this process!

The hardest part, for me, is to not have lofty expectations. At work, I daydream of my son interpreting for me at sporting events and other manly events instead of my wife :)

Oh, BTW, the beeping sounds are decreasing and from what I understand, he says they've stopped when he's on P3 map. I gotta find out what the audiologist did and keep tabs on future maps.

That is so great!!! Sorry for responding late, just got back from vacation.

I am sure one day he will do that for you! And you never know, maybe one day down the line you may make the decision to get one yourself and you won't need an interpreter.

I am so glad things are going well. I have my daughter's first visit with an implant center on September 13th. I don't know what to expect so I am getting anxious for the day.

I just have to make one point. Months ago someone on this site stated that parents take the easy way out and get implants for their children. Looks to me that this process is a lot of work for all the parents involved.. doesn't seem like the easy way to me. People should instead be praising parents for taking the extra time and effort to help their children. You are doing a great job with Marshall, you should be very proud of yourself.