So...what you think about the health care bill?

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Jiro, based on your own account, if we were to start providing free health care, then these illegal immigrants wouldn't be such "cheap labor", now would they? And if they are reaping from the SS that they have not contributed to, that wouldn't be very fair either, now would it?
Jiro, based on your own account, if we were to start providing free health care, then these illegal immigrants wouldn't be such "cheap labor", now would they? And if they are reaping from the SS that they have not contributed to, that wouldn't be very fair either, now would it?

interesting question but here's also a question - are the illegal immigrants the major cause of financial drain? :hmm:
Wouldn't they need SSN and all of that to get the healthcare and social security benefits?

exactly why they are not the culprit of our financial drain. it's the Americans! both frauds and leechers!

the illegals avoid hospitals like a plague because of fear of being discovered and deportation. they typically seek medical assistance from local spanish-speaking doctor who sympathize with their cause.
The only drain is when they wire money back to their families in Mexico or where ever. Sources are reporting that the amount of money being wired to Mexico is way down with the bad economy.
interesting question but here's also a question - are the illegal immigrants the major cause of financial drain? :hmm:

Absolutely not, but we can't afford any oversights with our economy in the crisis it is in right now.
Absolutely not, but we can't afford any oversights with our economy in the crisis it is in right now.

since they are not the culprit of our financial drain.... the fraud they committed by reaping in whatever they're getting from us is very insignificant compared to frauds committed by Americans. It's just very clever and easy to blame them for our financial demise as a smokescreen.

Hope that answers your question to me from earlier.
Problem is the "economy crisis" is world-wide.

It's not an American problem. It's not any country's problem. Where is it coming from?
Now I'm lost....what question from earlier? And no, they are not the culprit of ALL our financial drain, and ALL issues need to be addressed, including fraud within the system itself.
I'm more concerned with the drug violence problem. Now that the crimes are have spread north, it's finally getting some national attention.

Wonder where that fits in with health care. Trauma care? Trauma care is really expensive and non-existent in some places.
Many businesses here do not require documentation, especially in the construction industry. The day labors get picked up in the parking lot in the morning and paid cash that evening. Some businesses take any documentation even though they know that it's probably fake. There's a reason that this continues--employers want cheap employees who don't complain about safety violations. I don't begrudge the people who want to work. The employers are at fault.

Lately, the immigrants who deal in cash are at increased risk for robbery because people know that they deal exclusively in cash without a bank account. This makes them more vulnerable to crime.
I used to live in a mostly Mexican neighborhood for 10 years and most of my neighbors worked in the construction or in fast food places .Personally, I think there should be better enforcement of the employerer's hiring practices.
Now I'm lost....what question from earlier? And no, they are not the culprit of ALL our financial drain, and ALL issues need to be addressed, including fraud within the system itself.

from your post #321. Yes all issues need to be addressed but realistically - we can tackle one at a time. sadly enough - trivial/little issue is being tackled first. The fraud within the system is mainly by the Americans, not illegals.

all these crackdown on illegals and blames on illegals for our problems..... it's a smokescreen for bigger issue (ie. Enron, Madoff, Americans committing fraud from SS, Medicaid, etc.)
Come on, you two. We've got more issues than Carter has little pills.
I don't think I was the one blaming all the nations problems on illegals. But then again they are part of the problem, even if only a very small part.
I don't think I was the one blaming all the nations problems on illegals. But then again they are part of the problem, even if only a very small part.

oh no I wasn't referring to you. Some posters, a certain political party, and Americans were blaming it on illegals.

and yes - no matter how small or big it is.... it's still a problem. Just that we need to allocate our limited time and resource on bigger problem, not small one.
And the distortions continue. Illegals are not covered under the current health care reform. That has been shown to be true any number of times. Why people continue to spread obvious misinformation is lost to me.:roll:
And the distortions continue. Illegals are not covered under the current health care reform. That has been shown to be true any number of times. Why people continue to spread obvious misinformation is lost to me.:roll:

because a certain poster is drumming louder and louder in attempt to make you look other way to avoid the truth.
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