So...what you think about the health care bill?

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That is a completely fraudulent statement. ALL people are counted in the census. Look it up. I worked for the census in their clean-up crew (I found the people the others couldn't find) and know that we had to account for every individual living in our area, regardless of whether they were there legally or not. Sometimes it was very difficult to do because the illegals were wary of any government entity, so we would have to get information from neighbors etc. But yes, illegal immigrants ARE counted in the population census. And many workplaces do NOT require legal documentation or SSN. And many illegal immigrants have fraulent papers (fake green card, SSN, etc).

I had debate in other forum in last 4 years ago and they said illegal immigrants who has insufficient document will be not counted to population, no kidding and CA is around 36 millions (2008 estimate) but when combine with undocumented aliens so it will beyond 40 millions now.

In my workplace, legal document is strictly required.
Many businesses here do not require documentation, especially in the construction industry. The day labors get picked up in the parking lot in the morning and paid cash that evening. Some businesses take any documentation even though they know that it's probably fake. There's a reason that this continues--employers want cheap employees who don't complain about safety violations. I don't begrudge the people who want to work. The employers are at fault.

Lately, the immigrants who deal in cash are at increased risk for robbery because people know that they deal exclusively in cash without a bank account. This makes them more vulnerable to crime.

Illegal immigrants are very common in construction, fast food and some retail, that what I got know when lived in LA in last 3 years ago.

There's some workplace are very strict with legal document and some don't.
Illegal immigrants are very common in construction, fast food and some retail, that what I got know when lived in LA in last 3 years ago.

There's some workplace are very strict with legal document and some don't.

Illegal immigrants are cheap labor (since no taxes are taken out when they are paid under the table and they do not require benefits or even minimum wage). They can be found in most menial labor positions, from farming to manufacturing. To discount them in our economy would be a big mistake.
Illegal immigrants are cheap labor (since no taxes are taken out when they are paid under the table and they do not require benefits or even minimum wage). They can be found in most menial labor positions, from farming to manufacturing. To discount them in our economy would be a big mistake.

Damn, I forgot to add farming too.

Yup, I already know that.

I had seen too many illegal immigrants work in farming in my state.
Also, deportation has went increase as well because ICE is taking action on illegal immigrants like happened to southeast states, that what I heard from local news.
Also, deportation has went increase as well because ICE is taking action on illegal immigrants like happened to southeast states, that what I heard from local news.

I believe ICE is a thug agency.
That is a completely fraudulent statement. ALL people are counted in the census....
Yep. I read that there was a recent move to count only citizens and legal immigrants in the next Census but that wouldn't be constitutional.

However, I would say that was an incorrect, not fraudulent, statement. Some people are just misinformed.
...In my workplace, legal document is strictly required.
My state is enforcing that also. Recently a big landscaping company got hit with heavy fines for not verifying documentation.
I would only believe we should legalize illegals IF I seen proof that citizens work in farming, too. Other than that, I think the only reason they are working in mental jobs because they are illegal.

Unless you want to stereotype that Mexicans will do mental jobs rather they are American citizens or not.
It probably depends on the location and size of the business. In a big city full of small businesses that depend on cheap workers, employer are more likely to break the rules. We have a huge population of day laborers here.

Isn't the census data used to allocate resources based on population? If so, the states with a large illegal population would want those people counted.
That is a completely fraudulent statement. ALL people are counted in the census. Look it up. I worked for the census in their clean-up crew (I found the people the others couldn't find) and know that we had to account for every individual living in our area, regardless of whether they were there legally or not. Sometimes it was very difficult to do because the illegals were wary of any government entity, so we would have to get information from neighbors etc. But yes, illegal immigrants ARE counted in the population census. And many workplaces do NOT require legal documentation or SSN. And many illegal immigrants have fraulent papers (fake green card, SSN, etc).

wow you're brave. it's a dangerous job because you can easily get hurt by frightened illegals.
The illegal people aren't dangerous. They just want to stay invisible to authorities.
The illegal people aren't dangerous. They just want to stay invisible to authorities.

Some illegal immigrants are form into street gangs like happened to LA.
The illegal people aren't dangerous. They just want to stay invisible to authorities.

but what if they got discovered? that's what happen when you corner the dog. it'll bite.
wow you're brave. it's a dangerous job because you can easily get hurt by frightened illegals.

LMAO you are so silly. You know that isn't what was being discussed here. I believe the illegal aliens take on jobs that no one else wants. The problem is, they are hard to keep track of. The rest of us have SSNs and other forms of documentation, which keep us in line with paying into Social Security and other taxes. This isn't the case will illegal immigrants.
All poor neighborhoods have gang problems, unfortunately.

I go about my business with illegal people around me daily. They are working on projects in the neighborhood where I live, in the grocery store, etc. Their kids are in the public schools. I've never been bothered by any of them. These people are usually friendly to ordinary people. They are afraid of the police. I only wish that I spoke more Spanish so that I could converse with them better.

It's easy to be afraid of people whom you don't know. When you know them, they are just people.
LMAO you are so silly. You know that isn't what was being discussed here. I believe the illegal aliens take on jobs that no one else wants. The problem is, they are hard to keep track of. The rest of us have SSNs and other forms of documentation, which keep us in line with paying into Social Security and other taxes. This isn't the case will illegal immigrants.

not only that, if they done you wrong , there are no records of them to track them down.

you'll have to do the old west way. put up a poster of the guy and write "WANTED: dead or alive, $10,000"

you know, they do use false ID/SSN (which they do pay taxes, but under a false name) but if we ever did that, we would be severely punished for it.
LMAO you are so silly. You know that isn't what was being discussed here. I believe the illegal aliens take on jobs that no one else wants. The problem is, they are hard to keep track of. The rest of us have SSNs and other forms of documentation, which keep us in line with paying into Social Security and other taxes. This isn't the case will illegal immigrants.

of course. that's why I would like to turn a blind eye on illegals just like what the politicians have been doing for decades. The illegals have no doubt a dramatic impact on our economy. we all depend on them for doing the jobs we don't want to. and we all depend on them for doing the jobs for us.... cheaply.

I believe people.... who do not care to acknowledge their important contribution to our economy and demand that they all be deported back.... and not take their jobs once they're gone.... are bunch of xenophobic ignorant.
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