So let's say all deaf people had cochlear implants for a change...


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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would still exist? :Ohno:

Indeed a perplexing question to ponder...imo, I believe it would still be around whether or not 'hearing' was improved...after all, being 'deaf' in the first place is what 'made us as a community' with others (hearing members) participating--...thus, continuing 'as a community'. :)

Although I can foresee the underlying 'thought' when it comes to mind when and if all were able to be fitted with a C.I. or any other 'new' method that could come along in the future...and whether this site would be deemed valid for continuation. It might, but may be obvious it won't be the case likely to happen in our generation. ;)

Also, as long as there are working computers, power, cable...blah blah....yea. :lol:
The basic human need to be able to connect to another people on a wide range of issues of the day will prove to be simply too powerful to resist and human beings will want to connect with one another for many different reasons so yes, AllDeaf would continue despite all our differences and what we have in common too.
Of Course!!! as long you have the HA/CI section to discuss with and share with and support other ci users. *shrugs*
Mookie said:
Maybe you need to revise from alldeaf to AllCI....
when I look at the word "alldeaf" to me it encompass all range of deafness where everybody is physically deaf regardless of background and type of loss.
Of course AD would be still here.... all CI'ers are still considered as deaf or HOH...deaf... hoh.... HA... CI''ers are still under DEAFNESS category!!!!

SxyPorkie :ugh2:
Alex said:
would still exist? :Ohno:

I think it would. I would still be here because I'm hearing, and since I'm hearing, I would be the same. ;)

This forum's name is a bit misleading because there are some other hearing members here too. Should it be called MostlyDeaf instead? :laugh2:
Definitely! I am still deaf and having a CI isn't like being hearing although it does allow me to have a pretty good artificial representation of hearing. I still have an interest in seeking out others who are like me, whether they have a CI or not.

If anyone got a CI it might make Alldeaf a bit boring though....if peaceful! :whistle:
No matter how hard hearing person try to fix my ears. I REFUSED to accept CI or HA! I last wore HA when I was 12 yrs old! I faked to school that I lost HA, after second or third, they gave up and left me alone.

The main reason for my refusal of HA is that I don't understand damn sounds, and can NOT discriminate sound, P.E.R.I.O.D.! So whats good for HA if I don't understand damn about sound? Of course, I can't talk normal! I don't care! If hearing person can't accept that, their damn loss! WHY? I didn't ask for hearing and speech loss, it came with me so I learn to live with that, why can't hearie learn to live that person like me exists?
Endymion said:
We have CIers here, don't we? ;)

Yes, of course, but there are many others who don't.

Imagine how much less drama there would be...
ayala920 said:
Yes, of course, but there are many others who don't.

Imagine how much less drama there would be...

Disagreed! If we follow the logical thinking of some Deaf people who argue that cochlear implants isolate the deaf children of tomorrow from the Deaf world, then we all would be one big happy family where no one is a stranger. Right? And within the big happy family, which can get incestuous, all drama-like hell breaks loose!
me_punctured said:
Disagreed! If we follow the logical thinking of some Deaf people who argue that cochlear implants isolate the deaf children of tomorrow from the Deaf world, then we all would be one big happy family where no one is a stranger. Right? And within the big happy family, which can get incestuous, all drama-like hell breaks loose!
me_punctured said:
Disagreed! If we follow the logical thinking of some Deaf people who argue that cochlear implants isolate the deaf children of tomorrow from the Deaf world, then we all would be one big happy family where no one is a stranger. Right? And within the big happy family, which can get incestuous, all drama-like hell breaks loose!

Point well taken! I hearby retract my previous statement!