So it's getting bad again - Please Read


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Once again I'm seeing bad fellowship and bashing about the forum. Some people just don't get it, and they go on and on and on, not giving a damn, and threads get locked up, members get upset and the mods and I have to put up with this BS. Not cool!

Anyone that is found to break any of the Forum Rules found at from this point on, gets banned. No questions asked. And when I say ANYONE, I mean ANYONE, I don't care if you're my e-buddy, consider yourself warned.

Thanks for reading. :ugh3:
I agree, it's quite disheartening to see how members love to resort to this level. It's really totally uncalled for and likewise, if any of you from this point on stoop to that Alex pointed out, there won't be any questions asked...we'll open the door for ya. ;)

I am agreed with this ones. If I feel hurt by someone who said that I am weird or freak then I will report to you. I always respect them.
Im a little bit confused, while I echo your thoughts about being respetful of all, I am new here and just would like to propose a question that seems to plague me.

It seems as though I cant go into a thread with out a select few members nagging on me about being gay, when you say youre tolerant of all things is that included because from what I can tell, it isnt.

Just wondering.
Hi. I'm cool with you being gay, it doesn't bother me at all, and if someone has a problem with you because you're gay, then please report the member to me and I'll do something about it.
Alex said:
Hi. I'm cool with you being gay, it doesn't bother me at all, and if someone has a problem with you because you're gay, then please report the member to me and I'll do something about it.

I appreciate that. Thank you.

I think the biggest problem on this site is a few people cant diffrenciate between an arguement and a debate. When some people are just trying to have a debate or discussion over a heated topic a certain few people jump in and turn it into an argument.
I agreed this time alex.I promise you. Scouts Honor
I do however agree with this - It is uncalled for to get so far in several threads that I have seen. There's no point to be getting to be able to resort in this kind of manner. I mean, What happened to everyone trying to get along? Sure, I'm all for the freedom of speech but sometime you got to learn how to bite your tongue while you're still at it. It is OK to agree to disagree but use your common sense, really.
Now, I agree with Alex and RR what said about this forum, also we are let him to post around forum.

Accept it and move on. ;)