
MizzDeaf said:
right on, GreyPoupon!

Actually, girls are more understanding and believing b/c they been talk in my other forum. That is relief for them. That is it....

Psstt... gimme the link of your forum, I wanna dish dirt on you, my naughty gurl!! :deal:

Motto of this post - Life is too short to be arguing.
TweetyBird said:
I met girl online thru my best friend last year... we chatted short time.. Til she told my best friend that she has vp then my best friend came my home and use vp.. she and my best friend chatted long... so i saw her on vp, we chatted and joke too.. after that, i didnt talk her since til last Aug, i was in Atlanta, GA, my best friend pager me and told me that girl wanna my email, i got confused and say ok gave her my email.. so we been chatted since aug, we really like each other so much.. Til few days, 2 people tried destory me and my girl, cuz of they blame on me and gossip bad abt me.. i got pissed off cuz of they dont F**k know what going on abt me... so they need BACK FUCK OFF! I am getting tired of 2 people gossip bad abt me shyt! i just get vent out of my chest and say in here.. but i cant say 2 names, period..

do i am bad person to yall??? huh? pls honest with me...

so why the people try destory relationship??? mmmmm.... i am curious...

go ahead and discuss with me...

Tweety, I am so sorry that I am too way behind with this thread. I didn't even know about it. First of all, just ignore people who started talking about you and your girl. Because it is not worthy. If you and your girl want to be together then do that.

I don't think that you are a bad person at all because I know you for...Umm...let's see...about 2 years or so. When I met you in SC/NC (I can't remember which state I met you) I thought you were really nice and friendly, I can't imagine that you are a bad person...No way...don't think negative about yourself allright?

Just be happy because you still got your girl :) (Plus you still got us here in AD)
Cookie Monster said:
Psstt... gimme the link of your forum, I wanna dish dirt on you, my naughty gurl!! :deal:

Motto of this post - Life is too short to be arguing.

Hehe yeah right.... check in PM ;)
Tweety, I totally feel you and understand how that feels. Because I went through similar what you went through. Its like you are THEIR target to pick on, to destory, or whatever. For what, I don't know why. It is how they are, its them. It is like they know how you are, maybe you are soft-hearted person, something weak about you that they know where to push your button to upset you, to tick you off, etc. Tweety, most important is to have talk with your girlfriend is not to LET them come in between you guys, stay strong. Just block them out and don't let them WIN to beat you, ya know what I mean? I know sometimes its HARD in some situation. I will give you an example of mine what I went through is this that some certain people somehow managed to get some other people stop talking to me, not being friends with me, for what? I don't know why and I don't understand it either since I have not done anything wrong. I believe that some certain people told LIES or something that made other people not to like me anymore like slander or to make me look bad person which Im not bad person. Even when I tried to talk to other people to convince them whatever those certain people may have said about me which it is all BS, etc. Why they do that, for what are they trying to do? Good Question, I don't know. Jealous, maybe? Who knows. But ya know what, Karma will get them someday. They should be ASHAMED of themselves for doing horrible stuff to break their friendships or relationships. I do TOTALLY understand and feel your pain.
:hug: Awwwww TweetyBird, I am so sorry that you are going through such a rough time right now. I hope that you and your gf can work things out, and I truly hope you can work things out with your friends too.

You are the most awesome person, with a wonderful personality, and you are always there to support others on AllDeaf. You have always been nice to everyone on AllDeaf, plus, you have so much compassion to others who feel the exact same way you do now.

There was a saying mentioned on this thread "what goes around, comes around". Well, in retrospect, yes, that is true, this saying applies to you perfectly, because you are always so nice to people and so supportive. That is all I am seeing now on this thread, is that every member coming around being nice to you and being supportive to you. Now, because you are there for everyone on AD, and now they are all here for you.

This is what you should concentrate on now Tweety, all the true friends you have here on AllDeaf. Forgiveness is such an uplift to your heart.

I hope that you will be back to your ol' self soon.

Love and hugs dear one!!!