
rebelgirl and oakley_04, thanks for support me... i feel good.. smile.. :hug:
TweetyBird said:
i agree with u Angel... thanks for understand.. yea u are right abt it.. that what my girl told me to ingore them whoever tried destory.. cuz of i told her i am honest person from my heart... she do believe me.. smile.. i wont let it happen again period!

:hug: There you go girl, no matter what others say about you, you got great friends who knows you well enough to stand by your side and support ya!
TB TB TB remmy what me and DD told you last few days ago.... we are upset and same with others back in colorado. I know it will go away unless you have us and your date, too. we are on our feet and hold of you and others, too. hope those ppl back off from us and YOU, too. I know *sigh* it is hard for us felt destroyed relationship with friendship. I know DD been blunted with everyone out there and me. Lucky to have me to comfty her and others, too. You are bravo and good girl to stand up for it. :grouphug: special group who support you. ;)
MizzDeaf said:
TB TB TB remmy what me and DD told you last few days ago.... we are upset and same with others back in colorado. I know it will go away unless you have us and your date, too. we are on our feet and hold of you and others, too. hope those ppl back off from us and YOU, too. I know *sigh* it is hard for us felt destroyed relationship with friendship. I know DD been blunted with everyone out there and me. Lucky to have me to comfty her and others, too. You are bravo and good girl to stand up for it. :grouphug: special group who support you. ;)
yea i agree with u abt that... yea i remmy abt u and DD.. sigh.. i hate that 2 people destory me and my girl.. and u and DD too.. i hope that they are back fuck off abt us...
I can't beleive that they acts immature toward you. *Shake the head*

See everyone here including me, know how good person you are.

Simple ignore them and enjoy your friendship with a girl.

You should know that they are not real friends to you...
:hug: TB once you ignore them and they will give up. It happened everyone not just you. You are a sweet girl and dont lose your self esteem cuz you need it. :hug:
You bring it up all the shyt.... You really got everything misunderstand.. I know this girl for long time.. we are friend for umm 5 or 6 years, She thru with bad time with her ex gf who keep using her and many many differents.. I DID told that girl you can DATE with you and all i want to be careful.. I told this girl you may improvement in some ways that's all im saying.. this girl would take this chance with you.. BE HAPPY.. Im not even trying to destory your relationship.. im trying to help this girl to get know you if you want to change yourself a better person.. that's would be work.. cuz NObody gonna be so PERFECT.. I don't believe that one..

Tell me how you can think im jealous? I have a woman.. I do care everybody what i know about this friendship. Tweetybird.. I misunderstand from another friend, you didn't do anything, it's something else.. i got everything misunderstand.. you don't need to bring that shit.. if you have a problem.. TALK with me! Geez
Tweety -

I know how you feel - I'm going through something similiar and I have been pretty much down also.

TB - you know you can count on me anytime even when I'm down in the dumps...smiles!
Now that i have the compy after waiting for Froggie to finish

all i have to say is this: Froggie has the right to care abt her friends especially those who shes known for a long time and known IRL -- as i understand it, the womyn had mentioned u in her convy with Froggie and that was where Froggie had asked the womyn to be more cautious -- i know i would if a friend of mine who ive known for a long time was talking with someone who i had some negative feelings abt i would give some feedback -- i have seen Froggie's converstation with this womyn who is Froggie's friend and caring for a long time friend doesnt jibe with jealousy -- saying "(name), i know this person and i feel u should be careful due to my past experiences" this would have been showing how much a person cared abt their friend -- saying "(name), i dont want u to be seeing this person cuz i been wanting to date with her/him" this would have shown jealousy -- there are a few ppl i care about and DO give a shit about which means i want them to enjoy their life and have happiness in their life

as it seems obvious u want to have things public and not talking to Froggie directly as im SURE u know Froggie's SN on AIM and her email addy cuz u once had a BIG thing for Froggie -- i find it pretty immature on ur part *shrugs*

thats all i have to say in regards to this
CoolieFroggie said:
You bring it up all the shyt.... You really got everything misunderstand.. I know this girl for long time.. we are friend for umm 5 or 6 years, She thru with bad time with her ex gf who keep using her and many many differents.. I DID told that girl you can DATE with you and all i want to be careful.. I told this girl you may improvement in some ways that's all im saying.. this girl would take this chance with you.. BE HAPPY.. Im not even trying to destory your relationship.. im trying to help this girl to get know you if you want to change yourself a better person.. that's would be work.. cuz NObody gonna be so PERFECT.. I don't believe that one..

Tell me how you can think im jealous? I have a woman.. I do care everybody what i know about this friendship. Tweetybird.. I misunderstand from another friend, you didn't do anything, it's something else.. i got everything misunderstand.. you don't need to bring that shit.. if you have a problem.. TALK with me! Geez

Aw I am sorry to hear all this. *hugs*
I hope things will work out smoothly among your friends. :)
CoolieFroggie said:
You really got everything misunderstand.. I know this girl for long time.. we are friend for umm 5 or 6 years, She thru with bad time with her ex gf who keep using her and many many differents..

I understand that you care about your friend enough to not want to see her hurt again. That's acceptable. I would done the same too. :)

Tweetybird.. I misunderstand from another friend, you didn't do anything, it's something else.. i got everything misunderstand.. you don't need to bring that shit.. if you have a problem.. TALK with me! Geez

If you misunderstood from a friend about Tweetybird, then I believe you owe her an apology because, she doesn't deserved it. ;)

I hope you and Tweetybird work this out, Disposed to forgive it brings peace. Life too short to stay bitter. How about it girls? Group hugs? :grouphug:
I had to post this...

three things... i want to say..

Tweety... You know or all of you know, I dont take sides.. I have try to tell people dont let others GET you.. even they talk shyt or backstab or having problems.. I went THROUGH hell with my friends (formerly)... I was really disappointed to losing friends just because over little things.. what I have learned after those years sufferings with friends.. I know its not fair .... now I have not get involve with friends or problems for quite while.. how? I shallow my pride to turn my back on them.. let them do or say whatever they want.. even they try to ruin my other friends.. let them.. let them to be gulliable... later they realized and regrets.. they had to rebuilt the trust.. I draw many lines around the friends or people.. but just let them know that you are here... or around.. just say.. simple small words.. Hi, how are you.. I am fine.. and doing great... thats it.. dont go on and on.. the rumors or story what you been saying get bigger and bigger.. whats more..

You have better things to do than that.. go hang out with someone who dont give problems or involve in this.. use some common sense.. follow your guts.. (feel that it will might happen or will have problems then DONT do it or go on)...

Friends are Friends.. they do anything each other.. Love or hate.. misunderstand or understand.. misjudge or judge.... care or careless.. abuse your feelings or unabuse..... on and on....... just listen.. if you dont like.. *stop* say.. I cant disucss with this cuz its getting out of hand or distrust or.. disagree.. or hurt your/my feelings.. lets cool it.. and walk away..

if the person keeps on and on.. draw line for while.. let it work out themselves.. I drew lines on my friends and people for LONG time.. cuz I have something better to do than them...

:D try to work out ... :grouphug: all of you..
I believe some people needs to calm down here.....

First, Tweetybird didn't name anyone in this thread, all she said was two people and that it, now someone came along and blew it all out, now most of us know who this is all about and who the people are....I see nothing wrong with Tweetybird venting out her feelings by getting supports and advice from members here without her having to naming them....

Second, sometimes friends get too involved by trying to tell friend A about this friend B when it comes to being in a relationship, I personally believe it's none of anyone's business, but to leave those two alone and let them work it out themselves...I do understand that friends care and wants this friend A to know about this other friend B cause of what this friend A went thru with her old relationship....

When friends who went thru horrible relationship in the past, and find someone new, let this person dealing with it themselves without having their friends getting involved with two friends cause you may lose one if you go over the line, or don't mind your own business....Let those two work it out their own, people are going to fall in a wrong relationship once in a while, until they find the right one....If I were a friend, I would let them be.....It's a good lesson for all of us to leave things alone between the two of them, and it takes two to work it out and not always having a group of people trying to bug in...It's good to have friends to give advice and support...

I hope you all will get a chance to work this out, and remain friends despite what the past may have been like and start fresh and be forgiving....

Awww Tweety..dont let them meanies get to you...just ignore them cuz they
are just plain jealous of you and they have no life! what goes around will come back around to them, meaning something will backfire back at them, haha. You still got friends in here! Hugs to you!!
Like Deafbiker4JC said...we can hold them up and we ALL can punch them up good..LOL!..just kiddin....
Smile and hold your head up high..you did nothing wrong, Tweetybird!
Ahhhh, Now Explains why...

TweetyBird was stated her mentioned not "name" here Just two girls.

What make you jumpy and coslunsin(sp) and barging her first place. I advise you should have apgolized her because what you had blunting her on this thread. I think you didn't read what Tweetybird statement and also "Not even say your name on it".
I think I do agree w/Angel's comment.. I cannot say more anything that which putting into two sides..

Just you and tweetybird needs re-solve the situation btwn each together, btw hopefully goes smooth and solve the problem.

:wtf: First of all.. Tweety.. I am sorry to hear about this happened to you and your dear friend.. Now what they did was wrong!!! sighs.. Ok.. my advice for ya to do is ignore them and go on with your life and be happy and always keep your relationship open to communication. they are just looking for trouble.. they should have leave u and ur lady alone! sighs..

i disagreed with some comments.. like.. i want you to be cautious about that lady and all that etc. What happened to SEEING WITH YOUR OWN EYES. rather than WORDS from someone?? what if she had IMPROVED so much .. other believe the word of mouths .. she had changed? yet two persons "DID" ruint their relationships? whose fault is that?

I dont believe in words.. I believe in with my own eyes after bein with that person. i will know if she had improved or not and i wil stay with her no matter what happened... even tho others tried to interfere our relationships. we have to stay strong and ignore those comments ... TRUST each other and COMMUNICATE with each other.. if you both love each other.. ya both have to make amends to get this to work.. or else it wont work.. but am glad to hear ya both did talk about this.. that is GREAT!!!! So next time.... dont believe in rumors or anything like that! Ya both wil be OK!!!! :)

i too have drawn lines when ti comes to friends when they tried to look for trouble, spreading rumors and lies .. i laughed at them off.. said yall believe those words? haha they are just simply looking for trouble.. "shrugs" whatever to those idiots.. they got no common sense.. thats what it is.. lol.. :)

Stay strong, tweety and you will do fine! :) :hug:
remember me from titanandrings i bet you might know me little. You are very nice to me because you always posts me few replies with nice words from you. I am on your side! I am new here. My girlfriend told me about alldeaf.com so I decide to join. I read many posts I tell you that some posts are sometime weird that I might not trust anyone. Alldeaf.com is my also little time due to my work. I enjoy reading your posts.
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