Shocking News!

according to the numbers the country is going to hell. :lol:
tonight at the church.. we talked about the verse Deu: Chapter 23:2 ... He said that time it was God who tried to protect the people and people broke alot of laws.. when Jesus came.. he said to love one another no matter who it is cuz we all are sinners. Jesus died for us so we are forgiven but we will have to pray to God to forgive our parents for doing the wrong deed. God will judge those who did wrong deed unless we ask him to forgive us and forget about it. also today we are not focused on Old Testament but only on New Testament .. I hope this clear this up... :)

and Oh yeah... i almost forgot... Bastard is an obscene word- it was ok back then when it was used in right way.. but it have many different meanings so its not ok to use it nowadays.. so its still wrong to use that word ... depend on what it is used for thats why its not right to use that word.
tonight at the church.. we talked about the verse Deu: Chapter 23:2 ... He said that time it was God who tried to protect the people and people broke alot of laws.. when Jesus came.. he said to love one another no matter who it is cuz we all are sinners. Jesus died for us so we are forgiven but we will have to pray to God to forgive our parents for doing the wrong deed. God will judge those who did wrong deed unless we ask him to forgive us and forget about it. also today we are not focused on Old Testament but only on New Testament .. I hope this clear this up... :)

and Oh yeah... i almost forgot... Bastard is an obscene word- it was ok back then when it was used in right way.. but it have many different meanings so its not ok to use it nowadays.. so its still wrong to use that word ... depend on what it is used for thats why its not right to use that word.
The same goes for "bitch".

Bitch is a female dog. ;)
The same goes for "bitch".

Bitch is a female dog. ;)

Right it is.. but still its obsence word.. u know some people will misunderstand and jump to conclusion on this as they dont have common sense... ah too bad... :)
Right it is.. but still its obsence word.. u know some people will misunderstand and jump to conclusion on this as they dont have common sense... ah too bad... :)
So, if I said that my dog was a "bitch in heat"... is it obscene?
Heh...that's interesting to hear that, Vamp.

Bastard is one of my favorite bad words whenever I get mad, or someone insult me. haha.
Do you like the Living Bible?

I dont read that book.. I read The Living Translation. The Living Translation replaced The Living Bible in 1996 and was updated in 2004. I do have American standard Bible version and Deaf testament bible book. :)

why ask me this question? ha.. :)
Just see if you get more attention or not by ADers here? :D

I don't concernig about are you are bastard or not as long as "who is you?.". :)
Just see if you get more attention or not by ADers here? :D

I don't concernig about are you are bastard or not as long as "who is you?.". :)
I wanted to see what everyone's response was since "bastard" has at least 2 definitions. Plus, I wanted to lead to a discussion on the word... "bastard".

Seems to be working, eh? ;)
I dont read that book.. I read The Living Translation. The Living Translation replaced The Living Bible in 1996 and was updated in 2004. I do have American standard Bible version and Deaf testament bible book. :)

why ask me this question? ha.. :)
The Living Bible uses the word "bitch" in it.
The Living Bible uses the word "bitch" in it.

Really? I didn't know that.. Very interesting... I guess I ought to look at Living Bible and see what it look like.. Like I said I havent looked at it.. :)
Really? I didn't know that.. Very interesting... I guess I ought to look at Living Bible and see what it look like.. Like I said I havent looked at it.. :)
Yep, you'll be surprised what you read in the Bible. ;)

They use "bastard" in the Bible as well.
I wanted to see what everyone's response was since "bastard" has at least 2 definitions. Plus, I wanted to lead to a discussion on the word... "bastard".

Seems to be working, eh? ;)

Yes, it worked well. :D
A bible is a bible, unfortunately so many people break it down in a zillion different ways. Look at all denominations you've got now, alot of it over stupid stuff. Alot of churches discredit a certain translation of the Bible, other churches welcome all translations of the bible. And whats sad is that even within the same denomination different people can interpret the same verse two completely different ways.

I think the same goes for the English language in general. We have so many words that have many meanings so it is one of the hardest languages to learn.
I too am a "bastard". Quotes around it because I'm female and I'm not sure if that's the proper term!
My parents have been together for...23 years, I'm going to be 19 this summer, and they have NEVER been married...Common Law.
I still remember my mom telling me her parents reactions. AKA Shocked and a little pissed...because she wasn't married.
It seems like with each generation, things change. My grandparents generation, god forbid you had a child out of wedlock.
My parents generation, it wasn't the norm, but it was okay.
My generation, it's almost totally the norm.
Next generation? No Marriages? No Divorces? Who knows...
