Send condolences to Liebling

Welcome Liebling back ! :ily:

Your story made my arms goose bumps. It refresh my memory of my Mom's funeral and wake. Hardly believe, she gone 16 yrs ago. I still miss my Mom. :angel:
I'm very sorry to hear about your sister, Leibling; she is at peace now.
hi Lieb! Glad to have you back in here! Wow, Thanks for sharing your story with us! I wish I had cut my mother's hair before she passed. Will be hearing form ya soon, hugs!
Welcome back to AD, Liebling. I'm sorry for what you went thru about your sister . We are here for you. :(
Thank you all for your loving support :hug:

Yes, it's still hurting to lose her... I can't image for not have her anymore because I always hope she will be clean some day and thank us for help her but I really never thought she is really gone. It's hurt.