Self-Esteem vs low self-esteem


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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What is self-esteem?

People with self-esteem:

1. Hold themselves as worthy to be loved and to love others, worthy to be cared for and to care for others, worthy to be nurtured and to nurture others, worthy to be touched and supported and to touch and support others, worthy to be listened to and to listen to others, worthy to be recognized and to recognize others, worthy to be encouraged and to encourage others, worthy to be reinforced as "good" people and to recognize others as "good" people.

2. Have a productive personality; they have achieved success to the best of their ability in school, work, and society.

3. Are capable of being creative, imaginative problem solvers; of being risk takers, optimistic in their approach to life and in the attainment of their personal goals.

4. Are leaders and are skillful in dealing with people. They are neither too independent nor too dependent on others. They have the ability to size up a relationship and adjust to the demands of the interaction.

5. Have a healthy self-concept. Their perception of themselves is in synchrony with the picture of themselves they project to others.

6. Are able to state clearly who they are, what their future potential is, and to what they are committed in life. They are able to declare what they deserve to receive in their lifetime.

7. Are able to accept the responsibility for and consequences of their actions. They do not resort to shifting the blame or using others as scapegoats for actions that have resulted in a negative outcome.

8. Are altruistic. They have a legitimate concern for the welfare of others. They are not self-centered or egotistical in their outlook on life. They do not take on the responsibility for others in an over-responsible way. They help others accept the responsibility for their own actions. They are, however, always ready to help anyone who legitimately needs assistance or guidance.

9. Have healthy coping skills. They are able to handle the stresses in their lives in a productive way. They are able to put the problems, concerns, issues, and conflicts that come their way into perspective. They are able to keep their lives in perspective without becoming too idealistic or too morose. They are survivors in the healthiest sense of the word. They have a good sense of humor and are able to keep a balance of work and fun in their lives.

10. Look to the future with excitement, a sense of adventure and optimism. They recognize their potential for success and visualize their success in the future. They have dreams, aspirations, and hopes for the future.

11. They are goal-oriented with a sense of balance in working toward their goals. They know from where they have come, where they are now, and where they are going.

What are the signs of low self-esteem?

Persons with low self-esteem:

1. Consider themselves lost, unworthy of being cared for.

2. Are poor risk takers.

3. Operate out of a fear of rejection.

4. Are typically unassertive in their behavior with others.

5. Are fearful of conflict with others.

6. Are hungry for the approval of others.

7. Are poor problem solvers.

8. Are fraught with irrational beliefs and have a tendency to think irrationally.

9. Are susceptible to all kinds of fears.

10. Have a tendency to become emotionally stuck and immobilized.

11. Have a poor "track record" in school or on the job; conversely, they sometimes over compensate and become over-achievers.

12. Are unable to affirm or to reinforce themselves positively.

13. Are unable to make an honest assessment of their strengths, qualities, and good points; they find it difficult to accept compliments or recognition from others.

14. Have poorly defined self-identities with a tendency to be chameleons in order to fit in with others.

15. Are insecure, anxious, and nervous when they are with others.

16. Often become overcome with anger about their status in life and are likely to have chronic hostility or chronic depression.

17. Are easily overcome with despair and depression when they experience a setback or loss in their lives.

18. Have a tendency to overreact and become de-energized by resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge against those whom they believe have not fully accepted them.

19. Fulfill roles in their families of origin that are counter-productive and maladaptive. These roles carry over into their adult lives.

20. Are vulnerable to mental health problems and have a propensity to use addictive behavior to medicate their hurt and pain. Such addictive behavior can include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping, smoking, workaholism, or the search for excitement, truth, wisdom, and a guru with an easy guide to the achievement of happiness.

How do people with low self-esteem feel?
The following "Letter from a Boy" taken from a Midwestern paper gives us an idea of what a person with low self-esteem has to say.


Dear Folks,

Thank you for everything, but I am going to Chicago to try to start some kind of new life.

You asked me why I did those things, and why I gave you so much trouble; the answer is easy for me to give you, but I am wondering if you will understand.

Remember when I was about six or seven and I used to want you to just listen to me? I remember all the nice things you gave me for Christmas and my birthday, and I was real happy with the things for about a week at the time I got the things; but the rest of the time during the year, I really didn't want presents. I just wanted all the time for you to listen to me like I was somebody who felt things too, because I remember even when I was young, I felt things. But you said you were busy.

Mom, you are a wonderful cook and you had everything so clean and you were tired so much from doing all those things that made you busy, but you know something, Mom? I would have liked crackers and peanut butter just as well--if you had only sat down with me a little while during the day and said to me: "Tell me all about it so I can maybe help you understand."

And when Donna came I couldn't understand why everyone made so much fuss because I didn't think it was my fault that her hair is curly and her teeth so white, and she doesn't have to wear glasses with such thick lenses. Her grades were better, too, weren't they?

If Donna ever has children, I hope you will tell her to just pay some attention to the one that doesn't smile very much because that one will really be crying inside. And when she's about to bake six dozen cookies to make sure first that the kids don't want to tell her about a dream or a hope or something, because thoughts are important, too, to small kids even though they don't have so many words to use when they tell about the feelings inside them.

I think that all the kids who are doing things that make the grownups tear their hair out worrying about are really looking for somebody who will have time to listen a few minutes, and who really and truly will treat them as they would a grownup who might be useful to them. You know--polite to them. If you folks had ever said to me: "Pardon me" when you interrupted me, I'd have dropped dead. If anybody asks you where I am, tell them I have gone looking for somebody with time, because I've got a lot of things I want to talk about.

Love to all,

Where does healthy self-esteem originate?
Healthy self-esteem originates in the environment found in the: family, school, peer group, work place, and community.

For healthy self-esteem individuals need to receive nurturing from the people in their environment, to include:

Unconditional warmth, love, and caring; to realize that other people recognize them as deserving to be nurtured, reinforced, rewarded, and bonded to. The environment transmits messages of warmth, loving, and caring by physical touch, meeting the survival needs of food, clothing and shelter, and providing a sense of stability and order in life.

Acceptance for who they are; to recognize that other people see them as worthy individuals who have a unique set of personality characteristics, skills, abilities, and competencies making them special. Acceptance helps individuals recognize that differences among and between people are OK, and this encourages the development of a sense of personal mastery and autonomy. Acceptance enables people to develop relationships with others, yet maintain healthy boundaries of individuality within themselves.

Good communication; being listened to and responded to in a healthy way so that healthy problem solving is possible. Appropriate giving and receiving of feedback is encouraged and rewarded. Communicating at a "feelings" level is a mode of operation for these people, allowing them to be in touch with their emotions in a productive manner.

For the environment to support the development of healthy self-esteem it must contain:

Recognition and acceptance of people for who they are. To base such recognition and acceptance on the condition that they must first conform to a prescribed standard of behavior or conduct is unhealthy. Unconditional recognition and acceptance given in the form of support allows individuals to reach their ultimate potential.

Clearly defined and enforced limits known to individuals with no hidden tricks or manipulation. Limits set the structure for the lives of individuals, allowing clear benchmarks of appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Limits enable individuals to recognize their responsibilities and to chart their course of behavior in a rational way.

Respect and latitude for individual action within the defined limits of the environment. This encourages individuals to use their creativity, ingenuity, and imagination to be productive within the established structure. Restrictions that suppress individuality can lead to a narrow focus, with people becoming stunted and handicapped in the use of their personal skills, abilities, and resources.

Established freedom within the structure. This enables individuals to develop a sense of personal autonomy. If they are too tied down and inhibited they could become resentful and eventually rebellious against the prescribed structures in their environment. Being given the freedom of self-expression within the established rules and norms allows individuals to explore their potential to its fullest; thus there is a greater possibility of becoming successful, healthy achievers.

Bonding, which is the physical/emotional phenomenon between individuals and the others in their environment is necessary for the development of healthy self-esteem.

What is bonding?

Bonding is...

Forming a mutual emotional attachment between an individual and a "significant other" (parent, child, friend, lover).

The significant other giving unconditional love to the individual.

Developing an emotional link between the individual and the significant other.

Developing a sense of security for the individual.

Establishing an emotional intimacy and sense of closeness between the individual and the significant other.

Helping the individual feel a healthy sense of identity.

Transmitting links between the individual and the significant other through which nonverbal communication and understanding takes place.

Providing the individual with a sense of belonging or being connected.

Bringing the individual into the larger network of caring and love present in the extended environment.

Concern and love of the individual by the significant other, exhibited in all aspects of the individual's life.

How is bonding between individuals manifested?

Bonding is reflected by the way a significant other:

Speaks about the individual, reflecting an understanding attitude and interest about the individual.

Holds and touches an individual.

Willingly allows the individual to enter a strange environment.

Encourages the individual to be socially secure.

Encourages the individual to be self-confident.

Encourages the development of the individual's self concept.

Responds to the individual's problems:

acceptance and coping = positive bonding

detachment, rejection, withdrawal = negative bonding

Deals with the individual's problems:

blaming, ostracizing, condemning = poor bonding

cooperative, helpful, understanding = good bonding

What are some ways to encourage bonding?

Talk face to face with an individual.

Get on the other person's level for eye to eye contact when talking

Use physical touch when interacting

Work at meeting the "match" of the individual by encouraging him to do things for which he is ready and capable.

Speak in a loving, caring manner to the individual

Show respect for the individual

Interact with the individual at his level of understanding and ability

Listen carefully to the individual; offer empathy and understanding when he is troubled.

Be honest with the individual when describing or dealing with problems

Be supportive of the individual as he faces the harsh realities of life and becomes fearful, scared, or concerned about the future

Let the individual grow to be his own person by encouraging the development of independent and autonomous thinking

Assist the individual in becoming a good problem solver by encouraging open exploration and discussion of options and alternatives when facing problems at home, school, work, or in the community.

And more further reading in those link
Self Esteem vs Low Self-esteem...

Depends people who bullying loves pesting low self-esteem! That major problem!

I've seen public school currenty year.. Public school should have enough more supervise during recess outside.. Bullying loves pesting low self-esteem.

Normal self-esteem may luckily not part of bullying and willing part of w/low self-esteem not too always.. Prefer their taste groups..

Bigger problem!
How can be solved this problem... PARENT needs education their children and proprite behave!
GalaxyAngel said:
Bigger problem!
How can be solved this problem... PARENT needs education their children and proprite behave!

Yes, I agree.
I am not sure what you mean:

""Depends people who bullying loves pesting low self-esteem! ""

If you mean the Bully have high self -esteem, you may right, but also be wrong, too.

Actually, the bully might have low self esteem himself and by bullying someone who is even weaker than him, he (the bully) icreases his self- esteem in his own eyes.

Notice how the bullies are usually unpopular and often form dysfunctional families. Often they are bullied at home by their mother/father or soblings, or anyone, and take out the frustration outside of home.. and most often than not when the bully is confronted with someone who is sure of himself, he/she backs out..

Very interesting subject. I like psychology.

I don't believe in self-esteem, because of decievin' oneself.

Let's look at the scriptures what it says about "self-esteem".

Count others better than oneself:
Philippians 2:3
"... [ doin' ] nothin' through faction or through vainglory, but in lowliness of
mind each countin' other better than himself....."

Do not boast of oneself beyond limit:
2 Corinthians 10:12
"For we are not bold to number or compare ourselves with certain of them
that commend themselves: but they themselves, measurin' themselves by
themselves, and comparin' themselves with themselves, are without

Romans 12:3
"For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man that is among
you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think as
to think soberly, accordin' as God hath dealt to each man a measure of faith."

Galatians 6:3
"For if a man thinketh himself to be somethin' when he is nothin', he decieveth

Better to be humble than proud:
Proverbs 16:19
"Better it is to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, Than to divide the spoil with the proud."

So, therefore all the children need to LEARN how to control their behavior ( self-control ) by obeyin' their parents, no matter what it costs. Listen to their parents are more wiser than fools who aren't. Boast/pride is very dangerous, because it could run ( recycle ) to children's generation. Boast/pride is very short lived... will not last and, this will bring more frustration. Boast/pride is an attention seekin' and, that is no good. It could lead to fights, break the laws, get involved in crimes, stealin' friends and bein' dishonesty about oneself.

I don't agree with the most of what you stated about self-esteem/low self-esteem, because it brings many excuses.

If, the children have their health problem - that is ANOTHER story. They need
their "medical attention" for their health. Behavior and health is separated issue.
Audiofuzzy said:
I am not sure what you mean:

""Depends people who bullying loves pesting low self-esteem! ""

If you mean the Bully have high self -esteem, you may right, but also be wrong, too.

Actually, the bully might have low self esteem himself and by bullying someone who is even weaker than him, he (the bully) icreases his self- esteem in his own eyes.

Notice how the bullies are usually unpopular and often form dysfunctional families. Often they are bullied at home by their mother/father or soblings, or anyone, and take out the frustration outside of home.. and most often than not when the bully is confronted with someone who is sure of himself, he/she backs out..

Very interesting subject. I like psychology.


Very true.
:confused: CyberRed. I´m disagree everything what you say here.

What is the bible do with that kind of esteem?

Of course everyone including you and me have form of esteem. If you don´t beleive in self-esteem or low self-esteem, then what? What kind of esteem you beleive in?

I beleive in healthy self-esteem - explains in link what it means.

All what you described about HIGH self-esteem, not healthy self-esteem.

So, therefore all the children need to LEARN how to control their behavior ( self-control ) by obeyin' their parents, no matter what it costs.

from whom? of course parents. :)

Without parent´s form of discipline, the children would never learn how to control their behavior. It´s parent´s responsible to teach their children to develop their behavior. I would not get my children to OBEY me but teach them to show their respect on me. Communicate with children is a KEY.

Listen to their parents

Yes and also respect parent´s rule, too.

Boast/pride is very dangerous, because it could run ( recycle ) to children's generation. Boast/pride is very short lived... will not last and, this will bring more frustration. Boast/pride is an attention seekin' and, that is no good. It could lead to fights, break the laws, get involved in crimes, stealin' friends and bein' dishonesty about oneself.

It´s high and low esteem, not healthy self esteem. :cool:

I don't agree with the most of what you stated about self-esteem/low self-esteem, because it brings many excuses.

:eek: Everyone knows about form of esteem but you? :eek: I thought you know about this. I think you receive wrong information as what I read your post is HIGH self-esteem, not healthy self-esteem

If, the children have their health problem - that is ANOTHER story. They need their "medical attention" for their health. Behavior and health is separated issue.


Due form of abuses or neglect affect children´s mental health and form of behavior.

If the children have healthy problem due birth is a different story (form of malformation) that´s they need special help which different as mental health.

There´re no comparison between mental health and malformation health.
Liebling:-))) said:
What is the bible do with that kind of esteem?

The Bible doesn't use the phrase "self-esteem" but uses terms like "pride", "vainglory", "vanity", "haughty", etc.

Self-esteem is a modern concept. For thousands of years, no one worried about "self-esteem."

In the past, people honored humility, not pride. The biblical concept is it is better to focus on the needs of other people more than self.

We used to say that people with too much self-esteem/pride/concern were "egotistical" or "stuck on themselves". In sign language, both hands alternating, "ME-ME, I-I" or both hands "LOOK-AT-ME", with appropriate facial expression.

Sigh, now it is "every man for himself." "What's in it for ME?!" "What can YOU do for ME?" "I deserve it!" "You hurt my feelings." "It's all about ME!"

I would not get my children to OBEY me but teach them to show their respect on me.
Thru obedience they show respect, right? If they disobey that is also disrespect for you, right?
I have good self esteem and confident.
If I feel bad about being overweight, I'll lose the weight.
If I feel bad about the way I look, I'll improve my looks by putting on
little makeup on or change hairstyle.
If I feel bad about the way I dressed, I'll buy myself new clothes.
If I feel bad about my life or lifestyle, I'll change it.

This thread is not talk about bible self esteem or low esteem...

*rolls* Give everyone break!

Why don't you get your own thread about bible letcure.. okay..

How's deal ?
GalaxyAngel said:
...This thread is not talk about bible self esteem or low esteem...
It's not? The title is "Self-esteem vs low self-esteem". :confused:
I agree with Liebling and GalaxyAngel about this thread shouldn't be about bible. There a forum here in alldeaf a Christianity forum to use for bible version. It's like this we don't like it when Ravensteve used polities in all threads. It's better to use your own voice instead of quoting bibles and polities in threads. It's so annoying. no offense. ;)

Anyway back on topic: About self-esteem, Everyone has their up and down in life depends on how you look at it, how your friends treat you, how your family treat you, how you impact on your life as growing up to being an adult. People have low self-esteem when things appear to happen in their lives, like being in an abusive home, rape etc. Sometimes people cannot get through life from the past experiences, Which we should. Now when people have self-esteem I believe that they have so much stress, loneliness and thinks the world is out to get them. It doesn't matter how bad life is, sometimes people have to learn to let go the past sense and live in the present to the future and that can develop good self-esteem. Forget all the negatives and go for the positives that's what I believe. ;)
1. Consider themselves lost, unworthy of being cared for.

I can take care of myself.

2. Are poor risk takers.

I am a risk taker, because I went to college.

3. Operate out of a fear of rejection.

I don't have that, because I stood up to people.

4. Are typically unassertive in their behavior with others.

I'm not shy, I'm wild. :mrgreen:

5. Are fearful of conflict with others.

I am not fearful, I am brave.

6. Are hungry for the approval of others.

George Bush and Arnold Schwarzennegger don't care about approval, that is why they are leaders. They don't waste time getting sympathy or get people to approve their lifestyles

7. Are poor problem solvers.

I am a good problem solver.

8. Are fraught with irrational beliefs and have a tendency to think irrationally.

I know a lot of people think irrationally

9. Are susceptible to all kinds of fears.

I only fear of God.

10. Have a tendency to become emotionally stuck and immobilized.

I have mood swing... haha.

11. Have a poor "track record" in school or on the job; conversely, they sometimes over compensate and become over-achievers.

I do very well in school and get good compliment from boss.

12. Are unable to affirm or to reinforce themselves positively.

I am able.

13. Are unable to make an honest assessment of their strengths, qualities, and good points; they find it difficult to accept compliments or recognition from others.

I love compliments from men. haha. :ily:

14. Have poorly defined self-identities with a tendency to be chameleons in order to fit in with others.

I don't feel it is important to fit in. If people feel I don't fit in, then I think they are a bunch of losers anyway.

15. Are insecure, anxious, and nervous when they are with others.

I ain't insecure, I blend right in with people.

16. Often become overcome with anger about their status in life and are likely to have chronic hostility or chronic depression.

I heard about a guy shooting people at the mall in Washington State, because his ex girlfriend broke up with him.
He threw away his entire future and is now in jail. He'll regret it,
he'll wish he had gone seek counseling. I don't know if he will ever get
a 2nd chance from society again. Because this society believe people
don't deserve 2nd chance.

17. Are easily overcome with despair and depression when they experience a setback or loss in their lives.


18. Have a tendency to overreact and become de-energized by resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge against those whom they believe have not fully accepted them.

I know some people act like that, but why?

19. Fulfill roles in their families of origin that are counter-productive and maladaptive. These roles carry over into their adult lives.


20. Are vulnerable to mental health problems and have a propensity to use addictive behavior to medicate their hurt and pain. Such addictive behavior can include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping, smoking, workaholism, or the search for excitement, truth, wisdom, and a guru with an easy guide to the achievement of happiness.

I don't do any of those.
Cheri said:
... It's better to use your own voice instead of quoting bibles and polities in threads. It's so annoying. no offense. ;)
I notice that Liebling doesn't use her own voice. She started this thread with a loooonnnngg quotation from another source. What's the difference? If Liebling can quote from a published source to make her point, why can't someone else quote from a published source (the Bible) to make another point?
Cheri said:
I agree with Liebling and GalaxyAngel about this thread shouldn't be about bible. There a forum here in alldeaf a Christianity forum to use for bible version. It's like this we don't like it when Ravensteve used polities in all threads. It's better to use your own voice instead of quoting bibles and polities in threads. It's so annoying. no offense. ;)

Well, the scriptures I just provided in this thread are the BEST advice than mine for God is more wiser correct the wrong than any man's. :)
Reba said:
I notice that Liebling doesn't use her own voice. She started this thread with a loooonnnngg quotation from another source. What's the difference? If Liebling can quote from a published source to make her point, why can't someone else quote from a published source (the Bible) to make another point?

And Liebling created this thread she can do whatever she wishes, But, There is a forum for Christianity and there no reason to make this thread out of bible study. Just my opinion. Shall we get back on topic please? ;)

Sorry; Liebling. *hiding*
Well, I can voice my opinion without the scriptures and yet I still talk about what I believe is right. It doesn't make any difference.

I can discuss deep and make a point from what I know through my heart that I've learned -- that scriptures God corrected from the wrong to right. It doesn't make any difference, either.

No body can tell the difference if, I share my opinion what I believe that has been taught from the scriptures spiritually without providin' the verses here. No one will say anythin' about it, just because they don't know that it was from the scripture that I share. But, if I post some scriptures here - then, someone will say "Hey, let's go back to the topic please ?" - Does that sound more hypocrisy ? Where's honest ? I would ask to take that mask off and let's face it straight with the truth... clear as crystal. Eye to eye contact through the word. I still can voice it with or without the scriptures.
Oh and Liebling there are books you can look for in low self-esteem which called Warning signs by John Kelly and Breaking the chain of low self-esteem by Marilyn Sorensen. I don't own them but just giving you some ideas heh! I read some books at the mall and came across some good books, It made me understand my sister when she was going through bad marriage with her ex husband. She had really low-self esteem because of being violence abuse by her ex husband I learned her fears and help her get out of a bad marriage. After the divorce her self-esteem improved and helps her not to be afraid anymore. Some people can really overcome their fears and their low self-esteem I believe anyone can do it if they try to let the past sense go focus on their strengths. :thumb:
CyberRed said:
Well, the scriptures I just provided in this thread are the BEST advice than mine for God is more wiser correct the wrong than any man's. :)

Amen!! I totally agree with you. It is so very true!!!!!!

In fact, many people don't like to hear the words of God and many people are afraid of God. So, that's why people insulted you or others for your words that you got from the Bible. Bible is the answer!:)

Stay where you are when you want to post with the scriptures in any threads. It's because people NEED to learn and hear. I really NEED to learn and hear.

I'm so glad that you provide the scriptures in many threads! Thank you so much!!:)
