Seems like every deaf person I meet is a pothead

Computer nerds dont smoke pot lol.

Alex, you should try create poll to see how many alldeaf memebers do pot or not. I bet high percentage of alldeaf members aren't pothead.
I don't smoke pot. :)

I have noticed even with the ratio of deafs and hearing.

Who knows, but it does seem like a lot of people smokes that crap.
I am a so-so pothead.

Afterall I do have a prescripton for medical marijuana. And I don't share it. If we ever meet--I wouldn't offer any to you because I prefer to do it in the privacy of my own home.
I don't smoke pot, crack, meth or any of that stuff. I drink rarely even drink and I don't smoke cigarettes at all :shock: Yep I think you've been hanging out with the wrong peeps, A. :lol:
:lol: tousi - quoting others can mean two things! I was quoting yours, to say the same thing in response to OP! he haven't met me yet either...
Maybe you need to find a better crowd? Even I can't stand the stench of pot/cigarette.
Maybe you need to find a better crowd? Even I can't stand the stench of pot/cigarette.


Me neither. One of my neighbors who lived next to me in my very first apartment was a pothead. In fact, the smell was so intense that it gave me a "contact high" and made me sick to my stomach. :barf: I had to keep the windows open even in subzero weather during the middle of winter. :roll:

Me neither. One of my neighbors who lived next to me in my very first apartment was a pothead. In fact, the smell was so intense that it gave me a "contact high" and made me sick to my stomach. :barf: I had to keep the windows open even in subzero weather during the middle of winter. :roll:

Ewww! I know that feeling because we are experiencing that problem here. The two tenants (both below me) moved after we both reported them to the landlords. This is why I use candles all the time. Right now a new neighbour (below me) just seems to toke up each time we eat. :shock:

What's the excitement in drugs? Ick.
No, but every time I meet deaf people, they're like "Hey let's smoke some pot", and I'm like "Uh..."

Maybe it's cuz the deaf community is so small so it seems like everyone smokes. :dunno:

You'll find it in all circles, Alex. I'd say find better friends, but hell, dude, it's everywhere. I think you (or someone) had a good point about a small community, though. I live in a small community as well and it seems we're saturated with drugs down here. I think the smaller the community is the more stupid behavior and such is going to stand out.

FYI for those who don't know: I'm a hearie living in a small community in S. FL.
You'll find it in all circles, Alex. I'd say find better friends, but hell, dude, it's everywhere. I think you (or someone) had a good point about a small community, though. I live in a small community as well and it seems we're saturated with drugs down here. I think the smaller the community is the more stupid behavior and such is going to stand out.

FYI for those who don't know: I'm a hearie living in a small community in S. FL.

Oh yes, I must agree with you. The smaller the circle, the stupid behaviour the bigger impact it makes.
I used to smoke it recreationally, but after I found out I was pregnant, I stopped and realized that I made some ill-choices and thus I quit entirely simply because I no longer had the will or desire to smoke weed anymore.

I smoke only cigarettes, and I occassionally drink. But thats the extent of my wild ways, lol. I have calmed down considerably since my senior year of high school. Sure I was on honor roll, but I had my partying time as well. :shock:

Me neither. One of my neighbors who lived next to me in my very first apartment was a pothead. In fact, the smell was so intense that it gave me a "contact high" and made me sick to my stomach. :barf: I had to keep the windows open even in subzero weather during the middle of winter. :roll:
Hmm interesting. A guy I knew used to work at the high-rise condo/apartment building in Atlanta where Janet Jackson (Michael Jackson's sister) lives in said that odor always came out of her apartment door.
Well, let's say that almost everybody are pot-head even Polices also. I bet some of Goverments and Presidents and whoever do smoke pot too.

I used to smoke pot myself but not anymore since I would say my last time was when I was 21 years old.
I'm not a pot head, either. I used to meet a lot of hearing people that was introduced by my friend, many of them are pot heads. I think it depends who you social with. Maybe you should try finding a different group?
Hmm interesting. A guy I knew used to work at the high-rise condo/apartment building in Atlanta where Janet Jackson (Michael Jackson's sister) lives in said that odor always came out of her apartment door.

Really?! Wow!! :hmm: