Seems like every deaf person I meet is a pothead


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Just saying...
I am deaf and not a pothead. :wave:
That sounds pretty much like a blanket statement. I know many deaf and hearing people and it is about equal. Do you hang around mainly with deaf people? That could be the reason.
No, but every time I meet deaf people, they're like "Hey let's smoke some pot", and I'm like "Uh..."

Maybe it's cuz the deaf community is so small so it seems like everyone smokes. :dunno:
That sounds pretty much like a blanket statement. I know many deaf and hearing people and it is about equal. Do you hang around mainly with deaf people? That could be the reason.

Yea I agree...the percentage of potheads in both communities are probably equally distributed according to population size.
Deaf not a pothead. Also know other deaf non-potheads.

Maybe it is your generation.:)
No, but every time I meet deaf people, they're like "Hey let's smoke some pot", and I'm like "Uh..."

Maybe it's cuz the deaf community is so small so it seems like everyone smokes. :dunno:

I hear ya - sometimes I feel like I have to smoke pot in order to fit in - it is either potheads or religious zealots here in this town. I dont do neither so maybe thats why I am an outsider :hmm: LOL but pot isnt for me, just that I dont dig it.

But yes I do know many hearing people who do smoke pot but they seem to be more discreet and cool about it than deaf potheads who make it a flash announcement.
Hey, aren't you from NY? (I forget) If so, we should hang out sometime.
I believe its equal deaf and hearing... Now I am avoiding the pothead people because I see it can cause to hurt friendship too :ugh:
Maybe you re hanging out with wrong crowds? lol

Try go to deaf professional happy hour in your area or nearby states and you ll see not every deaf are pot head

But I gotta agree with you that nearly all deaf are EX-POTHEAD. :D
LOL. I have noticed this too. My deaf friend probably is a pothead as I don't know how often she tokes up some. :lol: Anyway, she hangs out with plenty of them. It seems that the deaf community have good networks of getting all the drugs they want. :shrug:
Thanks goodness I aint pothead. I know some deaf who are pot heads and I stay away from them. I have found deaf ppl who are not potheads. I am glad to have a friend who are not pothead.