School Expels Girl for Having Gay Parents

fiight fire...

well i guess she could always sue the school to get in due to the fact they do not PRACTICE what they preach..if they say you can not join becouse you are from mars...but they are from mars too... you can sue! even if it is a private school.

in this case...being immoral.... sue the people who did not accept them....they juged her family. " judge not..." , they said she was not wanted there," love your neighbors"

ect ,ect. basicaly put them to court where they must prove that the SCHOOL DIRECTERS are moral...
i bet when they get on the stand you will find out the husband has 15 porn accounts on the web. and/ or are swingers....

i found out the hollier than thou woman i my area had a moving sex toy van ... she set up parties to sell sex toys!
10 to one the school has people there in charege who are much worse.

they should sue and prove the people are no better than they are......and most likly just the threat of a law suit would scare them...this is a private school ..ergo, no unlimited funds for a lawyers..and they would not want it to be in the papers.

i my self would would find out every little sin the fuckers did .. then sue them and humilate them in court so every body would snicker at them for years to come......... i hate hippocrites....
Our Christian school doesn't have that kind of requirement. Many of the parents of our students are unsaved (non-Christians). Our church's philosophy is that the children should be exposed to Jesus' love, and thru them, their parents can also be reached.

However, the parents do sign a contract that they will support the teachings of the school, and the conduct code for the students.

Attending a Christian school is totally voluntary, so if parents don't agree with the school's teachings or conduct code, then they are free to send their children elsewhere.

Our school never has and never will accept government vouchers (which aren't even offered in our state) or government funding of any kind.

Most Christian schools depend on organizations like Christian Law Association to defend them in lawsuits. The lawyers from CLA work totally pro bono (for free). They charge no fees. They are supported by contributions.
my nephew is in Catholic Private School, he is making good grades.
They taught him how to pray and say the pledge.
And the Catholic Private School don't have conduct grades in
report card, because if kids strike 3 times, they will be put out.

So private school can do whatever they want to.
It is a perfect haven for christian kids, I guess,
no immortal allowed.

Even my cousins are in private schools.

And it would be neat if States separate from Religion,
that way the law (government) can't interfere with Private School.

And plus taxpayers can't boycott private school either.
mld4ds said:
Yeah, I am not surprised if any judges are the members in various of religion. Therefore, they would simply dismiss the lawsuits...
IF there was a lawsuit, and IF the judge dismisses the case, it would not be because the judge was a member of a certain religion. It would be because they have no case.

If they may not like the liberal judge, private schools would look for the best well-known attonery(s). They can easily afford when they contact their children's wealth folks to donate large sums of money for the "No Gay/Lesbo at Private School" Fund.
Most Christian schools operate on a very tight budget. Most of the parents are not wealthy. Many of the students have their tuition paid for by generous donors because the parents can't afford tuition. We paid tuition for many years (until our daughter graduated), and helped pay tuition for our two grandsons. We are definitely not wealthy (in a financial way). Most of the parents I know make many financial sacrifices for their children's tuition. They take second jobs, drive old cars, don't eat out at restaurants, don't travel, live in small houses, etc., to pay tuition.

BTW, we also pay taxes to support the public schools.

If the liberal judge awards to the lesbo parent, the private school would simply refuses to accept their daughter for enrollment. Moreover, they would file at the next step of higher court....
That is their right.

U.S. Surpeme Court judges will probably laugh at gay/lesbo parents.
That is nonsense.
Cheri said:
... I wonder how the teenager feels that her rights taken away as an American citizen.
I agree that it is sad that the poor girl is stuck in this situation.

However, she didn't have "her rights taken away as an American citizen." No one has a "right" to attend a private school.
Well, gay/lesbo parents can file the lawsuit against private schools. However, the court would probably dismiss the lawsuits only if the private schools reimburse them full tutition fees and/or boarding costs....
Most private schools have guidelines and policies which parents and students must abide by in order for a student to attend the institution. In fact, most are required to sign a legally binding contract to that effect. If the parents or student opt to disregard the contract they agreed to when enrolling their child in school, then they have no right to any reimbursement, as they are the ones who broke the contract, not the school.

What is so different between private school and public school?
The difference is that in public schools, education is provided at the tax-payers expense. Every child in America is guaranteed a free and appropriate public education. However, a private school is funded by the individual parents and therefore is under no obligation to the public at large.

I think Lesbo parent can file the lawsuit against private school for accepting the school voucher.
Not if the parents knew the rules prior to enrolling their child in the school. They made their choice and they must abide by the rules set. Also, not all private schools accept school vouchers.

I don't like the fact that people put children in the middle. So if the parents are lesbian what does that have to do with children cannot be in school and learn? Why cannot they keep personal life and in school learning separate?
Because it is the school prerogative to set the standards that must be met in their institution. They may feel that the lesbian parent’s mere presence sends a message to the students that their life style is condoned by the church….which it is not.

It's a shame that there judgment everywhere. I wonder how the teenager feels that her rights taken away as an American citizen.
Her rights were not taken away. She has the RIGHT to attend a public school. She has the RIGHT to abide by the rules set forth in the public school or else go somewhere else. She and her lesbian parents do not have the right to make up their own rules as they go along.

Just to make myself very clear here: I do not necessarily agree with the actions of the private school, but it is within their rights to do what they did.

well i guess she could always sue the school to get in due to the fact they do not PRACTICE what they preach..if they say you can not join becouse you are from mars...but they are from mars too... you can sue! even if it is a private school.
How do you figure? Do you know for a fact that the administrators of this private school are all gay? If not, then they are not discriminating against their own policy.

in this case...being immoral.... sue the people who did not accept them....they juged her family. " judge not..." , they said she was not wanted there," love your neighbors"
Judging and simply not condoning are two different things.

I’m sure most of you know that I generally start reading a topic and type my responses in a word document as I read. I just realized that Reba has basically already covered all the areas I just mentioned. She keeps beating me to the punchline! :P
Eve said:
... I just realized that Reba has basically already covered all the areas I just mentioned. She keeps beating me to the punchline! :P
Ha, ha, I gotcha this time! Usually YOU beat ME. :P
My cousin, a New Orleans evalcuee, is now living in Florida
and the private school there accepted her and her tuition paid for by generous donors because her single parent (mom) can't afford tuition....

And also the private school offered her mother a job as substitute

Nice huh?
Banjo said:
To be frank, I don't think it's quite right of the school to expel the student just because of her parent's sexual orientation. She's 14, and may be capable of making choices. She's not responsible for her mother's problems, period.

Don't put such a burden onto a child.

For sure, this school isn't spreading the love of God. They don't want to save this girl's soul at all as they were supposed to just because her parents happen to be gay.

Shame on the school for taking such an action on a young one when she hasn't done anything wrong. In fact, this school is encouraging the girl to hate her parents for it, even though they may not be aware of it. But that's what going to happen.

Yes, I agree with you 110%.

Yes it force a girl to hate her parents for that. *shake the head*.

It´s sad that the parents have no freedom to choose whatever they like for their children´s education thru their private background. What a STUPID rules.

I know my post is bit off topic but it relate on sort of "parent´s background".
Well some of posts here got me wondering about the President Election.

As long as I know that US and British law to allow the people judge President´s background to be clean before they can elect them. Would they also being reject because of their parents´s gay lifestyle? Right? If yes, I think it´s pain wrong because gay lifestyle is not criminal.
I think Lesbo parent can file the lawsuit against private school for accepting the school voucher.

Not if the parents knew the rules prior to enrolling their child in the school. They made their choice and they must abide by the rules set. Also, not all private schools accept school vouchers.

You may be right about the school voucher. Once private school take public fund, they must obey the federal/state education law. Therefore, they already broke.

However, I do not know if lesbo parent actually obtained the school voucher...
As long as I know that US and British law to allow the people judge President´s background to be clean before they can elect them. Would they also being reject because of their parents´s gay lifestyle? Right? If yes, I think it´s pain wrong because gay lifestyle is not criminal.
Actually, vice president Cheney’s daughter is a lesbian, and that was a very hot topic during the most recent election. In America we are free to discuss any issue and base our vote on any topic, regardless of how unreasonable it may be.

You may be right about the school voucher. Once private school take public fund, they must obey the federal/state education law.
If they are receiving public funds, then it isn’t completely a “private” school. I do see your logic here though.
stop acting like victims...

if they don't want you in their private schools, then
forget them, go to public school, simple as that....

There is no white student at an ALL BLACK COLLEGES,
even BET, Soul Train, and stuff like that.

I like going to All Black college, because to stay away
from white racists... all the things I can do at the Black
college without being discriminate.

So if Christians just want private school with all Christians
then let them have that....

Just like Gallaudet, a private college and even in
this ALLDEAF FORUM, yall are hypocrite, because
yall don't want hearing people here and at Gallaudet.
And plus yall don't want hearing President, just deaf President
like I King Jordan.

It is double standard esp if they allow a child to attend private school if his/her parent is a divorced, or had them out of wedlock but child of gay parent is not allow attend?
Well would you want a child who has Atheist parents to go to
Christian private school?

Would you said the same thing, "child of atheist parent is not allow attend"?

Atheists are taking prayers and God out of Pledge,

what would happen if Christian Private School allowed child of Atheist parent
in their school, then you have so many controversty because
Atheist parents don't want this and that...

Why can't we just have some peace, and let everybody just be happy?
jazzy said:
It is double standard esp if they allow a child to attend private school if his/her parent is a divorced, or had them out of wedlock but child of gay parent is not allow attend?
Was that the situation? I didn't see that in the article.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Well would you want a child who has Atheist parents to go to Christian private school?
Yes. Our Christian school has many students whose parents are not Christian believers. As long as they follow the rules of the school they are welcome. We believe that Christian school is an opportunity for unsaved children to learn about Jesus. We do not believe that Christian school is a "private" school for snob students.
Reba said:
I agree that it is sad that the poor girl is stuck in this situation.

However, she didn't have "her rights taken away as an American citizen." No one has a "right" to attend a private school.

Why don't she has the right to attend a private school? There some people out there would wanna go to private school, so they cannot? unless they are approved?
Their policy law perfer firm private or christian school stick w/it which their belifts teaching proprite ways.. doesn't want part of Gay lifestyles w/their children.
Feel not prorpite their own POV.

Pretty hard fight for this situation and want let allow them everyone welcomes but diffculites.

If you want fight means you have to go court next step "upstairs" means top the court as your goal to fight for school polices needs adjust it. Willing do that.. who pay ?
Cheri said:
Why don't she has the right to attend a private school? There some people out there would wanna go to private school, so they cannot? unless they are approved?
There is no Constitutional or legal right for anyone to attend a private school.

Private schools are paid for with private money. Public schools are paid for with tax money.

Private schools are usually established by a group of people with a common goal for educating children. The group that establishes the school also establishes the criteria (rules) for accepting students and student behavior. They also establish the curriculum to be used, and the way to pay for the school. Most private school expenses are paid for by the parents of the students paying tuition and fees, and by donations made by private individuals and groups.

Groups can establish schools for various reasons, such as religious, cultural/language, educational philosophy (such as Montessori), specialized curriculum (music, performing arts, athletics), paramilitary prep, teacher/student ratio, etc.

Therefore, no one has a "right" to attend a private school. Public schools are available for everyone.
Reba said:
There is no Constitutional or legal right for anyone to attend a private school.

Private schools are paid for with private money. Public schools are paid for with tax money.

Private schools are usually established by a group of people with a common goal for educating children. The group that establishes the school also establishes the criteria (rules) for accepting students and student behavior. They also establish the curriculum to be used, and the way to pay for the school. Most private school expenses are paid for by the parents of the students paying tuition and fees, and by donations made by private individuals and groups.

Groups can establish schools for various reasons, such as religious, cultural/language, educational philosophy (such as Montessori), specialized curriculum (music, performing arts, athletics), paramilitary prep, teacher/student ratio, etc.

Therefore, no one has a "right" to attend a private school. Public schools are available for everyone.

That did not answered my question. I am talking about her rights as attending private school if she wants? Is there a requirement before entering?