
If you were king, queen, benevolent dictator whatever kind of leadership you chose to rule the world what would it be like?

I love your question since I been dream for long time since I was kid, my dream is ...

Neo-Deaf, All Government, Lawyer, Armys is Deaf and wipe all hearing out! clean up! all hearing go to death camp! God Bless Deaf! All Deaf allow have a job! weeds is legal! CI Ban! destroy all religious become ONE religious by true religious from the history where religious was first! ONE language! One Government World! Deaf Earth! "The United Federation of Deaf" ...

never happene in real life because I won't do it, only in my dream. :laugh2:
Under my military dictatorism,

All people must volunteer in the military for one year, if they wish to continue, they may do it so. They'll have the right to have the arms.

All men and women must be equal.

Read Bible, be Christian, so, that my country to be a Christian nation.

Must be at least 4 different languages

No high school diploma? Go back to school, moron, drop-out is a death sentence. Kids in the homeschools with their parents are acceptable, however they must be supervison by a education department service twice a month.

All students are require to be in the athlete departments. No lazy people.

Miltary draft are 24/7 open.

The blind and deaf people can go to the universities for free.

All citizens are allowed to carry the pistols, even to the airports, post offices, and government building but to remind them, the securities at some vital buildings are authoried to use the lethal forces on citizens. Be wise.

Trouble to looking for the jobs? Join the military! We'll always to have the opening positions for ya!

The Citizens are require to pay the taxes, of course.

And voting only for senators, governors, representatives and congresses. The Dictator will be stick to the families throne.

i do it for fun....or not? you be judge.
Texan Guy - outstanding! exactly how I like it (except the religion part. I'm free for all)
