Remembering TOF aka Fuzzyberry

GTM , very nice poem well put.
Aww....I will always remember TOF too. She was a hell raiser and a fun gal to chat with about anything. She will be always missed!
GTM love the poem hon but I think you forgot me! LOL kidding. Im sure if TOF was still here , she would love that poem. It definitely sums up the feelings of old times and old friends.
wow it been 2nd years which she is been still passed away from 2 yrs ago . I always remember TOF. She make us laugh as well, chatting with her thur by yahoo, msn, chatroom from DeafChat and DeafGang, and much more. Miss her very much :( .. Sometime I have been think of TOF. If she is still here then it would be nice to have chat much of FUN! :lol: .. Now she is always missed and We miss TOF.
I remember her. Her and other few friends were playin' with me at Yahoo Game - scrabble game. She always beated me. Grr Lol But, we had a good laugh afterwards. :giggle:

Yeah, she was very funny girl that I will never forget. :lol:

Rest in peace, Amanda - you will be sorely missed from all of us. :grouphug:
I remember Amanda aka TOF as my online friend. She was so much fun to chat with. I still think of her from time to time. Her personality was very upbeat, bringing everyone to cheerful moods.
wow it will be nearly 2 years already
she is always in my memory i always think of her not in bad time always good times smile
GTM love the poem hon but I think you forgot me! LOL kidding. Im sure if TOF was still here , she would love that poem. It definitely sums up the feelings of old times and old friends.

Ahh Next time I think of a nice poem I add you in to the list! :) :fingersx:
Yeah, I've been thinking about her from time to time, really missed her smile and her sense of humor.. Rest in peace sweetie
I remember the day she passed on... but... 2 years??? 2 years went by? wow! I so remember that year was such a bad year for me. My mother passed away, my great-grandmother passed, my uncle was in ICU for 3 months (motorcycle accident), 2 of my close friends passed away just 2 days apart. Then I remember TOF passed the same year. I don't know TOF but I've heard such great things about her and I know she's missed by so many of you!

Its hard to believe that 2 years have gone by. Do you all realized that time is precious and short? Its time that we all just say good things about one another even though they're your enemies. Its just a thought that counts when it comes to something like this... when a person dies.. it hurts and knowing that this person has no clue that he/she has been loved by everyone regardless.

Its time to get out and tell everyone you love them.

I know I'd like to know I'm loved or been liked. I'm sure everyone does too.

for TOF, I hope you're up there, just like everyone says, doing jokes and making people laugh and watch over those you are closest to!
Ahh I never thought I would see this topic again after a year when it orginally was posted... I still cant believe we lost a good friend who was soooooo funny and yakking it up and more... I still miss ya, TOF and I do hope ya are up there making some other angels laff so damn hard their pants gonna fall off faster than ya can say 2 skunks in serious heat.... hehe... I will never forget how TOF spoke to me in a dirty way... wow I was thinking WTF that gal doing to get a rise out of me?? Dang... she sure was funny as heck.....
Ahh I never thought I would see this topic again after a year when it orginally was posted... I still cant believe we lost a good friend who was soooooo funny and yakking it up and more... I still miss ya, TOF and I do hope ya are up there making some other angels laff so damn hard their pants gonna fall off faster than ya can say 2 skunks in serious heat.... hehe... I will never forget how TOF spoke to me in a dirty way... wow I was thinking WTF that gal doing to get a rise out of me?? Dang... she sure was funny as heck.....
LOL cute...
HAHAH rebelgirl... TOF sure did that... whew I still think about that dirty talk every time I see her sn on my AIM list.. lol damn.....
HAHAH rebelgirl... TOF sure did that... whew I still think about that dirty talk every time I see her sn on my AIM list.. lol damn.....

In Spanish, "Cochino" :giggle:
I am sure she would agree hehe
Missed her post yummy recipes here. :(

Oh yeahh wow it been long time ago that she did put posted of her recipes now miss it when she put more but it stopped from her :(

HAHAH rebelgirl... TOF sure did that... whew I still think about that dirty talk every time I see her sn on my AIM list.. lol damn.....

Yeah I have her on my aim list and still aint remove her SN on my aim list for 2 yrs :) even in my msn and yahoo too :)
i didnt know about fuzzyberry? but i dont wanted anyone feels about that fuzzyberry how died? but i will respect that.

my Grandmother who dies last July dues Strokes but im still misses her very much every day and i cant think of her very much but my dad says dont worry about my grandmother but she still in heaven and my dad says my grandmother dont pain when she in heaven i says oh really!