Religion forum

Deaf258 said:
Not interested, because.. Not to be offensive to anyone in particular and being simply blunt, most Deaf people don't know how to keep a good discussion going without flaming and insulting each other. While I have my own religion, I have noticed there are a few hard-core pro-<insert any religion here>, anti-Christians and Athiests who go to the extremes when it comes to discussing religion.

So, bottom line, it is not a good idea to have one on AllDeaf.

True, we tend to blow up with each other on any forums but then again how will we ever learn about God and other religions.
None of deaf forums have them but hearing forums do have them. Why we deafies can't have this religion forums and hearies do? As for atheists and anti-christians, they can have their own threads ( I called them, skeptics).
Whatever you guys say.. I am not up for debate, just be yourself and respect other people's religious beliefs, then you're alright.
jazzy said:
True, we tend to blow up with each other on any forums but then again how will we ever learn about God and other religions.
None of deaf forums have them but hearing forums do have them. Why we deafies can't have this religion forums and hearies do? As for atheists and anti-christians, they can have their own threads ( I called them, skeptics).
I saw that, too. I agree.
Deaf258 said:
Whatever you guys say.. I am not up for debate, just be yourself and respect other people's religious beliefs, then you're alright.

:gpost: ..Respect is the key! ;)
Tousi said:
I wonder if it would help cut down on the flame wars if the forums are titled like this: Religion-Christianity, Religion-Muslim, Religion-Judaism, Religion-(insert religion)?????

Would it help if "they" learn to read before they post?
Askjo said:
No, I am not, but I am unpleasant to see your obscene picture. You misunderstand what I talk about.

Or, rather.. YOU misunderstand my point!
OMG!!!!LOLOL!!! THIS IS T3H r0x0rz!!!!! LOLOL!!!

It's time for a lesson from..... (drumroll)


Captain Obvious says:

If you don't like what people say in religion forums....


Thank you.

/supports a religion forum... won't read it. got my own religion and don't need no more
RedTwister said:
It's time for a lesson from..... (drumroll)


Captain Obvious says:

If you don't like what people say in religion forums....


Thank you.

/supports a religion forum... won't read it. got my own religion and don't need no more

That's right.. If there is a Religion Forum made, I won't browse that part of AD.
If they make a religion forum, I wanna propose that we create a new "OMG!!!" forum.

OMG!!! is a place where we can bitch about stupid people.

Plenty of stupid people on these forums... I think OMG!!! would be a popular place!!!
LOL!! That's so true.. It's been like that for the past 3 months in almost the WHOLE forum.. Now, it's getting better and more toned down.. ;)
Deaf258 said:
LOL!! That's so true.. It's been like that for the past 3 months in almost the WHOLE forum.. Now, it's getting better and more toned down.. ;)

Well, Deaf258, it is getting toned down now because we are not superhumans. We need the rest to build up the strength and energy for the next battle. LOL!
Tousi said:
Well, Deaf258, it is getting toned down now because we are not superhumans. We need the rest to build up the strength and energy for the next battle. LOL!

*knock on wood*

ShShShShhh! Don't jinx it!!!
RedTwister said:
If they make a religion forum, I wanna propose that we create a new "OMG!!!" forum.

OMG!!! is a place where we can bitch about stupid people.

Plenty of stupid people on these forums... I think OMG!!! would be a popular place!!!

Is this a joke?.... :ugh: ...
Askjo said:
Not only religion forum - I see flame wars in ANY forums. Why blame on religion forum only?

I really believe that faith, spirituality, religion or whatever you want to call it, is personal. I'm a Christian, but I don't believe, nor have I ever believed in prostelyzing. I don't believe people have a right to push their beliefs on each other. Furthermore, that's what most Christians try to do.

As for a forum, I go back and forth about it. One min, I think it's a good idea, but the next min, I think it's a bad, bad idea. The problem is that most Christians feel that their belief is right, and ONLY their belief is right. There's absolutely no room for diversity, or tolerance. One of my fears about a forum is that we'll have topics exclusive to Christianity, and to the exclusion of all others. This isn't good.

Then again...As someone else brought up, it might be good if we had a forum, so that all posts related to religion can be grouped in one place.

So, I guess... :dunno: But, we've already had a poll, and we've already voted for a forum, so one will be created. We'll see what happens after that.
Oceanbreeze said:
I really believe that faith, spirituality, religion or whatever you want to call it, is personal. I'm a Christian, but I don't believe, nor have I ever believed in prostelyzing.
I'm a Christian and I praise God that someone cared enough to tell me about Jesus. Until another Christian was bold enough to share the Gospel with me, I was a lost soul on the way to hell. That person was willing to risk rebuke, insult, and mockery just to show me, a stranger, the love of Jesus.

I think it is selfish for Christians to withhold the Good News from lost people.

People are free to reject or accept that Good News.

Sorry if this is somewhat off post.
It is not off topic, Reba. I thank God you are here just by accepting you and feeling good about it. If there are others I do not feel so good about, then I guess I thank God anyway. Who is going to tell me I do not otherwise?
I utterly prostrate my being before a MASTER like Jesus, He is utterly awesome.
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Beowulf said:
...No one can possibly tell me that it is a country of ******* sinners, and if you insist that they are, then I am one of them.
That's OK, I am a sinner also. God's love and grace is available to one and all, hallelujah!

Stay safe and enjoy your trip. :)