Question about CI

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Perhaps... But in here I think more people like the "attached to the brain" because it scares people... The more horrifying a CI sounds, the better...

The brain is in NO way exposed when the CI is implanted inside the cochlea. It gives signals to the hearing-nerve, and is then going to the brain..

:ty: for proving us right however - I have no idea how or where you get the part about brain being exposed :dunno:
:ty: for proving us right however - I have no idea how or where you get the part about brain being exposed :dunno:

I thought you were joking initially, then just trolling, but now wondering if you really are being adamant about insisting that a CI is attached to the brain? If you are suggesting that the surgery involves attaching implant to the brain matter, wouldn't you need to 'expose' the contact point you are referring to, to attach it? Would you expect it to be stitched in place? Or as PFH said, to "stick it to the end"?

But really, you know this isn't the case, right? A cochlear implant isn't attached to the brain. The receiver is just under the skin next to the skull, and the electrode array is threaded deep into the cochlea. Transmissions, signals, are made via electrical impulses that travel, jump the distance, from electrode to nearby nerve fibres.
How ironic. You can't get onto a CI forum for your hubby. :( And you've got a valid reason. Yet anyone can come here.

I know. the adm only replied and did not say anything if i can enter but asked me questions after that the adm never bother reply after i sent her about 3 times.
GrendelQ: The facts of Cochlear Implant does't matter. Irrelevant-in the intermural discussion. Of course, the minor matter of- why not?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
Here's the picture of the CI.
Please show me how the CI is connected - ATTACHED- to the brain?
Where do you see BRAIN here????


No need for CAPS here. I asked a simple question, if it is not connected to the brain, how are you able to hear?

the nerve is connected to the brain. The ci stimulates the nerve from inside the cochlea.
I thought you were joking initially, then just trolling, but now wondering if you really are being adamant about insisting that a CI is attached to the brain? If you are suggesting that the surgery involves attaching implant to the brain matter, wouldn't you need to 'expose' the contact point you are referring to, to attach it? Would you expect it to be stitched in place? Or as PFH said, to "stick it to the end"?

But really, you know this isn't the case, right? A cochlear implant isn't attached to the brain. The receiver is just under the skin next to the skull, and the electrode array is threaded deep into the cochlea. Transmissions, signals, are made via electrical impulses that travel, jump the distance, from electrode to nearby nerve fibres.

whoa whoa - you just jumped wayyyyyy ahead of me and it's not in my direction. It's just much simpler if my simple question is answered and then I will lead to next step.
Wirelessly posted

Frisky Feline said:
How ironic. You can't get onto a CI forum for your hubby. :( And you've got a valid reason. Yet anyone can come here.

I know. the adm only replied and did not say anything if i can enter but asked me questions after that the adm never bother reply after i sent her about 3 times.

ci circle is for pediatric cochlear implants. It is not the group you want. You'll need to join another, adult, discussion group.
so it's connected to the brain, right?

The nerve is connected to the brain. The CI is not connected directly to either the brain or the nerve; electrical signals from the CI are transmitted to the brain.
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
Wirelessly posted

the nerve is, but no, the implant is not connected to the nerve or to the brain.

If it is not connected.... how can one hear?

from inside the cochlea the implant sends electrical impulses to stimulate the auditory nerve. As the auditory nerve is stimulated the brain learns to interpret that stimulation as sound and hearing.

the electrode is inside the cochlea. The nerve is OUTSIDE the cochlea. The electrode never touches the nerve. The nerve is connected to the brain, not the implant.

there IS an implant that actually DOES connect directly to the brain. It bypasses the cochlea and the nerve itself. That is an auditory brainstem implant.
Wirelessly posted

from inside the cochlea the implant sends electrical impulses to stimulate the auditory nerve. As the auditory nerve is stimulated the brain learns to interpret that stimulation as sound and hearing.

the electrode is inside the cochlea. The nerve is OUTSIDE the cochlea. The electrode never touches the nerve. The nerve is connected to the brain, not the implant.

there IS an implant that actually DOES connect directly to the brain. It bypasses the cochlea and the nerve itself. That is an auditory brainstem implant.
Ya know... Look at a dictionary. Connected can also mean in sequence. Please don't confuse connected and attached here.

So, yes or no?

After this is clear we'll go back to the attached thing.
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
faire_jour said:
from inside the cochlea the implant sends electrical impulses to stimulate the auditory nerve. As the auditory nerve is stimulated the brain learns to interpret that stimulation as sound and hearing.

the electrode is inside the cochlea. The nerve is OUTSIDE the cochlea. The electrode never touches the nerve. The nerve is connected to the brain, not the implant.

there IS an implant that actually DOES connect directly to the brain. It bypasses the cochlea and the nerve itself. That is an auditory brainstem implant.
Ya know... Look at a dictionary. Connected can also mean in sequence. Please don't confuse connected and attached here.

So, yes or no?

After this is clear we'll go back to the attached thing.

let's rug touches the floor and the florr touches the wall and my wall touches the ceiling, so my rug and ceiling must be connected!
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Wirelessly posted

let's rug touches the floor and the florr touches the wall and my wall touches the ceiling, so my rug and ceiling must be connected!

it is, with the 2x4's you have, the 2x6's I have. edit: If it wasn't connected... we wouldnt be able to feel vibrations on the wall or the ceiling if someone walked/stomped/jumped/dropped something on the floor.

We in agreement?
Ya know... Look at a dictionary. Connected can also mean in sequence. Please don't confuse connected and attached here.

So, yes or no?

After this is clear we'll go back to the attached thing.

Your cellphone transmits information via an electrical signal to your brain (either visually or audibly), as does a CI transmit an electrical signal to your brain. Do you consider your cell to be "connected to" your brain? Or if we're really getting broad with the definition, and all that comprises the universe is defined as connected, there doesn't exist an unconnected, so you wouldn't really bring up "connection," just "being," I suppose. Wow. You have to get pretty grand scale to make this argument work. A Universe-scale wiggle :)
Your cellphone transmits information via an electrical signal to your brain (either visually or audibly), as does a CI transmit an electrical signal to your brain. Do you consider your cell to be "connected to" your brain?

but.... CI is a surgical implant... cellphone is not.
but.... CI is a surgical implant... cellphone is not.

Yes - So? Does the dictionary definition you are pointing to for "connection" say it matters if the object is under the skin or over?
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