Psychology of Parents on CI

And how would you suggest that I accomplish that? I'm not certain that I know what you are referring to. Examples, please, of alternatives.

Yer smart, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Toke and chill. Not like you've never done it before.
jillo, as a psycologist you probaly understand very well how a lot of parents seem to deal with their grief about having a mildly special needs kid by going the "healthy normal route"
I'm on a listserv for parents of kids with a type of hoh loss, and we always get lots of parents bemoaning "oh boo hoo child is SPESHAL NEEDS!!!!!!"
And then when I (as a disabilty rights advocate speak out) I just get told "Oh you'll understand when you're a parent. :roll: They don't understand that kids can and do adapt and live happy healthy rich fullfulling lives.
DD, I think that you'll accept and unconditionally love a child if you decide to have a child or adopt a child in the future. I dislike when someone dismisses a person because they aren't a parent (or an older adult). In this case, people using this tactic have no better argument.
It took me MANY years to come to terms with the fact that I'm "different" and to accept that special needs stuff could (and DOES) in fact SIGNIFECNTLY IMPROVE my quality of life.
But then again, you see that a lot with ALL kinds of disabilites. It's not just limited to dhh. Blind/low vision kids are encouraged to use their residual vision and not use Braille and to be mainstreamed and assimlate into the mainstream. Kids who use wheelchairs and walkers are taught to think of themselves as "wheelchair bound" rather then seeing their wheelchairs or walkers or whatever as something freeing.

i could have written that post myself and so hard for deaf plus people to see as ok right now i dont whats going to happen long term and im scared of the supports not being there what ever i might need.
jillo, as a psycologist you probaly understand very well how a lot of parents seem to deal with their grief about having a mildly special needs kid by going the "healthy normal route"
I'm on a listserv for parents of kids with a type of hoh loss, and we always get lots of parents bemoaning "oh boo hoo child is SPESHAL NEEDS!!!!!!"
And then when I (as a disabilty rights advocate speak out) I just get told "Oh you'll understand when you're a parent. :roll: They don't understand that kids can and do adapt and live happy healthy rich fullfulling lives.

Yes, I do. And I see examples of it on a daily basis. It is truly amazing the negative effects it has on the child, the parents, and the family system as a functioning unit.
DD, I think that you'll accept and unconditionally love a child if you decide to have a child or adopt a child in the future. I dislike when someone dismisses a person because they aren't a parent (or an older adult). In this case, people using this tactic have no better argument.

Agreed. No where is it written that one has to experience parenthood to understand love and acceptance.
i could have written that post myself and so hard for deaf plus people to see as ok right now i dont whats going to happen long term and im scared of the supports not being there what ever i might need.

Make sure that you are constantly adding to and revising your support system. I can understand your fear, but using that fear to make sure that you are doing what you need to do to make sure you don't loose your support system makes it a positive thing.